Hello, my name is Lorena and I am going to tell you a story of my life, which changed me. I, before my resurgence, was otherwise; I was a very haughty and arrogant woman. My beauty led me to have very good jobs, but also this beauty would be my downfall.
It all started in November 2000; I was in my early 20's and since I didn't come from a very wealthy family, I had to fend for myself in order to reach greatness. Thanks to my beauty, after a few months I got a great job in a modeling agency; the work there was very nice. As time went by I began to gain renown in the modeling world; my fame was so great that all the agencies wanted me. I had a very high ego; at that time I abhorred common people, I had become a very petulant person, but I was happy with that life.
One day on a runway modeling the summer collection of a renowned stylist, I noticed the looks of everyone; that made me feel very good, but there was something strange in that place, a look on the others that had me a little nervous. One person in particular stood out from the rest; she had a not very elegant outfit, it was a suit like any other, but in her eyes something bad was reflected. As the event was also a charity event, anyone could enter and I thought that a nobody had come to see me and the girls. At first I didn't give it any more importance, I thought he was just a crazy guy obsessed with us, but this would be a mistake on my part.
The years passed like water through the river and I was already 23 years old and I was happy for this dream life. Of course, every dream life has its sacrifices; like anyone else, I had to sacrifice many things to get where I am. I hate to admit it, but I had to sleep with several rich guys to have my great life. I wasn't proud of it, but that's the way this career was; don't let me lie to those who know about it. Anyway, after a hard slog down another runway, walking down the carpet for the exit, waving to my fans, a shiver ran down my back making me feel nervous. Desperate, I looked around; I don't know if you know, but we humans have that sense that someone is watching us intently and at that moment I felt that. I started to look around and realized that the man from years ago with the same suit was looking at me again, but this time I felt lust in his eyes. I just hurried my pace and got into the limo. My driver noticed me nervous and scared and asked me what happened. I just told him I was tired. I thought it was all a big coincidence and that the man was there by accident.
The next morning I was due for a break and I proceeded to investigate some more because deep inside I knew it was not a coincidence that this guy was there looking at me. I asked my producer to meet with me to discuss some very important issues; he, somewhat reluctantly, refused at first, but when I told him that my life was at stake, he quickly agreed and, scared, came to my apartment. My producer is a homosexual and somewhat exaggerated person, but he is very nice and responsible; that's why I trust him, since he helped me get my career off the ground, quite apart from all the bastards I had to fuck. Anyway, I told him about that guy who already had me very nervous. We talked for several minutes and he told me that later he would bring me the recording tapes of many events I did and that I should take a few days to rest because he felt me very bad about the whole thing.
The afternoon came and my producer brought me a USB to look at it with all the recordings of my old events. I thanked him very much and he wished me the best of luck with this. Now you may wonder why I didn't report this to the police; I had no proof of the harassment, I had only noticed it a couple of times at my events, nothing in particular, but I needed more proof so I could go and not look like a crazy person who is just paranoid, so I decided to look for proof myself. That night I didn't sleep watching all the USB videos and, to my surprise, at every event I did for my long career, there was that guy hiding somewhere in the event. Everywhere I worked, he was there. I, looking incredulously at the images, thought it was just a joke of this guy; it was impossible that he was surely looking at someone else, but I noticed that only his expression changed when I was out and this was no longer normal. Scared, at almost 5 a.m. I closed my laptop and went to sleep tired by everything I had seen.
Already at night I called my producer to give him all the evidence I had gathered and told them to meet me at a restaurant so I could go immediately to the police and give us a police guard for harassment, this time, if I had a lot of evidence, I also asked the security guards to check their cameras and I gave them an image of the guy that I took from the USB so they could look for it in their security videos and surprise, there he was, the bastard was also outside my building, this was more than enough to seek protection, I ran out with the envelope where I had all the evidence to denounce that bastard, but in my innocence I did not calculate something, he was waiting for me; The restaurant was just a few streets away from my building and, naive as I was, I was naive and walked there. At a corner, as I was turning a corner, a guy in a trench coat bumped into me and quickly injected something in my neck that left me asleep in seconds. As my consciousness faded, in the distance I could only see my producer sitting waiting for me on a chair in the restaurant and I blacked out.
