Chapter 1 A Hero Saves a Beauty

The capital is about to enter the cold winter, the weather is getting colder, and the temperature is dropping. However, the streets are still crowded with people as the New Year is coming. In addition to ordinary people who are busy buying New Year goods, there are also many servants running around the streets busy buying New Year goods. The streets are crowded with people and full of the atmosphere of the upcoming New Year.

However, in such a good atmosphere, the young lady of the Taiwei Mansion is sighing at the plum blossoms.

"Alas, although I like plum blossoms very much, it is really cold in winter. I don't want to move."

Ji Ruoyu lay lazily on the table, and her hand gently touched the pot of green plums while talking.

Dongmei just brought Ji Ruoyu's favorite snacks and tea from the small kitchen. As soon as she entered the door, she patted the snow that fell on her body at the door to prevent Ji Ruoyu from being infected by the cold. She raised her eyes and saw her own girl lying on the tea table with a pot of green plums on it.

Dongmei sighed. Her daughter was very beautiful and had the title of the most beautiful woman in the capital. Her piano skills were especially amazing. When she was free, she would learn accounting from Madam Ji and help her with the affairs of the house, but the premise was that it was not winter. Once winter came, she would never step out of the yard unless there was something important. But her favorite flower was the plum blossom that only bloomed in winter.

Dongmei walked in and said to Ji Ruoyu, "Girl, people are lazy in winter. You should get up and move around." After that, she put the snacks and tea on the coffee table.

Ji Ruoyu glanced at her and said lazily, "I hate winter the most. You know that." She yawned as soon as she finished speaking, and when she looked up, she saw the snacks that Dongmei had placed on the coffee table.

Her eyes flickered several times in succession, and she sat up straight immediately, reaching out for the snack. She said to herself, "The kitchen actually made plum blossom cake today."

After taking a bite, the plum blossom cake was sweet but not greasy, with a moderate sweetness. Ji Ruoyu couldn't help but squint her eyes slightly. She said to herself, "It's so delicious, but it's a pity that this cake is only available in winter." She almost choked after she finished speaking.

Dongmei saw this and quickly handed the steaming hot tea to Ji Ruoyu.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Ji Ruoyu swallowed the food stuck in her throat after gulping down half a cup of tea. Dongmei also persuaded her, "Young lady, eat slowly... don't choke again..."

Ji Ruoyu waved to Dongmei and quickly finished the cake in her hand. After drinking another sip of tea, she seemed to remember something and asked Dongmei, "By the way, the flower viewing banquet held by the Minister's Mansion will be held in the next few days."

"Young lady is right, it will be held in three days." Dongmei replied, and then said, "Young lady is best friends with Miss Mengqiu from the Minister's Mansion. The main flower of this flower viewing banquet is the plum blossom that Young lady likes the most. For this flower viewing banquet, Young lady must dress up well."

Ji Ruoyu nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, Mengqiu and I are good friends. She knows that I love plum blossoms, so she spent a lot of money to cultivate the best plum blossoms for this flower viewing banquet."

Dongmei also echoed, "I heard that the plum blossoms this time are of various colors, and the most abundant and most beautiful plum blossoms are the green plum blossoms that the girl likes the most."

Ji Ruoyu could already think of Pan Mengqiu's expression of arrogance but seeking praise. Thinking of this, she couldn't help laughing, "Yes, Mengqiu is so good to me, I should give her something." After saying that, she looked at the snowy weather outside. She was struggling with whether to go out. Yes, Mengqiu was so good to her, she should also give something.

Ji Ruoyu stood up and called Dongmei: "Dongmei, I'm going out. Go and ask the coachman to prepare the carriage. You and Qiuyu will go with me."

Dongmei agreed immediately and went out to call Qiuyu, who was working hard to make plum blossom cakes for Ji Ruoyu in the small kitchen, and asked her to serve Ji Ruoyu while she asked the coachman to prepare the carriage.

Ji Ruoyu packed up a little with Qiuyu's service, and went to the gate with Qiuyu, followed by Ji Ruoyu's personal guard.

TengGuo has a rule that all unmarried women need to be accompanied by a man when they go out, but this is no longer necessary after marriage.

