Chapter 39: Double Ninth Festival Banquet (3)

After half an hour, Fulai trembled and walked to Teng Chengping.

"Did you find it?"

Teng Chengping asked nonchalantly.

"Your Majesty, I didn't find the person... But..."

Fulai looked at Teng Chengping and really didn't dare to speak.

"But what? Go on."

The emperor spoke, and Fulai could only speak submissively.

"But I led people to pass by a side hall, and before I went in to search, I heard an unbearable sound coming from inside..."


As soon as Fulai finished speaking, Teng Chengping slammed the cup in his hand.

"How dare you! I want to see who dares to commit adultery in the palace and on the day of Double Ninth Festival!"

Teng Chengping stood up and walked out after he finished speaking, and Fulai hurriedly followed the emperor's footsteps.

Seeing that there was something exciting to watch, everyone followed him out.

Fulai led everyone to the side hall.

"Go, kick this door open for me!"


Fulai and several strong guards kicked open the closed door.

The door was kicked open at once, and Teng Chengping walked in.

As soon as they entered, they saw the creaking bed.

"How dare you!"

With Teng Chengping's roar, the people inside stopped moving instantly.

A woman hurriedly put on her coat and came out.

"Your Majesty, spare me, Your Majesty."

Everyone saw that this was Li Jieyu's niece.

"Shuwan, what's wrong with you? How could this happen?"

Li Shuyun rushed over and hugged Li Shuwan, who was crying all the time.

She stretched out her hand to help Li Shuwan straighten the coat she had put on carelessly, and everyone saw that Li Shuwan was full of ambiguous traces.

"Your Majesty, you have to make a decision for Shuwan. Shuwan is a good and innocent woman, but she was ruined like this. Woo woo woo..."

After saying this, Li Shuyun burst into tears.

"Shuwan, tell me quickly, who is that man? Your Majesty will definitely make a decision for you."

After hearing what Li Shuyun said, Li Shuwan said tremblingly.

"It was His Royal Highness the Prince of Yan. I came out to look for my aunt. But I didn't expect that when I passed by here, His Royal Highness the Prince of Yan was drunk and forced me..."

Before Li Shuwan finished speaking, she fell into Li Shuyun's arms and cried. Before she finished speaking, everyone knew what was going on.