Chapter 47: Setting the Rules

In the carriage, Teng Haojue carefully looked at Ji Ruoyu's hand.

"I didn't look carefully. Is this bracelet given to you by your mother?"

Teng Haojue was referring to the ruby ​​bracelet handed down from the Ren family.

"Yes, it was before I got married last time when my mother summoned me to the palace. This bracelet was put on me by my mother personally at that time."

Teng Haojue nodded and said.

"Yes, you saw it just now. Father was thinking about Concubine De even when he was having dinner with us."

Ji Ruoyu didn't say anything.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. I will ask Quan Jin to bring the housekeeper and the maids to your courtyard later. In addition to the maids you brought as a dowry, you can assign them tasks properly."

"Yes, I'm afraid I can't manage the people in such a big house."

Ji Ruoyu's worried look appeared on her face.

Seeing this, Teng Haojue hurriedly hugged her in his arms and comforted her softly.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here for everything. Okay? No matter what happens that you can't handle, just tell me and I'll solve it for you. Okay?"

Ji Ruoyu smiled with relief.

After arriving at Prince An's Mansion, Teng Haojue went to the study to handle some government affairs first.

Ji Ruoyu summoned the maids and servants from all levels of the mansion in the main courtyard.

The servants all stood in rows respectfully, waiting to be dealt with.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. This princess summoned everyone because there is a reward to be distributed to everyone."

When Ji Ruoyu said this, the servants all breathed a sigh of relief. They were afraid that the new princess would be a sarcastic person.

"Thank you, Princess, for the reward!"

Ji Ruoyu smiled and continued.

"There are twelve maids in my dowry. I will leave four of them with me. I will have to trouble Butler Qian to help arrange the rest of the eight."

Butler Qian, who was named, responded respectfully.

"I will follow the princess's instructions."

"As for my personal maids, they are Dongmei and Qiuyu."

Dongmei and Qiuyu acted very steady in front of outsiders, as if they were serious personal maids.

"And the two wet nurses I brought with me, Zhao and Li, will also be by my side to help me manage the affairs of the harem."


Ji Ruoyu was very satisfied with the servants who behaved well. She winked at Qiuyu and Qiuyu immediately understood.

"All of you should accept this reward. If you do your job well tomorrow, you will get more rewards. As long as you do your job in a law-abiding manner, you will not be afraid of not getting rewarded."

Qiuyu distributed the rewards one by one, and all the servants who received the rewards were so happy that they were not able to see their teeth.

"Thank you for the reward, Princess!"

After returning to the main room, Ji Ruoyu finally took off the serious expression she had just had outside.

"I was so nervous. How was my performance just now? Did I look like a princess?"

Ji Ruoyu asked Dongmei while pulling her.

Dongmei also gave Ji Ruoyu face and agreed.

"The princess performed very well, even I was shocked."

Ji Ruoyu smiled after hearing Dongmei's words.

"Princess, stop laughing, butler Qian is here."

Ji Ruoyu instantly put away the smile on her face.


Butler Qian knelt on the ground respectfully.

"This old servant pays respects to the princess."

"Get up."

Butler Qian stood up with a thick stack of account books in his hands.

"Princess, I have brought you the account books of the palace. I have completed what the princess asked me to do.

This old servant carefully selected four maids for the princess, namely Peach Blossom, Green Bamboo, Grape and Chrysanthemum. I have brought these four maids here and are waiting outside.

And I have arranged good places for the other eight maids. Please rest assured, princess."

Ji Ruoyu nodded. She was quite satisfied with this butler Qian. He was kind and respected her, the newly-appointed princess.

"Excuse me, butler Qian. May I ask how many years has he worked in the palace?"

Butler Qian smiled when he heard this.

"To answer your question, Princess, I was assigned to the prince in the same year as Quan Jin, who is by his side. It has been almost twenty years."

Ji Ruoyu really didn't expect that Butler Qian had been in the palace for so long.

"Princess, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave first."

Butler Qian still had many things to do, and Ji Ruoyu understood his pain, so she nodded in agreement.


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