The Beginning of the Route


Five billion years ago, there was only one planet, known as Earth. A battle in the galaxies was beginning: a war between humans and monsters, caused by followers of Pharaoh. God, saddened by what He had created, said, "This ends now."

A meteor was hurled toward Earth. God blessed only one human who was worthy of continuing to live. "Human, you are too good for this world to have you as my child. The rest of the world is a burden to me," said God. The human was somewhat confused but still understood.

The meteor fell to Earth... Thus, Earth was completely pierced by the impact of the meteor. The human was flying through the vacuum of space without air and bleeding, becoming just a part of the cell of the universe. Then, he pleaded for the beginning of a new universe. God heard him but replied, "No, I have given humanity thousands of chances and yet they do not listen, continuing in the world of Sin," said God, but the human continued to beg, saying he would do anything.

"Then create alone. You will regret it, just as I regretted my own creation. You, the only human worthy of staying alive, and still suffering for the sins of humanity," the human took the crown of thorns from God that was with him and placed it on his head. "What are you doing?! Are you being consumed by sin as well?" said God.

"Route number one, dimension 1.2," said the human. "Israel, don't do this!" God sent small meteorites in his direction that could cause great damage in small problems. The meteorites turned to dust and the galaxies began to disappear. The name of the human was revealed.

"Know that determination is great and I will give a lot of determination to one human alone, who will be worthy of all the power I have to offer," shouted Israel, and then a bright light appeared and everything vanished.

From the meteorites that Israel had turned to dust, a bright purple stone emerged. "Interesting, a magic stone... Make the world rise again and let there be no interruptions from gods or humans!" After Israel's words, the stone began to shine and recreated the world once more, and then the magic stone fell to Earth. A little child picked up the stone and began to stare directly at it.

All humans were imperfect, so he created nine gods, made to seek out one perfect human to use the stone for power and protect the Earth. But... there was one reason he wanted the human race to live, and that was... Marisa.

In the decades of Christ, a man who wrote the Bible at the orders of the Lord, before everything that is in it happened, his name was Israel Hashuri, the brother of Lucifer, the second angel. He had fallen in love with Pharaoh's wife. Every night, he flew with his angel wings to Marisa's balcony, until Pharaoh discovered they were in love. The next day, when Israel was going to Marisa's balcony, he found Pharaoh hugging her, but unfortunately, she was dead. Israel began to cry, and God appeared beside him.

"Enough! Your lands and your family are cursed forever. Be aware of your sins and actions, and you, Israel, how dare you covet another man's wife? The sins you committed will also be listed on the Stone of Angels," shouted God. 

That was not the true image of God, for He is everything and everything is Him. Pharaoh, doubting God, said, "What will begin, False God?" And after this statement, monsters never before seen on Earth began to appear. The day turned dark, and the galaxies appeared. Pharaoh's relatives were dying, and as he fell into despair, the more monsters multiplied.

The event happened during the Passover of the Hebrews. Currently, the gods that Israel created are:

First God: Anubis 

Second God: Aphrodite 

Third God: Apollo 

Fourth God: Jesus 

Fifth God: Athena 

Sixth God: Poseidon 

Seventh God: Themis

All went to hunt for the perfect human. They found humans, but all of them rebelled against the gods and suffered their wrath. Thus, millennia passed. They searched for all these years until they found the human to receive the power and determination of the stone. After all these years, they found such a creature with determination and a pure mind in the Southern Hemisphere, located in the northeast of the region.

"I found the Perfect Human," said Anubis, holding his Staff.

"Where is he? I will inform Israel that we have found the 1,793rd," said Jesus.

"He is in a Latin American country, Brazil," said Anubis.

Jesus then calmly went to the other gods and to Israel and informed them that the human had been found.

"So, you mean to say that they found the human? Excellent, then let's get to what interests me," said Israel.

"Yes, I felt a very light presence, but he has a lot of energy and has my respect. He will become very strong when he grows up," said Anubis.

"Come, all gods, to where I am now!" shouted Israel.

All the gods went to where Israel was.

"After billions of years, we finally found the perfect human. This mission for you is over; your next mission is to grant powers to that boy," said Israel, and they all responded, "Understood."

"Enter the stone in spiritual form, and I will speak to you sometimes. My mark is on it. Come on, enter!" shouted Israel, and they all entered the stone.

"I am feeling the presence, just as Anubis said, it is very light," Israel said to himself.

Then, the stone fell at great speed toward Brazil and landed next to the human. The stone fell beside Olavo.

"How strange, stones falling from the sky? I've never seen that; it looks like brigadeiro," he thought, and then Olavo ate the stone. His cousin was beside him.

