Chapter 9 Sickness Plan

Teng Haojue just kept squatting, quietly hiding on the eaves and watching Ji Ruoyu, afraid that Ji Ruoyu would find someone hiding on the eaves. Ji Ruoyu's every move was deeply engraved in his heart.

Especially when she cried, Teng Haojue seemed to have some sense, he even felt a dull pain in his heart, as if Ji Ruoyu's every move could affect him.

Whenever Ji Ruoyu smiled, he felt very happy. When she cried, he would feel a certain place in his heart being pulled. When she was in danger or bullied, he was even more worried about her than she was, and wanted to kill that person.

Teng Haojue on the eaves watched the backs of Ji Ruoyu and the three servants supporting each other and leaving, and then he dared to move his legs that had been paralyzed and frozen stiff.

He gently rubbed his legs, trying to slowly relieve the pain in his legs. After he got used to it, he slowly moved over. Only when he saw that the lights in the house had gone out did he feel relieved to leave.

After he returned to Prince An's Mansion, Quan Jin hurried out to greet him: "Your Highness, where have you been? You are still wearing such thin clothes, be careful not to catch a cold." As he spoke, he took up his cloak and covered Teng Haojue.

But he was stopped by Teng Haojue: "It's okay, it's just a cold, you won't die." Quan Jin was a eunuch. He was more than ten years older than Teng Haojue. He was chosen to serve Teng Haojue when Teng Haojue was only three years old. He watched Teng Haojue grow up. Hearing this, he said angrily: "Your Highness must also take care of his own body. If you get sick, what will you let the Concubine Shu do?"

Teng Haojue didn't care about this at first, but after hearing Quan Jin's words, he remembered his mother. Now his mother and sister can only rely on him. His father doesn't value his mother, and his sister hasn't married yet. Even if she marries, she can only rely on him, her brother.

"I know. Go and boil some hot water for me." Quan Jin was immediately happy when he heard this, and the wrinkles on his face were wrinkled together. "Okay, I'll prepare it right away."

After a while, Teng Haojue was already soaking in the bathtub. The water in the bathtub was not only hot water, but also boiled with ginger, and there were a few slices of ginger on the water. Teng Haojue shook his head and smiled helplessly.

Rather than saying that Quan Jin was the eunuch beside him, it would be better to say that he was his mother. The tedious things that Quan Jin had to worry about could not be exhausted even if he spent decades.

He remembered that every New Year's Day, the palace would hold a family banquet for the whole palace. This year was no exception. This year, many important officials in the court and their families were invited. Among them was the powerful Taiwei Ji Pingchuan.

Since Ji Pingchuan would attend, Ji Ruoyu would definitely attend as well. Teng Haojue thought so, got up, wrapped a bath towel around him, walked behind the screen and put on his clothes. After finishing everything, he lay on the bed and thought about tomorrow.

Teng Haojue has always been a person who doesn't like to give, and he won't procrastinate. But he couldn't sleep tonight. He was thinking about how he would respond if Ji Ruoyu recognized him at the family banquet tomorrow.

Should he respond frankly or refuse to admit it?

Thinking like this, Teng Haojue felt that he didn't need to sleep tonight. He simply closed his eyes and fell asleep with the quilt.

When he got up early in the morning, Teng Haojue found that his voice was hoarse and his body was hot. Quan Jin felt something was wrong at first glance, and he reached out and touched Teng Haojue's forehead and found that it was burning.

After the imperial physician took a look, it turned out that he had caught a cold.

Teng Haojue was still thinking about what clothes to wear for the family banquet tomorrow, but now he doesn't have to go.

Teng Haojue lay on the bed discouraged, and he kept thinking about Ji Ruoyu. What color clothes did she wear today? What headdress did she wear? What did she eat? Did she eat well? Will he be bullied by others?

Quan Jin just sent someone to the palace to tell them that Teng Haojue was ill and could not attend today's family dinner.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Teng Haojue lying on the bed motionless as if he was suffering from lovesickness. The loneliness in his eyes was caught by Quan Jin.

Quan Jin thought that Teng Haojue was not feeling well, and hurried forward to ask: "Your Highness, what's wrong with you? Are you really not feeling well? Do you want me to invite the imperial physician?"

Teng Haojue shook his head weakly, and he said: "No... I can't see her again..." Quan Jin felt something was wrong when he heard this, and continued to ask: "Who is she, Your Highness?"

"It's her..." Teng Haojue didn't want to care whether Quan Jin knew who it was, his mind was full of Ji Ruoyu. Ayu...his Ayu...

Quan Jin put his ear closer, trying to hear who Teng Haojue was talking about. "Your Highness, please say it again."

Teng Haojue rolled his eyes at him, not wanting to continue to care about him, but he thought of a good idea. "Quan Jin, if I tell you who it is, will you help me?"

Quan Jin's eyes suddenly lit up, and he nodded quickly: "Of course I will! This is the woman that Your Highness likes!"

Teng Haojue smiled and said: "Come here." Quan Jin leaned over obediently, and his eyes widened when he heard the name Teng Haojue said.

"Your Highness, are you talking about the Miss Ji that this old slave knows?" Quan Jin successfully received another roll of the eyes from Teng Haojue.

"Then how does Your Highness want me to help you?" Teng Haojue whispered a few words in his ear. Quan Jin suddenly widened his eyes, and his eyes, which were not big to begin with, were almost bursting.

"Your Highness... Is this safe?" Teng Haojue smiled, patted his shoulder and said, "Why not? Just do what I say."

Quan Jin wanted to cry but had no tears. He suddenly regretted why he agreed to Teng Haojue's conditions.