Chapter 14 Ji Ruoning is wronged

In the blink of an eye, it was already the third day of the Chinese New Year, and it was also the day when Ji Ruoning would go home. The mansion was very busy early in the morning, and everyone was preparing for the arrival of the eldest lady.

Ji Ruoyu was also anxiously waiting in the hall early in the morning. She walked around and kept nagging. "Why hasn't my sister come back yet? Why is she so slow?"

Gao Xinman was also anxious. Although she didn't say it out loud, her eyes were always looking at the direction of the door. Ji Ruoyu sat down to drink tea when she was tired. Who knew that the voice of the servant came from the door when she was drinking tea.

"The eldest lady and the eldest brother-in-law are back! The eldest lady and the eldest brother-in-law are back!" Ji Ruoyu hurriedly got up and rushed to the door.

When Ji Ruoyu saw Ji Ruoning walking towards the hall, she rushed over and hugged her. Seeing her sister like this, Ji Ruoning just smiled foolishly and didn't blame her.

Ji Pingchuan and Gao Xinman, who came over, were about to cry when they saw Ji Ruoning standing in front of them. It was Li Li who was standing by and said, "The son-in-law meets his father-in-law and mother-in-law."

Ji Pingchuan laughed and asked them to come in quickly. Ji Ruoyu finally left her sister. After everyone came to the hall, they left Ji Pingchuan and Li Li in the hall to talk. The mother and daughter went to the room to talk.

As soon as they got into the room, Gao Xinman nervously pulled Ji Ruoning around to check. This scene made Ji Ruoning laugh and cry and said, "Mom, my daughter is fine."

Gao Xinman also hugged Ji Ruoning after hearing this. The mother and daughter had not seen each other for several months. Although Ji Ruoning was already a wife, she actually wanted to cry at this moment.

Ji Ruoyu said, "Sister, is your brother-in-law good to you? Did their family bully you?"

Ji Ruoning shook her head and said, "Li Li treats me very well. It's just... it's..." Ji Ruoning wanted to cry when she said this.

"What's wrong? Tell mother, mother will take care of it for you." Gao Xinman was also anxious when she saw it, and asked hurriedly.

"Nothing, it's just that my mother-in-law and others have been urging me, asking why my stomach hasn't moved yet." Ji Ruoning said crying.

"What about Li Li? Didn't he take care of it for you?" Gao Xinman asked worriedly.

Ji Ruoning shook her head and said, "He doesn't know about this. My mother-in-law and others only told me when I was alone."

Gao Xinman was silent. She knew that this was probably something that every newlywed woman had experienced. At that time, it was just that the mother-in-law was kind and didn't ask too much. She didn't expect that her daughter would suffer such an experience one day.

No matter what, Gao Xinman still pretended to be calm and comforted Ji Ruoning, saying, "It's okay, Ning, mother will ask the dark guards to find an excellent pregnancy medicine, you will get pregnant soon after drinking it."

Ji Ruoning nodded, but she continued to sob softly. Ji Ruoyu was listening to this and felt uncomfortable. She didn't expect that she and her brother, who always followed her sister's lead, would cry.

She was silent, and this matter had been buried deep in her heart.

The next day, Ji Ruoning and Li Li stayed overnight and packed up to go back to the Li Mansion. Although the Ji family was reluctant, they had no choice. This was the rule.

And today, there would be important people visiting the house. If you mention the devil, he will appear. Soon, a carriage that looked very expensive stopped at the door of the Ji Mansion.

Lu Zhichuan carefully helped his wife Yanzhi get off the carriage. Yanzhi was holding a baby in her arms.

The Ji family had been waiting at the gate for a long time. Seeing the two of them coming, they hurried forward to greet them.

As soon as they entered the hall, Yanzhi knelt down towards Gao Xinman's position, holding the child in her arms.

Gao Xinman was frightened by this scene. She wanted to go forward and pull Yanzhi up but was stopped.

"Madam Ji, please let me kneel down. Just think of it as my thanks to you for saving my life that day." Gao Xinman and Ji Ruoyu still insisted on helping Yanzhi up.

"Why are you doing this? I just saved you that day. There is no need to do such a big ceremony." Gao Xinman began to comfort her.

"If it weren't for you saving my life that day, I'm afraid my child and I would have died in that forest long ago." Yanzhi was still crying and talking. Even the baby in the swaddling clothes seemed to feel the mother's sadness and started crying.

Lu Zhichuan took the child and coaxed him familiarly. Gao Xinman also took this opportunity to pull Yanzhi to sit on the chair.

"In fact, it was not me who saved you that day, but my daughter. If she hadn't dragged me to that forest, we would not have run into you." Yanzhi looked at Ji Ruoyu with tears in her eyes.

"Thank you, Miss, thank you, Miss." Yanzhi wanted to kowtow after she finished speaking, but was stopped by Gao Xinman.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this anymore." Yanzhi cast a grateful look at Gao Xinman and Ji Ruoyu.

"My husband and I came here today to thank you for saving our lives. This is a small token of our gratitude. Please don't despise it." After saying that, Lu Zhichuan ordered the attendant to take out a small jewelry box.

Lu Zhichuan opened it and saw that it was full of pearls. You should know that in ancient times, only the emperor, the empress dowager and the queen were qualified to use pearls, but now Lu Zhichuan easily took out a box, which shows that Lu Zhichuan's family background is a mystery.

After pushing and shoving for a few times, they still accepted it. After chatting for a while, Lu Zhichuan realized that his purpose had been achieved and decided not to stay any longer. After all, staying too long would give people something to talk about.

Ji Pingchuan also understood and stood up to send Lu Zhichuan and his wife to the door. He watched the three of them leave.

After returning, Gao Xinman couldn't help but say to Ji Pingchuan: "The wife of the left prime minister is also a great beauty. And the left prime minister is also very rich, so he gave this box of pearls away as a gift."

"Let's keep it." Ji Pingchuan was also very curious about Lu Zhichuan's family background, but because he was the left prime minister, sometimes it was better to have less trouble than more.