Hello my name is Stephanie, today I am going to tell you my story, I am a very happy woman from Spain, I got to where I am by my effort and some help from my daddy with his millions jiji, I worked in many things and studied very hard, now I am a manager of one of my dad's hotels, I was going to Cancun on a luxury cruise for my vacations, I have always been very lucky in life or so I thought, of girl I had everything literally everything, my parents fulfilled my whims, I had the coolest grandfather, of course until he passed away, grandpa was very protective and liked to spoil me, the slightest thing I wanted they were always there to please me, so I thought I had a unique luck until the misfortune happened, my ship began to sink, it was frightening.

I was eating some fruit in my bedroom watching TV quietly when suddenly the alarms sounded, the whole ship went into chaos, I heard screams of people who began to run everywhere, I quickly ran to the lifeboats, but this time my luck was not with me, the ship had hit a huge block of ice, iceberg I think they call it, that how do I know, they announced it over the speakers, I had just seen a movie with that same theme, irony of life, well, the point is that everything started to shake, everything was shaking and I grabbed my little Pekinese dog that I had and ran away scared and in panic, when I was reaching the middle of the ship, something creepy happened to the ship, it broke in half, the crack was marked in front of my steps, I stopped because of the shaking and below me the ground began to open up, i tried to jump to get to the other side and just barely managed to jump, I'm not very athletic, but at that moment my fear was stronger, I took strength from where I had none and kept running, my poor dog and I were very scared, when the next thing happened, the boat started to tilt and everything was falling to the left, I tried to grab on to something, but the enormous force of the movement pushed me into a room and suddenly everything was going forward and then I couldn't hold on anymore and I fell through one of the windows and shot into the raging sea, when I fell I held my poor dog tightly against me and watched as the other people fell just like me, other people had worse luck than me, I saw them falling into the void, but they hit a part of the ship and died instantly, by this time the boat was in pieces, I saw people desperately clinging to avoid falling, couples saying goodbye, and me going straight into the sea, I closed my eyes and felt the cold water all over my body, I managed to get to the surface, but the tide caused by the sinking moved me from here to there, I managed to grab hold to one large piece of door that was floating and I climbed desperately with my dog, I was shipwrecked in full tragedy for a while watching how all the other people fell into the sea and already by the impression of seeing a huge wave I lost consciousness.

When I woke up my dog was licking my face I was on this door with my dog, but when I raised my head I did not see anything the current had pulled me away from the incident I was alone with my dog I was cold, miraculously I did not die of hypothermia, I only had a pair of pants and a long sleeve polo shirt, I don't know how much the tide dragged me, but it was sunny and since I was wet I took off my clothes to dry for a while, I didn't want to get sick, I didn't realize that getting sick was going to be the least of my problems, I had no way to survive, it was clear that I was going to die of hunger was alone with my dog, 18 hours passed and I have no food and my stomach is hurting a lot, my dog I think she was the same, thank goodness that this door is a little wide and I can stretch myself, there is nobody, have heard that people can live 25 days without eating that was my time limit, but I remembered that not only you have to eat you also have to drink and that was a problem, because without water I would not last even 5 days, I was very worried, I went to sleep nervous that day.

The next morning I started desperately looking for something, maybe part of the wreck that was left lying around, I spent 7 hours looking and nothing, I was getting desperate.

It has been 3 days and I am running out of energy, I am very, very thirsty, I am very, very hungry, my dog is the same, she growls at me and I see her annoyed by everything, she must be worse than me with that hair and out of nowhere the miracle happened like in the afternoon of day 4 already preparing to die, I saw a floating suitcase, with desperation I put my hands in the water to drag the door towards the suitcase, I don't know where the strength came from, maybe the hope of finding something, maybe a shot of adrenaline, but at last I had a chance, I had something, I opened the suitcase desperately and my surprise was great when there was only a kind of wide cup and some empty bottles, who the fuck keeps that in a suitcase? , But I managed to have some luck, I had a sheet to cover me from the sun, I was already burning a lot with the sun, luckily I am dark, this sheet would be useful to cover me at night too, I an just decided to keep the things, as the night was coming, my luck started to improve, it started to rain, if it rained I was very happy, it was beautiful, it was a calm rain, not angry, I grabbed the things I had and I was able to gather water, at last I had water, I was crying with joy even though nothing came out because of the dehydration, God had not abandoned me yet, heaven was on my side, I managed to gather as much as I, after several days I had water, obviously I gave water to my dog, she was excited too, for a moment we were happy, but then again another blow of reality hit me right in the face, we had no food, the water was fine, but it was not much to survive.

It's been 7 days and I'm very hungry, I an tried to fish, I swear, but I didn't know, with only water I didn't have much strength, nothing was going well and I was just letting myself go with, I didn't study navigation, I'm just an administrator, my grandfather always told me that in this life it's good to know a little of everything and now I understand it very well, you never know what can be useful in life.

