Clearing The Fortress

Once the Hero had finished with the Lamia gate guardian our party had defeated, we finally moved on.

The door itself was not locked and it opened with a simple shoulder push


As we three entered the fortress, the braziers lining the walls were lit,

Halls of grey stone could be seem and after entering we were greeted with a choice of three different directions we could travel in.

Directly ahead lay a large double door leading to what one would presume was the throne room or grand hall.

To our left was a simple passageway with a pair of doors on opposite ends and to the right was a simple iron gate probably leading to a storehouse.

Before we could make our choice at this crossroads, a new enemy appeared.

A troupe of Orc came out of one of the rooms on the left and upon seeing us drew their weapons and charged.

Or rather most of their focus was on Makayla, orcs are drawn to elves afterall.

Our parties clashed but the battle like before was over to soon.

The hero launched a skill he called [Heroic Assault] which launched blades of air as he swung his sword attacking all the orcs at the same time, and since these were orcs the hero did not show mercy each ones head falling ungracefully to the ground with a satisfying plop.

"We should go check out where they came from"

"Fine I'm always up for a fight"

So our party took the left most route, but upon reaching the passage the orcs had come from we froze.

"Oh! Oh my!!"

Even with the power of a hero this fight is impossible.

The three of us peered from around the corner as hundreds of orcs were engaged in an orgy of the flesh with dozens of captives.

Three cannot ever hope to win against so many.

"We must defeat their leader, then these orcs will scatter allowing us to save these women"

"Save them? Can't we join in on the fun?"

"Your kidding right?"

The hero shrugged his should but did not enter the room, with this passage blocked to us we backtracked instead going down the right path, while I kept my senses focused behind us in case any other orcs decided to leave the orgy and go for a wander.

The path to the right led us to an iron gate that was sealed even though supplies could be seen on the other side of it, the hero tried to kick it down without success.

We were left with two choice a room that led off to the north, or the main room we'd thus far been avoiding.

Heading for this final room available to us.

The hero burst in after kicking the door down.

Two orcs plus a junior succubus were inside the succubi was laying down while the orcs stood at the foot of her bed.

Seem's we've just interrupted something that was about to begin.

With a screech she called the orcs to battle.

And our party was once more thrust into it.

Makayla began casting ice magic, while the hero easily dealt with the orcs staining this room with their blood.

As for myself after decades of watching the heroes fight and use their divine given powers I tried to focus my own energy into my blade.

[Heroes Imitation]

My blade flew and dealt a blow to the Succubi.

Her eyes narrowed as she peered at me.

This blow dealt more damage than usual but it was a far cry to their hero's own skills and it leave me winded after only a few attempts.

This succubi was different from the others, while the others did not mind being defeated she was blind with rage and much to his charging the hero was forced to slay her rather than take her captive like the other and the lamia.

With the fight over, I searched the room find a few shelves of books, but the Hero cared little for them choosing instead to rest by sitting on the bed whilst fondling Makayla's chest.

Deciding to just get this over with I ended my search and we made our way towards the main room.

The double doors swung open when we pushed them, but as we entered I felt something very very wrong here.