Outside the gate, the carriage had been prepared, and the coachman and Dongmei had been waiting in front of the gate. Ji Ruoyu waved her hand to interrupt the coachman's salute, and Ji Ruoyu had already got into the carriage, leaving the four people confused.

Ji Ruoyu also stuck her head out to look at them, and said in confusion:

At this time, Ji Ruoyu was worried. It's not that she didn't know what Pan Mengqiu liked, but she didn't lack anything and the gift was given on her birthday.

Ji Ruoyu was standing on the street thinking about what to give, when Qiuyu suddenly remembered: "Miss, Miss Mengqiu must have everything, but she is missing a hairpin that is a close friend of yours."

"Close friend hairpin? What is this?" Ji Ruoyu was puzzled. She had studied in the academy for so many years and had never heard of this word?

Qiuyu explained, "This boudoir close friend hairpin is something I just thought of. Miss Mengqiu and Miss Mengqiu have a deep relationship, like sisters. Shouldn't there be a piece of jewelry to prove the friendship between the two girls?" Qiuyu said, and winked at Ji Ruoyu.

"You're right! Just buy a hairpin." Ji Ruoyu said, and went to the most famous Crescent Moon Tower in the capital.

The Crescent Moon Tower is a store selling clothes and jewelry. Women all over the country love the Crescent Moon Tower. The Crescent Moon Tower has three floors. The first floor is used to entertain ordinary civilians, the second floor is used to entertain housekeepers and ladies, and the top floor is used to entertain members of the royal family.

As soon as he entered the door, the waiter was sharp-eyed and recognized that Ji Ruoyu's family background was extraordinary. The woman in front of him was wearing a light pink dress embroidered with Su embroidery, and a brocade and fur cloak on her body. The cloak was mixed with some gold threads, which was very dazzling in the sun.

"Miss, what are you looking for today? Clothes or jewelry?" The waiter was very enthusiastic. Dongmei replied to the waiter for Ji Ruoyu: "My daughter wants to buy some hairpins today. Can you see if you have any recommendations?"

"No problem. I'll take you to find them now." After the waiter finished speaking, he took the master and servants to the second floor and introduced all kinds of clothes and jewelry to Ji Ruoyu along the way.

Ji Ruoyu accidentally found a pair of hairpins, which were half-butterfly hairpins inlaid with gold jewels. The styles of the two hairpins were the same, both half butterflies, but the two hairpins together would form a butterfly.

Ji Ruoyu fell in love with the pair of hairpins at first sight, and asked the waiter to pack them up immediately without asking the price. The waiter was very happy. He got a lot of commission from this order. He picked up the pair of hairpins very quickly, fearing that Ji Ruoyu would regret it the next second.

Ji Ruoyu was still wondering until she walked out of the gate of the Crescent Tower. Did she come here just to buy hairpins? Why did I spend so much money? My own small treasury was emptied by half.

The things I bought were sent to the Taiwei Mansion by Yueyalou. Ji Ruoyu thought: I'm already out, so let's buy some more things.

Thinking like this, Ji Ruoyu said to the other three people: "I'm going to buy some things. You go back to the carriage and wait for me." Dongmei said to Ji Ruoyu worriedly: "Miss, how about I accompany you." Ji Ruoyu waved her hand and replied: "No need, I'll go by myself, I'll be there for half a quarter." Without waiting for Dongmei to speak, she ran to the street.

Qiuyu patted Dongmei on the shoulder and said: "Let the girl go." There was no way at the moment, Dongmei had to compromise.

Ji Ruoyu walked and found a stall selling candied haws. She hadn't eaten it for a long time. She stepped over and was about to speak when she arrived in front of the stall, but the person next to her spoke first: "Boss, a candied haws." The man who spoke was wearing a mask on his face. His appearance could not be seen, but he still looked good.

"Okay! Your candied haws are ready, sir." The boss quickly packed the candied haws the man wanted. Ji Ruoyu also said to the boss, "Boss, I want one too." The boss looked embarrassed and said to Ji Ruoyu apologetically, "I'm sorry, miss, the last candied haws has been bought by this gentleman..."