Day 9 I woke up with a pain in my foot, it turns out that my dog was trying to eat me, I got scared, she was growling at me, she had caused a wound in my toe and it was bleeding a little, she was in the corner of the door looking at me and growling, I was scared looking at her I didn't know what to do when it happened, my little dog pounced on me and I had no choice but to defend myself, I quickly grabbed my dog by the neck and between tears I was choking her until she could no longer move, I killed my dog, I tried not to cry so as not to dehydrate more, since I had little water and it did not look like that it was going to rain again, yes, I know what you are thinking, I thought so too, the body of my dog could not be wasted, first I took care of my wound, as I was in the sea I put my foot in the water, so that the salt water would stop the bleeding and it worked with a little pressure on the wound as well, With the clean water, I cleaned the wound, of course at the cost of being left with little water to drink, I had very little and you know what I did next, I grabbed a piece of glass from the door something big that was already a little out it was shaped like a knife and proceeded to quarter my dog, I grabbed a piece of cloth from the savannah to try to separate the salt from the water to preserve some of the meat and it worked, watching those survival shows I saw on TV worked, thank goodness I kept some of the program hehe, of course there was no fire so I ate it raw while crying for what I had done, once I was full I had strength so I proceeded to move from where I was because I didn't want to attract sharks for all the blood, I moved aimlessly with a little stomach pain, but I wouldn't give up.

It has already been 15 days everything is gone, I have no more meat or water, it had rained, but now it hasn't rained for several days, I don't even know where I am, I am a little depressed thinking that I won't survive, I don't know what to do, my mind plays tricks on me, I hear voices sometimes, it's unbearable.

Day 16 I have nothing, no faith, no hope, nothing, I am very hungry, I just want to die, I couldn't take it anymore, I grabbed the piece of glass with which I cut up my dog and I thought about it a lot, I would suffer for a while maybe and taking courage I did it, I cut my wrists very awkwardly and blood began to flow and as I was in shock I fainted, as soon as I made the cuts I felt like I was floating I saw my life passing by I realized that all my life I was always spoiled I did not share with anyone, I have no husband and nothing because I always took my time for myself, I did not care about anyone else but me, I always thought so, but now knowing that I am dying made me think, what good was all that I kept I have no one, no one will miss me only my parents maybe, when I suddenly opened my eyes I was not dead, my door crashed against a huge boat, I slowly raised my head and realized that I was not bleeding anymore, my hands were in the water, the sea salt had stopped the bleeding, luckily I did not attract the sharks, I stood at the door a little dizzy and without much strength, I saw that next to me there was a ladder to get on this boat, the strange thing was that there was no one welcoming me, a great doubt entered me, but it was my only way out, I weakly grabbed the ladder and started to climb, climbing up the stairs I thought I saw a head peeking over the railing at the bottom of the stairs, I thought it was someone and when I climbed all the way up, I said "thanks for helping me", but there was no one, I was getting scared, I had heard stories of ghost ships sailing the seas without crew, but I prayed that this was not one of those ships, but my mind already knew it was not true I was lying to myself.

I tried just to stay here still in my place, but my stomach was asking for food, with all the fear in the world I walked through the huge corridor of this ship knowing that I had no choice, I started looking for the lower part of the ship, now I want to tell you that this ship was like a cruise ship too, but more worn out and without lights it was night, to my luck I found a flashlight passing through the corridors and it had some batteries in it, I could have light after a long time, moving along the edges of the ship I thought I saw a person standing on the captain's deck, the person seemed to see me, I shouted at him thinking it was someone, maybe this ship is only managed by one person I know it was something illogical, I wanted to think it was so, I only saw that the shadow was retreating and hiding.

Without further ado I went straight to the kitchen letting this strange moment pass, while I was walking I thought I heard voices, but maybe I was already a little affected by all this, I did not pay much attention, then I heard noises and at this point I was completely scared, I arrived with fear to the kitchen and searching I could find canned food, there was a lot I was very lucky I managed to open it with a knife that was lying around, Then I heard another noise and I grabbed the flashlight and pointed to the place of the noise, clearly I saw a person standing at the kitchen door, I was very scared, I quickly lowered the flashlight and instinctively I hid, after a few minutes nothing happened, I got up slowly, but there was no one, surely it was my imagination, After eating I went to the ballroom of this cruise, it was the most spacious place on the ship, I wanted to be in a place like this to not be so much in expectation, I sat in one of the old chairs that were there, waiting for the sunrise I felt a little nervous and it was weird I felt that hours had passed and the sky was still dark, I was already bored and I started to walk around the ship looking for things of value for when I get out of all this, I walked through the rooms and found nothing of value, I only found some clothes, I was lucky to find something that fit me and I changed, I do not know exactly what year this cruise would be, but I had almost modern clothes similar to the ones I had, I also found some shoes my luck was beginning to change.

