Chapter 36: Double Ninth Festival Banquet (I)

Soon it was the day of the Double Ninth Festival.

The people were celebrating the festival in great spirits, not to mention the palace.

Teng Chengping had ordered early in the morning that this year's Double Ninth Festival must be celebrated in a grand manner.

The imperial garden was full of chrysanthemums.

The yellow chrysanthemums bloomed one after another, which was really beautiful.

Early in the morning, Teng Chengping led the princes and royal relatives to the Fengxian Hall to worship their ancestors.

Among them must be Teng Chengping's only brother. Teng Chengyi, the King of Yan, and his son, Teng Haotian, the Prince of Yan.

Although Teng Chengping and Teng Chengyi were half-brothers, Teng Chengping's brothers in the early years either died of illness or died on the battlefield.

The only brother left was Teng Chengyi, and Teng Chengping loved this younger brother very much.

Not only did he give Teng Chengyi a fiefdom as soon as he ascended the throne, but he also rewarded him with countless treasures.

The Prince of Yan's return to Beijing this time was naturally ordered by the Emperor.

After offering sacrifices to the ancestors, everyone came to the Imperial Garden to appreciate the chrysanthemums.

"Royal brother. I pay my respects to you."

Teng Chengyi found an opportunity to have a good talk with Teng Chengping.

"Are you back? Get up quickly."

Teng Chengyi was still talking after he stood up.

"Since I moved out of the capital to my fiefdom, I haven't seen you for a long time. I wonder if you are okay?"

Teng Chengyi really loves his brother. When he was young, his mother died early, and only the current Queen Mother and Teng Chengping took care of him.

"Well, how can I not be okay? But you, since the death of the princess, you haven't remarried."

After listening to this, Teng Chengyi forced a smile on his face.

"I don't want to marry again. No one can match her importance in my heart..."

"Let's not talk about this anymore. I heard that my brother has found a beautiful woman and now has a child. I haven't congratulated my brother in person yet. I would like to congratulate him here."

Seeing that the atmosphere suddenly became heavy, Teng Chengyi quickly changed the subject and congratulated Teng Chengping.

After hearing what Teng Chengping said, Chu Zijing's appearance appeared in his mind.

He couldn't help but smile a little more.

"Yes, you have to stay in the capital for a while this time. Otherwise, you have to go back and forth to celebrate the full moon."

Teng Chengyi looked at his brother's happy appearance and was really happy for him.

"Then I will obey your order."