**NSFW** Rise And Fall

We entered the clearing to find the Hero mounting Aka from behind.

She was naked and his pants were off.

Unf! Unf! Unf!

Thrusting for all his worth with his back to us.

Even from a distance i could see Aka who was on her hands and knees by the fire, her flushed and sweaty skin glistening in the firelight. Though she moaned, it was only partially in pleasure as she also seemed to be suffering.

Behind her the hero was utterly focused on waht he was doing he didnt even take note of our entering the clearing or approach.

Suddenly i felt the succubi's tits press up against my back as she moved closer to my ear.

"Her mind is dissolving."


"The Hero is protected by Atuna's power, but that girl was contaminated by the Demon lord's power. Without cock, she'll go mad."


Averting my eyes from the scene before me.

"You're saying i shouldn't stop them even though she was against the hero hours ago?"

"Are you dissappointed?"

The demon giggled slightly

"Im not saying that at all. Right now, she's malleable - she'll become whatever the person fucking her wants. The hero will reduce her to nothing but a mindless cocksleeve"

Hearing her words i took a slow deep breath.

"Yes, you could save her. You could turn her into a fuck slave if you wanted that, but i don't think you do. If you take her now, you could prevent her mind from being permanently damaged, If not..."

I turned my head to stare into the fire for a second which felt like it lasted for an eternity.


Having been made aware of our prescense the hero stopped his thrust and turned his head to us.

"Huh? You two survived the blast?"

"Samson! This isn't... i didn't want..."

Below the hero Aka struggled to form a coherant sentance indicating her objection to her present situation.

"She said no hero, get away from her."

"Whose going to make me, you? Are you forgetting who i am? I've been chosen by Atuna herself! if i want to fuck this slut like a cheap whore, no one can stop me! so just crawl back to"

"That's enough, you little shit"

"How dare you speak to me a hero that way? When we get back, Im telling th-"

"You won't"

With that i drew my blade, the hero reacted by pulling out of Aka, and drawing his own sword.

Our fight was 2-1 as i and the succubus fought off the hero.

His focus was still distracted due to his own lust which only got worse with each cast of sexual magic against him.

Him sword forms were sloppy only with power behind him.

The fight itself only lasted a few minutes until my sword struck home, driving itself deep into his chest causing this particular heroes life to end short by my own hands not the demon lords.

Having commited this sin i turned to look at Aka who'd been watching out fight from her knees not bothering to cover herself at all.

"Th-thank you. I didn't want him to touch me, but my body is just burning up... and my thoughts..."

"theres a solution for that you know."

"Ill try anything,. Its like... im losing myself..."

"All you have to do is let Samson here fuck you."


"She... isnt lying. I've been infected by something like the demon lords power. My limited exerience withit does suggest it could offer some relief, but this would effectively be forcing you to-

"I'll do it!, please. i dont have long."

"In that case..."

"Demon, i'll ask that you stop touching yourself."

"Aww, you're no fun, and my names Yarra by the way, not demon."

"Give us some privacy. Out of sight"

Yarra left the two of us alone.

The lust had built up like a raging fire within her, and without warning she tore away at his clothes needing nothing more than a good fuck, especially one from simon.

Raising my hand i caressed her cheek which caused her to shiver.

From the expression on he face she seemed to fear me a little compared to how she'd looked at me before.

The longer i waited knowing what i had to do, the more in pain she appeared, waiting in agony while i hesitated.

Eventually i leaned forward enough to kiss her, rough lips sending a thrill through her body.

The evident pain she felt subsided, but she needed more than that diving her tongue into my mouth while her hands roamed my body.

Grinding her hips against my legs.

She seemed to be acting in a panic as i saw when opening my eyes still lip locked with her.

She appeared worried now, was she regretting what was about to happen or that i hadn't done anything further despite all her attempts thus far while we kissed.

She's waited long enough...

Wendy my wife... im sorry for this.

In a flash Aka was sent flat on her back with me mounted ontop of her, this caused her eyes to open wide darting left and right to understand what had just happened.

Perhaps it was Aka, or just the Demon Shard but i was straining against my pants something that short of a succubus cheating didn't happen all to often.

With a simple maneuver i freed myself from my pants, while my one hand gripped her hair as i passionately kissed her.

My other hand traveled lower caressing her exposed breast.

My freed member began to rub up against her skin whihc was moist and clearly ready for this.

With a hand i quickly lined up pressing my head against her lips.

She moaned deeply into my mouth.

Her body kept trying to move but she couldnt against the weight of my own body pressing her down.

