Chapter 23: The Little Princess’s Third Day Banquet (1)

Ji Ruoyu and his party did not return to the Taiwei Mansion until Pan Mengqiu was sent back to the Minister's Mansion.

As soon as Ji Ruoyu stepped into the front yard, he heard the conversation between Ji Pingchuan and Gao Xinman.

"Dad and Mom, Ayu is back."

Ji Pingchuan looked at Ji Ruoyu with a kind face and said.

"Ayu is back, come and sit down. Daddy just wants to talk to you."

After Ji Ruoyu sat down, Ji Pingchuan slowly spoke.

"Princess Ping successfully gave birth in the middle of the night yesterday, and it was a little princess. I only knew about it when I heard my colleagues talk about it in the morning court today."

"It's really a little princess. Now that Concubine Xian is in high spirits, I'm afraid she will have to give Prince Ping another concubine."

Gao Xinman sighed after she finished speaking, as if she was feeling sad for Princess Ping.

"I think Ayu will marry into the royal family in a few months, so this etiquette cannot be missed."

After Ji Pingchuan finished speaking, he looked at Gao Xinman and continued.

"I plan to take Ayu and the others to the Prince Ping's Mansion to visit the Princess Ping when the young princess celebrates her third birthday in a few days."

Ji Pingchuan was referring to the wives and daughters of the officials who were on good terms with the Taiwei Mansion. If they went together, they would not be criticized for taking sides.

Gao Xinman nodded in agreement after hearing this.

"My husband is right. We must first pave the way for Ayu. What do you think, Ayu?"

Ji Ruoyu naturally had no objection. At this moment, she was thinking about the flower-viewing banquet at the Minister's Mansion last time.

She remembered what Princess Jing said last time.

It is still unknown how much trouble the young princess's third birthday banquet will cause in a few days.

When Ji Ruoyu thought of this, she was even more worried about her upcoming marriage into the royal family.

In Chenghuan Palace, Teng Chengping watched Chu Zijing sew clothes for the baby.

Chu Zijing slowly embroidered the tiger pattern on the clothes.

"Why are you embroidering some light yellow or light orange fabrics? You can also embroider some blue or pink."

Chu Zijing continued her movements without raising her head.

"We don't know whether it's a boy or a girl yet. Embroidering some yellow clothes can be worn by both men and women. Don't you even know this?"

Teng Chengping was not annoyed by being nagging, but looked at Chu Zijing lovingly.

"I don't know, these things are done by the embroiderers. You don't have to do everything yourself, so as not to tire yourself. How about this, I spend a lot of money to invite the best embroiderers in the world to sew clothes for our children?"

"This is my thought as a mother. You won't even give me this opportunity, right? Besides, I don't feel at ease if I hand it over to others. I'd better do it myself."

Chu Zijing said to Teng Chengping as if she remembered something.

"By the way, the little princess is born. Are you going to the third-day bath?"

Chu Zijing said this without any expression. Teng Chengping looked at her face quietly before speaking slowly.

"I should go. Why don't you want me to go?"

"Then your majesty, take me with you."

Chu Zijing used "your majesty" when she said this, which made Teng Chengping, who was used to Chu Zijing calling her "you", a little uncomfortable.

"Okay, you've used "your majesty", how can I not allow it?"

Chu Zijing rolled her eyes at Teng Chengping and said.

"You just love to bully me. Don't forget that you still have a hostage in my hand."

Chu Zijing touched her belly with a proud look on her face.

This scene made Teng Chengping laugh and cry. He hugged Chu Zijing into his arms and said.

"Yes, yes, I forgot that my son is still in your belly. But you are almost four months pregnant. You must stay by my side at the little princess's third-day bath in a few days, okay?"

Chu Zijing nodded and buried her head in Teng Chengping's arms.

She was thinking about other things.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day of the little princess's third-day bath.

The Prince Ping's Mansion was already full of people early in the morning, and even the people who were outside to join in the fun had been waiting for a long time.

'Have you heard? His Majesty the Emperor will also be here in person today'

'Really? No wonder everyone is crowded here'

'That's right, the little princess is the first grandchild of His Majesty the Emperor. Although she is a granddaughter, she is truly the first grandchild. She must come in person. '

One carriage after another stopped in front of the gate of the Prince Ping's Mansion.

The carriage of the Taiwei Mansion arrived at the right time, and the carriage of the Minister's Mansion arrived right after it left.

"Sister Mengqiu."

Pan Mengqiu, who had been following Mrs. Pan, turned around and found that it was Ji Ruoyu after hearing the noise.

Ji Ruoyu was calling her before she got off the carriage.


After Ji Ruoyu and Gao Xinman arrived, Pan Mengqiu saw that Ji Ruoyu was dressed very beautifully today.

Ji Ruoyu was wearing a scarlet skirt suit today, and her hair was combed into a bun. There was also a gold filigree inlaid ruby ​​double phoenix inlaid with kingfisher hairpin on her head.

The color of the hairpin matched Ji Ruoyu's outfit today very well.

Especially the hairpin swayed with every step, which was really beautiful.

After the two sisters met, they gathered together and whispered.

"Ayu, you are dressed so beautifully today. Do you think the third prince will be here today?"

Ji Ruoyu was startled. She was not ready to meet her future husband.

"Isn't it? I'm not ready yet. Sister, you have to accompany me."

Pan Mengqiu was amused by Ji Ruoyu's frightened look.

"Don't worry, I'll accompany you no matter what happens. If you're afraid, we can just avoid him. Don't be afraid."

Ji Ruoyu's nervous mood eased a lot instantly.

As the officials and families who were friendly with the Taiwei Mansion arrived, a group of people walked into the Prince Ping's Mansion.