
I took me a number of hours but finally I managed to drag myself back to town.

Farrow is a sparse town but it's gotta church and that is the towns seat of local government.

[Almost back. I desperately need to rest]

"Ho, Simon! you look... rough"

"It's been a difficult day to say the least."

Upon reaching the town I was greeted by the old man, but I had other things to do than talk so I continued shuffling on.

"Well, you take care of yourself."

"You... too"

I continued on my way passing by a few of my neighbors houses however when I passed one in particular I was stopped by a callout I received.

"Fancy a tumble for 10g?"

It was Ena a young girl who come of age only a few season back, but times are tough the church's taxes are high and if ones family cannot pay the tax generally a member of the family would be sold into slavery to cover the tax.

"Hello Ena."

"Samson! I didn't realize it was you!"

"I take it your family is still struggling?"

"Actually... we still have some of the money you gave us. But last week Emma broke her leg..."

"She's been climbing on roofs again?"

"You know it. She's sure-footed, but rotten boards collapsed under her. She's fine, but it costs so much to hire a healer. Just one accident... and almost all your gift was gone. So I decided that I should begin selling myself, try to build up our savings..."

"That is your choice. I'll try to bring more when I can"

"No, you've done enough! Too much, really... And it's not bad work. I could be in the mines instead... So, um... what I said earlier, are you interested? I wouldn't make you pay, just... as thanks for everything..."

"There's no need for that right now Ena. Take care of yourself."

"You should take your own advice"

I continued walking on, passing by the local watering hole the second sink for the towns money.

Finally I reached my homes door.

Pulled the key out and unlocked the door.

"Samson! How did your little adventure go?"

Turning my head I saw my next door neighbor.


"Just like always! You're getting too old for this - you really aught to settle down. It's not right for a man to be a widower so long, especially when there just might be eligible bachelorettes right... next door..."

I didn't catch what she said at the end but in my present state I need to rest.

"I can't imagine who you'd mean"

Was what I managed to speak out.

"Are you suuure? You can't think of anyone at all?"

Is she trying to set me us with Ena?

But she's just a child, I can't replace my wife with someone that young.

Deciding this was the end of the conversation I turned to enter my shack.

"Samson, don't go!"

"I'm sorry, I have a lot to do today."

"I'm not just chatting with you, though! I wanted to tell you that a merchant came from Brarus and brought a letter. I put it on your desk."

"Thank you"

With that I entered my home.

It was barely enough to be called that, since I lost my wife i'd lived out of a small shack that was little more than a storage shed, with enough space for a single desk and bed.

[I don't remember the last time I was this tired... something isn't right. After I rest, I should check with the Atuna priestesses to be sure I wasn't corrupted somehow.]

Seeing the sealed letter on my desk I first opened the letter.

{Dear Father,

I know I have missed at least one of your letters, perhaps more. It seems the Academy no longer allows us to have outside contact and destroys all incoming and outgoing letters.

Getting this one out was difficult, so you may not hear from me for a while. If I can, I will visit you over the Holy Days, but they may soon restrict that as well.

There is a chance they will intercept this letter, so I can say little else. But please don't worry. Otherthan the restrictions, I am enjoying all my studies here.

If I cannot come visit, let me say this: I am incredibly grateful that you would take in an orphan girl and give her so much. i will do everything I can to be worthy of that gift.

I understand waht's at stake, but please don't work yourself to hard. Remeber, you can't save anyone if you don't take care of yourself first.



A letter from my adopted daughter, that's nice.

The lids of my eyes were now threatening to snap themselves shut so I quickly got out of my gear and dropped like a sack of rocks into my bed.