The Night Of Summoning

"Welcome to the student quarters. Please follow me - The guards really will punish us if you disobey. Quarters used to be divided between ranks of students, but the church has separated us by gender for obvious moralistic reasons. Those rooms over there are for the highest rank of students. Unfortunately, I'm second rank."

"That's nothing to be ashamed of at your age."

"The system isn't fair though it mostly rewards seniority. and that means... Well, before we enter, let me just say you have very little choice in which students you room with, so-"

"ROBIN! Quit lurking around outside the door."

A girls voice erupted from within, so with not much of a wait Becca opened the door and led us inside.

This was a shared dorm, the single room had five separate beds which made this room rather cramped as five girls all lived in it at once.

"Everyone, please let me introduce you to-"

"That's you father? Some kind of violent vagabond?"

"Whoa, your dad is hot! Hello there! I'm Infasis!"

"Don't just throw yourself at him right in front of me..."


"What a bunch of classless sluts!"

"Right, YOU get to talk about being classless."

"Your family doesn't have class just because they slept their way into money bitch."

"You take that back!"

"If we're going to fight, can we do it all sexily with pillows?"

"... ... these are my classmates."

"Now why does this scene look familiar?"

"What are you talking about aka we are FAR sexier when we're bickering."

"You probably shouldn't stay long, but..."

With that Becca entered the room and led us to her bed, the room was now beyond capacity as all 9 of us were within at once.

"So Becca, how happy are you here?"

I couldn't help but ask seeing the cramped living conditions and the looming increased tuition.

"Difficult to say. I love almost all my classes, and I want to keep learning but the restrictions are getting worse. What are you all going to be doing next?"

"We we're going to be investigating a mine nearby with Hilstara, and Once we get enough money we'll be going to Brarus. It's hard to predict beyond that however."

"I see. before you leave I'd like to ask you assistance in one matter."

"What is it?"

"Someone near the academy is using dark magic at night. I've tried to investigate, but I lack the magical power alone. Regrettably, Academy staff haven't taken my concerns seriously. Perhaps I'm wrong, but i'd like to check. Not only could you assist me, I believe your group would be helpful if things become dangerous."

"Sure we can help you tonight if that works?"


We returned to the academy at night and met Becca in the main hall.

"You're here. What did you do to get rid of the guards?"

"... nothing. they were gone when we arrived."

"So yeah that's not good... but how worried should we be?"

"I'm not sure let's scan the school."


"Odd there's some kind of heavy sleep spell - I'm guessing that's what took out the guards. I don't know why, but it doesn't seem involved with the dark magic. Can they really be unrelated?"

"Stranger coincidences have happened, but let's be cautious. Can you analyze the disturbance from here?"

"Yes, provided that the succubi shield me from any feedback coming the other way."

"Not really my field, but possible."

"Qumdump doesn't understand."

"She'll be able to help, don't worry. Qum, just copy what I do."


The girls stood resolute as Becca focused while Yarra and Qum began emitting a simple pink haze as a shield.

"It's a student! Someone is trying to summon a demon!"

"... how much of a threat?"

"Right now, they're just trying to absorb power from the demonic realm. But a slight mistake could open a real portal. We should put a stop to this."

"Had a feeling it would come to something like this. How much of a problem is this going to be?"

"Hopefully, little. If the succubi support me again, I should be able to shut the ritual down from here."

"I don't like being your personal magical battery... but demonic portals are serious business. we'll help."

"... Done."

"Wait, it was really that easy?"

"I'm a theoretical mage - this is what I do. But I haven't actually triggered the spell because there are some strange interference patterns. Actually, it's coming this way... some kind of illusion?"


"Who the hell is running an analysis spell in-"

In teleported 3 of Becca's roommates all except for the silent girl.

"Becca? What the fuck?"

"Well, helloooo there, Simon!"

"And here I thought we could have a pleasant night out for once."

"Ah, you were sneaking into town."

"You going to preach at us about it?"

"You can do what you like, but please remove the illusion spell before it interferes."

"That's our line. The guards will wake up, at this rate."

"You were the ones who sent them to sleep? Don't you know there are wards to check their condition?"

"Yeah duh. We disabled those too."

"No wonder the spell density here is so... wait... Yarram drop the spell now! Before the summoner st-"



Somehow i'd been teleported outside the academy to it's front doors, a moment later Qum walked up to me.

"Qumdump's head hurts."

"You would have received much of the feedback. Are you alright?"

"Qumdump is alright now that she's with Samson!"

"That reaction scattered us and it probably opened a portal. We need to hurry before-"


A dark portal formed before us out of which a pair of demons one looked like a collection of red orbs while the other was just a black melting figure.

"Get ready!"

-- Fight - -

"Qumdump doesn't like demons..."

"If the others were sent somewhere in the Academy, they're at risk. Let's move."


* * Yarra POV * *

The spell sent on of the students here, I just hope... Wait that's Samson's daughter!

She's in trouble!

"Hang on, I'm coming!!"

-- Fight --

"Th-thank you."

"I understand how everyone was scattered across the Academy, but what happened?"

"Disabling all the wards meant that our spell interfered with the summoning. We should just be glad it didn't send any of us to the demonic realm."

"But now we have demons pouring through."

"Yes. I can guide you to the portal, but you'll have to close it."

"You could help fight, you know."

"I'm a theoretical mage... i can't... I'm not very good with combat..."

"You're incredibly talented. It wouldn't take much more to direct that toward battle."

"I can draw some strength from the Academy, but I don't know..."


"It's Sho she's in trouble! Let's go!"

We both rushed into Becca's room where the quiet girl was huddle up in a ball in the corner as two demons were closing in on her.

"Cast a fireball!"

-- Fight --

"Are you alright?"

"I'm okay, but w-who summoned d-demons?"

"We don't know, but I'm glad they didn't hurt you."

"But we can't save everyone. Closing the portal is our only option."

"Right. Let's head straight there and hope we meet the others on the way. Will you be okay, Sho?"

"I can concentrate now. I'll shield myself."

"Good. We'll come back to check on you once the portal is closed."

We left Sho alone in her room and made our way down to the main floor.

Aside from the stairs leading to the Boys dorm there were four doors in front to us.

"Well since we gotta check them all lets start with the left on."

"That's the library."

"Oh yippie~"

Walking through the door we were greeted with the sight of combat.

"Aka! you're alright!"

"Yarra! Thank the goddess! er... i guess that's not really appropriate... but killing before theology help me out with these guys I can't- dodge forever."

-- Fight --

"Thanks for the help. What the hell happened?"

"We'll explain on the way. We have to close the portal."