When I opened my eyes, I was in a gloomy and disgusting place; it was a basement, lit only by a small bulb with little light. In the room there was a mattress lying in one corner and a table with a chair in the other corner; there was also a small bathroom, the door was metal and had a small window that let me see outside and I realized that this place was far from the big city, it seemed to be a small town in the distance. I did not feel that more people lived in this place, I was desperate to get out and I started to scream through that window, but no one heard me.
I felt an indescribable fear with every passing second; I was already hyperventilating, but I managed to stay calm for my sake. A few minutes passed and the door began to open. It was that guy, the one who was always harassing me. He was unpleasant, not a very pretty person to say the least, but he was weird; something in me said I knew him, but I didn't give him importance. He told me that he always wanted to have me as a trophy for my beauty and personality, and now he had succeeded. I tried to fight him to get out, but he was very strong; it only took one push to knock me to the floor. I begged him to let me out, but he paid no attention to my pleas and slowly approached me and outraged me in the worst possible way. He left me badly beaten too. In the end, he just threw me a plate of common food and left me there, not before telling me that it was useless to scream because we were in a cabin far away from the big city, and that night I ended up humiliated and in pain because of this whole situation. I ate with sadness that filthy food he brought to survive; I only remembered how much I was happy before and now I am alone in this dreary place, alone, without any admirer.
Weeks went by and I saw no salvation; it had become a routine for that man to come two or three times a week to leave me something to eat and rape me. As the days went by, my haughty behavior diminished; little by little I no longer recognized myself. I am thankful that I cannot get pregnant because I am infertile because I would not want to have that bastard's child. One night, when I was crying, I again had that strange feeling that someone was looking at you. When I jumped up to see who it was, I was surprised to find that a cat had appeared at the little window.
It was a black cat with yellow eyes that glowed in the moonlight. I was surprised at first thinking it was a spirit, but when it let out its first meow, my soul returned to my body. I felt as if God had sent someone to comfort me. At first, I wouldn't have wanted to be near a cat, but now this cat looked at me with affection. I was no longer the same smug little girl; he came down from the little window and came up to me and rubbed himself against my legs. I hugged him carefully and cried in desperation because, after a while, I had some good company and someone to console me for my misfortune. The cat seemed to understand the situation I was in, so much so that he started scratching at the door, but I already knew that nothing was going to change and I became sad. The animal approached me and put a paw on my hand as if to say "everything will be all right". That gesture brought tears to my eyes and also hope.
The next morning, when I woke up, I realized that the cat was gone. I thought it had been a dream and that the cat never appeared, but when I looked up at the window, I saw it. It was the cat that just looked at me and left. Inside I wanted him not to leave because he had managed to put me in a nice fantasy of peace, but a loud bang brought me back to reality. It was that bastard coming back. Determined to escape, as soon as he entered, I rushed at him with all my little strength I had left to escape, managing to bite his ear and make him bleed, but he managed to subdue me and this time he hit me so hard that he disfigured my face, this face that for years I was very proud of, for this act the guy kicked me in the stomach and threw the food at me and left. I, already without strength, just wanted all this to end and decided not to eat anything. I was afraid to kill myself, but I saw it as an escape, since apparently no one was looking for me. I was afraid of hurting myself, so the only thing I could think of was to starve to death, so I decided not to eat anything and die that way. Night came and I saw that the cat had returned. A smile was drawn on my face all battered by seeing that cat, he came closer and licked me; it seems that this cat had intelligence knowing what I was going through, giving me comfort. I weakly hugged him and asked for help in my desperation. The cat just licked me and meowed; I felt it was a positive response and fainted.