"Ahh, what did you do, Olavo?!!" shouted Brenda.

"What's the problem with eating a stone?" asked Olavo.

"You are in big trouble!" she kept shouting, arguing with Olavo.

"This is pretty cool," laughed Olavo.

"How do you think this is cool, you crazy?!" she shouted, running back and forth.

Then, two versions of Olavo appeared beside him.

"Wow... I think I drank expired milk..." Brenda said this in shock, and after speaking, she fainted.

"Ahh! Who are you?" Olavo panicked for a moment, but then quickly calmed down.

"I should ask, who are you?" said a female version of Olavo.

"You are confusing me!" exclaimed an identical copy of Olavo who had a lunchbox beside him.

"I am Olava. I am the protector of marine animals," said the female version of Olavo.

"I am Middle Olavo and I am 6 years old, and I like my car lunchbox," said the identical copy of Olavo.

"Could it be that we... are the same person?" exclaimed Middle Olavo.

"I am not that ugly boy," Olava said.

"Who do you think you are to talk about me like that, Seahorse?" said Middle Olavo.

"Excuse me?" Olava tried to intimidate Middle Olavo.

"Can you all be quiet?! I am the most handsome," Olavo said, laughing afterward.

"Repeat that if you're a man, stone stomach!" shouted Olava.

And then they were fighting, and then... A cloud appeared on the ground in the shape of a person.

"You are the same person, the stone this fool ate, it is very powerful. This stone will only belong to him, only to him. Now that you ate the stone, you will feel stomach pains and lack of sleep, you have acquired migraines," said Israel's hologram.

"So, we are him?" asked Olava.

"Well, he has more others, but they haven't been born yet, and there are others with different functions like cooking, etc. In your mind, there is a world all your own," the hologram disappeared after that.

"Wow," Olavo was surprised.

"Go poop now!" shouted Olava.

"Why?" asked Olavo, confused.

"Why? Why? You idiot, you ate a stone!" she shouted.

"Buy Buscopan," said Middle Olavo.

"Wow, is she dead?" asked Middle Olavo, pointing to Brenda (the cousin who fainted).

"Wait... Brendo... Girl?" said Olava, confused.

"It's not Brendo, it's BRENDA!" Olavo shouted.

"It doesn't matter, this Brenda is Brendo in my world, so respect that, okay?" said Olava, confused, and shortly after, Olavo carried Brenda on his back.

"I'm going to take her to her house. You two need to hide. Enter my mind," said Olavo.

"You're crazy, we're not Kid Omega," Middle Olavo complained.

"Focus your eyes on Olavo and enter his mind," said the hologram. Then Olava and Middle Olavo focused their eyes on Olavo and entered his mind. Olavo took Brenda to her house, and when he arrived, he laid her on the couch in her living room. Then Olavo's father arrived and said:

"Let's go home," said Edivan (Olavo's father).

"Oh, okay," said Olavo. They left and said goodbye to Brenda's parents. They got in the car and went home. When they arrived home,

"I downloaded a game called KorBlox for you. I'm sure you'll like it," said Edivan. Olavo ran into the house when he got out of the car and started playing the game.

"My name will be Olavokawai1223," he logged in and started playing, spending a few hours on the game.

"Haha! I won!" he shouted with joy.

"Uh... Olavo," it was Olava speaking in his mind.

"What do you want?" Olavo said to the empty air.

"Stop being silly. Anyway, I recommend you come here," she said in Olavo's mind.

"How am I supposed to do that? It's impossible!" he exclaimed.

"Go to the mirror and focus your vision on yourself," she instructed him. Olavo stood in front of the mirror and concentrated his gaze, and then he disappeared from the real world and appeared in his own mind.

"Hello," said an Olavo with a large red cape covering his body and a sword in its sheath.

"I think it's better not to get close to this guy," said Middle Olavo.

"Why? He must just be another me in my mind—" Olavo was saying when he got punched in the face and was thrown far away (he was punched by Olavo X-Esper).

"Told you," laughed Middle Olavo.

"After I created your two characters in Korblox, I was born. Nice to meet you, I am Olavo X-Esper, and this here is Olavo X-Spi," said Olavo X-Esper.

"Hey there," said Olavo X-Spi, waving to them.

"You made friends so quickly," Olava felt a bit shy meeting new people.

When Olavo X-Esper least expected it, he got kicked in the chin, but Olavo X-Esper was too fast and caught Olavo's foot.

"You need more training to get to my level, you know that very well, ha ha!" laughed Olavo X-Esper.