With a single thrust i drove home.

With that one movement it was clear.

I wasnt just penetrating her, i was penetrating her soul.

Her rapid heart beat, and disrupted self seemed to calm down in an instant.

They sat connect for a moment until she came to her senses looking up at me with a different set of eyes not ones lost in uncontrollable lust but a sort of longing, a look i had not seen since laying wiht my own wife.

Since i'd yet to move again she took it upon herself and managed to buck her hips causing me to move inside her.

This caused me to groan and finally my control really broke.

Her invaision of my mouth was countered as my own tongue beat her back into the territory of her own mouth, at the same time my hips pulled back befroe thrusting in for the second time.

This second thrust cause her to scream out but this was pleasure not pain.

I continued to thrust, her moans growing louder and louder her eyes became unfocused, her pleasure was evidently mounting until she exploded in ecstasy.

She tightened up so tight her pussy threatened to slice of my cock.

Without much of a choice i remained embracing her until her orgasm passed, when her eyes refocused.

"Are you alright?"

With the passion gone, my face mustve looked concerned or worried cause she began to laugh.

She then leaned up and kissed me quickly.

"Im doing much better than "alright" after that"

"I'm sorry if-"

"Im not sorry about anything."

She fell backward letting her head rest on the grass staring up at me, with a lazy little smile on her face.

"I've honestly always had a thing for seasoned men. I havent let any of them fuck me, though, but when i met you..."

My internal struggle was calming down this wasnt against her will... not entirely at least.

"I'm glad you don't feel like you were forced due to the situation, then"


"Do you have to act like this is some kind of obligation?"

"I'm just trying to maintain control."

Drawing in for a kiss before pulling back once again.

"If im not careful, i wont be able to help myself."

"well... what if thats what i want?"

She clentched her pussy around me cock, causing me to grown.

"I don't care about any of the rest, Samson. Fuck me raw!"

"Your wish is my command."

Dropping in to kiss her passionatley once again as i began to thrust my hips once again.

My hands roamed her body this was my forte, finding my opponents weakspots and exploiting them.

The pleasure was building in Aka once more she was at the mercy of my hands.

Within minutes, Aka was squirming in pleasure. Even as i thrsuted inside her.

My fingers proceed to roam her hips, stomach, breasts.

As the pleasure seemed to reach it's peak on her face i sped up my hips.

Just as i felt her reach her second orgasm my own arrived as i thrust as deep as i could, once more becoming trapped in her folds as her mind looked to be wiped clean while her eyes rolled back in her head, as her womb filled with pulse after pulse of cum.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

* * Aka POV * *

In the moment when we both came, i realized that Samson utterly owned me.

He could have commanded me to kill myself for him and i would have eagerly obeyed.

Yet i only had that feeling for a moment as that flicker of fear left my mind without changing me.

Samson kept his eyes focused on me as we both rode through our orgasms.

While being raped by the hero was just aweful im glad the day ended in this way instead.

If Samson kept fucking me it would turn out alright.


* * Samson POV * *

Once the wave passed i lay down against her exposed chest, both our chests were heaving it seemed like both our minds had just been blown just like my wad.

"See? Was that so hard?"

Yarra knelt down besdie our entwined bodies, grinning.

Aka felt a twinge of annoyance as it displayed on her face at this intruders presence.

"So long as Samson is denying what he is, though, that won't be enough. Go long enough and you'll start burning up again"

Aka pulled me closer to her, also moving her head so i could no longer see Yarra behind her.

"Fortunately, i have a solution."

"What do we need for a permanent cure?"

My tone was grim but i didnt enjoy being put in this situation.

Aka squinted her eyes as she looked at me but also cracked a smile.

"You could enslave her to your will, of course."

I moved my head to glare at her.

To which she pouted before continuing

"Stop glaring at me, im just answering the quesiton. Your other option is a ritual that would transform her... unfortunately, im not experienced enough to do that."

"I see."

Since the moment had passed i began to roll which caused aka to whimper, but i pulled her with my hands and as i was on the grass i pulled up up while i became seated.

She snuggled into my embrace her insides still convulsing against my softening member.

"What happens now? You killed that hero?"

Her query came as a whisper.

"No, he died when he charged ahead. Another tragic accident like all the others."

Both the girls seemed only to ponder this for a second before accepting it as believable.

But Yara then chuckled.

"And then what? Whats your ultimate goal?"

Taking a deep breath before letting it out.

"I don't know."

We stayed there until the fire died and the shadows of night claimed us.