The Start Of The Mission

The night passed by so incredibly slowly.

The one thing I shall say about these summoned heroes is that they have the stamina of one hundred men, time and time again I returned from a lengthy patrol only to once more set out after hearing the vigorous "battle" going on within.

Hopefully, the hero can spare some of his stamina for Makayla who is surely to be worse for wear come the morning.

Even I had come to be a bit haggard after constantly scouting and not being able to relax and take a rest in the camp I and Makayla had created.

But with the sun's first light, I returned to the proximity of the camp, we had survived the night without being ambushed by the demon lord's forces, seems the hero had finally had his own fill as the surroundings were finally quiet for a change.

Once more tending to the fire, I took a rest upon the log i'd sat upon before when conversing with Makayla waiting for the heroes arrival.

Staring into the dancing flames as the crackling of the logs produces the only real sounds so early in the morning.

Looking down at the hands that have allowed me to survive so long, even while my friends and family were falling all around me.

The heroes have a term for someone like me, they call it a NOOB while the heroes may be powerful but lacking knowledge I have knowledge but lack power.

In battle I would lose in a 1-1 fight against many of the weakest in the demon lords armyies and the scars that cover my body attest to that fact, the scar over my right eye was a gift from the battle in which I lost my wife, but thankfully I did not also lose my eye in the process.

It's been decades since and dozens of hereos later and I cannot say I've become any stronger than I was during the last war.

The summoned heroes referred to our world as a sort of RPG whatever that is, and by using the skills they'd been blessed with they always chose to mock me for my powerlessness which ultimately result in my role as their caretaker and trainer becoming that much more difficult since they know from the off I can't really do anything to stop them if they don't want to be stopped.

The only strength I have is in the form of my willpower.

Against the forces of a sex crazed army I stand resolute and alone unaffected by the powers of the enemy.

The worst nightmare of a horde of lustfully succubi, a man without the desires of the flesh even in the slightest.

It's not that I cannot perform it just that I don't feel the need to, I've watched for years as countless men and women fell into darkness being corrupted by the powers of the demonlords forces, resulting in their betrayal or even death, and then the heroes the symbol of virtue are the biggest hypocrites of them all, so driven by their lust and desires to lose something called a v-card they rush head long without a moments pause to really look at the situation and choose the best course of action.

The day finally began as the Hero emerged from the tent, having woken up.

"Mmmm Morning your the one the Atuna people said was here to work for me?"

"I'm Samson, we've actually met before you know...?"

"That so.?"

"*Yawn* Morning All!"

Makayla emerged from the tent greeting the both of us which seemed to derail the heroes thoughts.

"So, you both ready to kick the Demon Lord's ass?"

"No, we're not, Other Heros have tried and failed."

"I dare him to come here and try to do the same to me"

"Oh, no. I wouldn't want him to hurt you..."

Makayla expressed concern for the Hero but given that she was in that type of a relationship with the hero that is to be expected.

"Alright, let's get going!"

The hero merely brushed her concern off by commencing the start of the mission.



Having agreed to begin, I handed a pouch containing some healing potions to the hero.

He flipped open the satchel taking a quick peak.

"That's all?"

"Sorry it's all we should need for this mission, the younger generation should just say thanks for the things they are given."

"Heh younger generation, just try not to slow us down out there gramps"

"He might seem grumpy, but Samson is really good at this kind of boring stuff!"

"Good thing too since I used up all mine on the way here."

The party left the camp and began our ascent up the mountain.

The hero once more displayed his incredible power slaying corrupted monsters like bats and spiders in a single blow.

Makayla's magic danced through the air striking true against those still at a distance before they'd even gotten a chance to get closer to the hero.

Aside from these minor fights nothing change till we were halfway there.

When we came upon a stone monument.

"This is or rather was a shrine to an ancient elven sage... destroyed by the Demon Lord..."

"There were elves this far west?"

"We weren't always limited to the eastern forests. Before the war began we had two different kingdoms in the west..."

"one of which fell to the demon lord, while the others managed to escape east until they sought refuge under the protection of the alliance states."

Makayla eyes drooped to the ground, she was an elf-bourne a race coveted by the Demonlords forces and heroes alike.

Finally moving past this shrine our party continued up the mountain closer to the fortress standing at it's peak.

** Next Chapter is NSFW **