Already while I was walking, I realized something: I felt watched, and when I turned to see where the looks were coming from, I could see a humanoid figure looking at me. It was very big, and I was scared, very scared. I ran out and decided to go to the control cabin; maybe I could direct this great ship. Before reaching the control cabin, I found the captain's cabin. Curious, I went inside to see. Looking through his things, I found the logbook that all ships have. There, I found out what happened to this ship. There were a thousand people on board. It was transporting gold and jewels and also a chemical weapon. The chemical weapon was a deadly disease that was spilled by accident and was killing everyone. The sick were thrown into the sea to avoid contagion and to cover the evidence, but it was useless. Reading, I found out that this ship was a front to take these deadly things to certain countries, but they failed. In the end, the last infected died; they had controlled the spill, but it was too late. Only the captain was left; all the others died. The diary ends here, so where is the captain's body? I asked myself.

I went to the control room, and as everything was dark and my flashlight was just illuminating, I could see someone sitting in the distance in the command chair, but he was not moving. I approached carefully, turned the chair, and it was a skeleton with clothes. I fell from the shock; it was the body of the captain. I found a weapon on the side of the chair and saw a hole in the skeleton's skull. This indicated that the captain had committed suicide. I became sad because I was on that path; I lost faith completely. I tried to turn on the navigation screens, but I could not do anything. Suddenly, I saw a humanoid shadow outside the cockpit. It looked like a huge dog standing on two legs. I was frozen; that thing was looking at the sky. Suddenly, it turned slowly towards me. I was very surprised by what I saw. That thing had no face. The moonlight gave me some vision, but there was no face on that face. Suddenly, it screamed very loudly, a shocking and out-of-this-world scream, and all over the ship, more screams were heard. The shadow began to run towards me. I did not know what to do, and I heard a voice in my ear that said, "RUN!" That brought me out of the paralysis I had, and I started to run quickly. I had no choice but to look for a lifeboat or go to my door. I ran as fast as I could along the edge of the ship, being chased by countless shadows. I followed the signs to locate the boats to escape, but there were no boats when I got there. So my other plan was to go to my door on the other side of the ship. It was more than obvious that my door would still be there because since I got on this boat, it had not moved. I ran with all my strength and arrived at a place where I had no escape. I thought so, but a figure began to call me and told me to go this way. At first, I did not think to pay attention to him, but seeing the situation, I had no choice. I ran towards the direction where he was, but when I arrived, there was no one. However, there was a narrow passage. I managed to sneak through there and went out just below where my door was. Without further ado, I was climbing over the railing to grab the stairs when one of those things grabbed me and turned me around. I managed to see its face; it was horrible, a monster. It screamed at me, opening its mouth so wide it looked like it had dislocated its jaw. It had sharp teeth. I thought it was going to eat me when something grabbed it from behind and pulled it backward. Unfortunately, I slipped and fell. I grabbed the ladder halfway down and steadied myself to keep going down. While I was going down, I looked up, and a head appeared and then a body. I was quite surprised when I saw it was my grandfather smiling at me and telling me, "Don't lose faith." Suddenly, the ladder disappeared, and I fell against the door that was floating down and hit my head. Everything went black; I had fainted.

When I woke up, I opened my eyes and there was no boat. I thought it was all a dream, maybe a product of losing a lot of blood, until I saw my clothes were changed. I was surprised. It was already daylight; the sun was in the sky, and I didn't know why I was still alive. Depressed, I sat by the door when I heard it: a helicopter was passing by where I was. I shouted, raised my hands, and did everything to get their attention. At last, I was rescued. I cried with emotion. I had lost several kilos; I was a little skinny, but I was free from this nightmare. The helicopter saved me, and I went directly to the hospital. Everything was over, and God gave me another chance to live. The paramedic told me that I had been missing for 20 days. I thought it was less. I don't know what happened. Maybe it was true what I experienced, and my grandfather protected me. I had no more doubts. Wherever you are, grandfather, thank you for the help you always gave me both in life and in your death. This made me think, and after all this was over, I decided to change my life. I had a lot of money saved. I changed my lifestyle and opened a shelter for the needy. I no longer thought about myself; I started to help those who needed it the most. I began to have more sincere friends, not those who were arranged. I managed to commit to someone nice and kind, and now I know what it is to really live. Just like me, maybe you think you have everything, but it is not true. You only have loneliness, and that is never good. I lost my faith for a few moments, but I managed to survive. I hope you also achieve your purposes in this life. Good luck, survivor.