Chapter 33 Ji Ruoyu is summoned to the palace

Ji Ruoyu's wedding date is approaching, and she is no longer allowed to go out and stroll on the street.

She can only stay in her boudoir and sew the wedding dress she will wear on the wedding day.

On this day, Ji Ruoyu sat on a chair and sewed the wedding dress with the embroiderer sent by the palace as usual.

'Knock knock...'

The knock on the door came from outside the house, and then Gao Xinman appeared at the door.

She walked into the house slowly, and she looked at Ji Ruoyu kindly.


Gao Xinman walked over and gently stroked her head. Ji Ruoyu's hair was well maintained, and the soft touch had a floral scent.

Gao Xinman looked at the needle in Ji Ruoyu's hand, and she looked at the magpie that Ji Ruoyu embroidered as if it could come alive.

The magpie was embroidered by Ji Ruoyu so realistically that even Gao Xinman couldn't help but sigh.

"Ayu's embroidery is really beautiful."

Ji Ruoyu smiled embarrassedly, and Gao Xinman also told the purpose of her coming here at this time.

"Ayu, the Concubine Shu sent someone to convey the decree. She said that you should enter the palace."

Ji Ruoyu knew that the Concubine Shu was the biological mother of her future husband.

Although she had seen her from a distance at the family banquet, Ji Ruoyu was still afraid that she would be treated as a concubine by the Concubine Shu this time.

Thinking of this, she nodded and agreed without asking any more questions.

After getting dressed, Ji Ruoyu got on the carriage to the palace. Gao Xinman was not summoned to enter the palace this time, so she went alone.

As soon as the carriage arrived at the palace, Ji Ruoyu saw several people in maid costumes at the palace gate as soon as she got off the carriage.

Those people looked around, and one of them, who was standing in the middle of the crowd and looked older, was more stable.

When Nanny Lin saw a beautiful lady getting off the carriage not far away, she could already guess that the woman in front of her should be Miss Ji.

Nanny Lin led the maids to come forward and respectfully saluted Ji Ruoyu.

"I pay my respects to Miss Ji."

Ji Ruoyu probably recognized that the group of people in front of her were sent by Concubine Shu. She reached out her hand to help the leader, Nanny Lin, up.

"Madam, you are too polite. It seems that you recognize me. I guess you are from Concubine Shu's palace."

"Miss, you are right. Just call me Nanny Lin. Concubine Shu must be waiting anxiously. Please follow me to Chuxiu Palace."