Weeks continued to pass; this became my routine: the cat would come in the evenings while the other bastard abused me, but he was always grumbling because I was no longer eating. He even tried to make me eat by force, but I bit his fingers and he finally gave up on me. Days passed and the guy was no longer coming; only the cat was my only company. I don't know exactly how many days passed of being in that captivity and my conscience was disappearing little by little. One day, like other days of being in that hell, with almost no strength left, I crawled to the mattress and there I waited for my death. I had stopped eating a long time ago and I was already very thin and fragile; I was already saying goodbye to this life when I heard footsteps outside the little window. It seemed that they were policemen because I heard radios and I wanted to shout for help, but I couldn't get my voice out. Then I heard the conversation of the two policemen who were inspecting the place. They said that a black cat had been attracting the attention of several people and that it always went to this place.
When I heard that, I immediately knew that this black cat was indeed looking for help. I started to cry; I could hardly cry because of the lack of food. After hearing all this, I don't know where my strength came from, maybe because I didn't want to dissect the cat that had helped me with so much effort, but I managed to shout just one word and it was "HELP", and it was heard all over the place where I was locked up. Quickly, the policemen heard the sound, stuck their heads through the little window and managed to see me, rescuing me. I was one step away from death and thanks to the cat I had been saved. When they were taking me on a stretcher to the ambulance, the black cat came out of some bushes and climbed on top of me and everyone was surprised, since it was the same cat that had been asking for help all this time. The paramedics left him and took him with me to the hospital; I managed to watch the whole thing before I passed out.
When I opened my eyes, I realized I was in a hospital and to my surprise, the producer was sitting next to me and when he realized I opened my eyes, he hugged me very tightly. I told him to calm down, that he was hurting me and he let go and quickly brought me the cat that was hovering around the edge of my bed. I quickly hugged him and told him thank you very much and, of course, I kept the cat; I named him Luz because he was a light in my darkness.
When we left the hospital, we reported the damn bastard who was guilty of all my damage and they managed to capture him. And you know what was the most ironic thing about the moment? That this cat was his. At first I was very surprised, but then I didn't think much of it. All in all, this little animal was my salvation and my light.
At the trial we found out that the bastard had been obsessed with me for a long time. Not only was it at my work, but they discovered videos on his computer where he had me on video on the streets and even in my apartment. This man's obsession was not the norm and that scared me a lot more and made me very disgusted, but the most surprising thing is that this guy was a former friend that I didn't remember because I was very indifferent to him and my twisted personality that I had was what attracted him to me. At that moment I realized that this was all my fault, because of how bad I was as a person. After the trial was over, he got 50 years in prison; he was already an old man of 40, so we would never see him again.
When the trial was over, the bastard saw me with the cat in my lap and shouted "traitor" and wanted to pounce on the poor animal. The cops threw him to the ground and the cat was just calm, watching the whole scene with an indifferent look towards his former owner, and that made me laugh. At last this whole nightmare was over; my face had been badly damaged. Luckily I was left with only a scar and yes, with surgery I could get it back, but in the end I decided that this was no longer for me and I kept my scar. This whole experience served as a lesson for me to change my life; I decided to be more empathetic and help others. With my amassed fortune, I studied veterinary medicine to be able to help animals and study their behaviors, because for me it was not normal for a cat to be more empathetic than a human. Thanks to this kitty of light that saved me, I decided to take a better direction for my life and improve myself. Now I am studying veterinary medicine and very soon I will open my animal shelter because they are a light.
It took me a long time to recover from all these traumas, but with the help of my family I managed to regain the connection with them after many years and with my beloved kitty Luz I am recovering little by little. Well, this has been my story. Thank you for listening to me. It only remains for me to tell you to always be careful, because in this life of ups and downs you don't know who could hurt you or who could help you. Remember that pride will get you nowhere; be kind and grateful. Best of luck, survivor.