Chapter 28: Your Majesty or the Demon Lord?

Although Chu Zijing had expected this, she was still shocked by what Chen Ya said.

"Did Lord Demon send you here? Have you been here since the beginning or just arrived?"

"When this body fell unconscious, it was the first day I came here. As for whether Lord Demon sent me here, you probably already have the answer in your heart."

Chu Zijing's mind was full of Teng Chengping.

She fully understood and saw how much Teng Chengping respected and cared about the Queen Mother.

Now that the people of the Demon Realm had directly taken over his mother's body, Chu Zijing didn't dare to imagine Teng Chengping's reaction if he knew the truth.

Chu Zijing began to worry whether Teng Chengping would be disappointed with her when he found out that he had been deceived.

She began to have wild thoughts, and she couldn't even hear what Chen Ya was saying in front of her.

Chu Zijing's face was still pale and frightening until she left the Cining Palace.

Caixian supported Chu Zijing step by step on the sedan chair with great concern.

It was not until she was helped into her palace by Caixian that she seemed to come back to her senses.

After dismissing the servants, she pulled Caixian and said.

"Caixian, the Queen Mother... she is from the demon world..."

Caixian didn't pay much attention to other people, so she naturally didn't notice it.

"Then if she knows about us too?"

Chu Zijing closed her eyes and nodded.

"I... I'm worried about His Majesty... If the truth comes out one day, will His Majesty be extremely disappointed in me? Will he ignore me again? Will he hate me? Just like he hates the concubines in his harem. Caixian, do you think His Majesty will?"

Chu Zijing had completely lost her mind at this time, and she was completely panicked.

"Your Majesty, calm down. Your Majesty, you are worried about this. Could it be that you have already moved your heart? Have you fallen in love with His Majesty?"

Chu Zijing hesitated and couldn't say a word.

Caixian saw Chu Zijing's expression and already knew the answer.

"Your Highness, now that things have come to a head, while the truth has not yet been revealed, will you choose His Majesty or the Demon Lord?"

Chu Zijing subconsciously retorted.

"How can the Demon Lord be compared with Your Highness?"

"That's your answer, and now we can only abandon the Demon Realm."

Chu Zijing hesitated for a moment.

"I... I..."

Before she could finish her words, her eyes went dark and she almost fainted.

"Your Highness! What's wrong with you? Your Highness, don't scare me, Your Highness."