"Ah...what a pity..." Ji Ruoyu said with a disappointed look on her face. She didn't buy any candied haws, and she lost interest in shopping. She turned back to the direction where the carriage was parked. When she was halfway there, a voice came from behind her: "Girl in front, please wait a moment." Ji Ruoyu turned around and saw someone following her. It was the man just now.

"Excuse me?" Ji Ruoyu asked. Teng Haojue just looked at Ji Ruoyu's disappointed look, and he couldn't bear to continue teasing the little girl, so he chased after her. Teng Haojue looked at Ji Ruoyu and said, "Here you go." After that, he took out the candied haws and handed it to Ji Ruoyu.

"Ah... How can I be so embarrassed..." Ji Ruoyu was happy but still a little afraid to take it. Teng Haojue looked at Ji Ruoyu's happy expression but didn't dare to show it, which was really cute: "It's okay, I just want to buy it and take it, I don't like to eat it." Ji Ruoyu thought this person was very weird. He bought it and took it, but he really wanted to eat the candied haws, so he took it: "Thank you." After taking it, he smiled at Teng Haojue embarrassedly.

After saying that, Ji Ruoyu took a bite. It was so sweet and delicious. Teng Haojue looked at Ji Ruoyu's eyes, which seemed to be shining, and her cheeks moved with the biting action, so cute.

Just when Teng Haojue was concentrating on watching Ji Ruoyu eating, suddenly someone shouted from the crowd: "Come on! There is an assassin!" Teng Haojue looked over and saw a man in black clothes. He thought: No, it's an assassin, and it's obvious that the assassin is coming for him.

Ji Ruoyu heard the shouting and was pulled into Teng Haojue's arms before she could react. She felt his chest was hard and a little hot. Teng Haojue didn't have time to think, and said to Ji Ruoyu: "The situation is critical, please forgive me." After that, he turned around and went to the alley. The assassin followed closely.

Teng Haojue saw that the assassin had been following them with his peripheral vision, and thought: It's too late. He pushed Ji Ruoyu forward and said to her: "You hide first!" After saying this, he turned around and drew the sword worn on his waist and started fighting with the assassin.

Ji Ruoyu didn't have time to think, and hid in a group of miscellaneous items first. It was obvious that the assassin's martial arts was not as strong as Teng Haojue's. Soon the assassin was at a disadvantage. Seeing this, the assassin made a gesture, and several more black shadows appeared in an instant, which were more assassins.

Teng Haojue was very powerful. If he used all his strength, these assassins would not be his opponents. But the little girl was still there. He didn't want to kill anyone, so he could only negotiate with them: "Tell me, who asked you to come? The eldest prince? Or the second prince?" The assassins didn't appreciate it and said to Teng Haojue: "Don't care who it is! You will die today! Brothers, go!" The assassin gave an order and all the assassins rushed forward.

Teng Haojue didn't show any mercy either. He chopped at the assassins one by one. Half of the assassins had fallen to the ground. Seeing this, the assassin leader in front went directly to the direction where Ji Ruoyu was hiding.

Ji Ruoyu had been secretly observing the movement. When she saw the assassin running towards her, she couldn't help but screamed: "Ahhh!" Then she covered her eyes with both hands and dared not to look any further.

After waiting for a while and hearing no movement, he plucked up the courage to take his hand away, only to see the assassin standing in front of him, with his abdomen pierced by a sword. After the sword was pulled out, the assassin fell straight to the ground, apparently dead.

Teng Haojue was busy killing the assassins. When he heard Ji Ruoyu's scream, he turned around and saw an assassin heading towards Ji Ruoyu. In a hurry, he directly killed the assassin in front of him and used a light sword to kill the assassin.

Ji Ruoyu saw that it was Teng Haojue who saved her, and she couldn't help crying. She even accidentally dropped the candied haws in her hand on the ground. Teng Haojue saw Ji Ruoyu crying and threw away the sword to hug Ji Ruoyu, coaxing Ji Ruoyu softly: "Ayu, baby, it's okay, baby." Ji Ruoyu couldn't control her tears and fell down after being coaxed by Teng Haojue. Her hands tightly wrapped around Teng Haojue's body, and she didn't notice Teng Haojue's "Ayu" at all...