Chapter 56: Important Task

"How are the preparations going?"

Chunxue knelt beside Teng Lin and responded obediently.

"To answer the princess, Chunling reported that everything has been prepared. Please rest assured, princess."

Teng Lin smiled with satisfaction after hearing Chunxue's answer.

"You have done a good job, and it is time to close the net. Tell them to be careful in their actions and not to reveal any flaws."

Teng Lin smiled with satisfaction while holding her son who was only more than two months old.

"She will definitely kill two people, right? Heng'er?"

Li Heng in her arms was still a little baby. He only laughed "giggle" when he saw his mother teasing him with her fingers.

In Prince An's Mansion, Ji Ruoyu wrote a letter to Teng Haojue who was far away in the border.

"Is my husband okay? I hope he returns safely.

I entered the palace to accompany my mother today. I felt dizzy. The imperial physician came to check my pulse and said that I was still more than two months pregnant.

I hope my husband is okay.


After writing the letter, Ji Ruoyu handed it to Teng Haojue's secret guard.

"Please personally hand this letter to the prince."

The secret guard took the letter respectfully and agreed.

"Do you know how the prince is doing recently?"

Teng Haojue had already told her before leaving that everything should be reported as safe.

"The prince is fine, please rest assured."

Ji Ruoyu nodded. She was already imagining what Teng Haojue's expression would be after reading the letter and finding out that she was pregnant? He should be very surprised and happy.

In the court, Teng Chengping looked at the memorial sent from the border and laughed with satisfaction.

"Good! I really didn't misjudge those kids! They really didn't disappoint me!"

The people below knew that Teng Guoding had gained the upper hand in this war when they heard Teng Chengping's happy laughter.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

Teng Chengping couldn't help but praise Teng Haojue's heroic behavior in the memorial.

"Prince An is really my good son. Wang Zhiling wrote in the memorial that if it weren't for Prince An's proper planning, I, the Great Teng, wouldn't have been able to gain the upper hand so quickly. Good!"

Ji Pingchuan knelt down and listened to the emperor's endless praise for Teng Haojue. He felt very relieved. His daughter was married to the right man.

"I have made up my mind. I will reward them heavily when they return triumphantly!"


After Teng Chengping finished the morning court, he went to Chuxiu Palace to visit Concubine Shu.

"Your Majesty has arrived!"

Ren Yin had heard about her son's achievements on the battlefield early in the morning. She was relieved and worried about him.

"Your Majesty, I pay my respects to you. May your Majesty be blessed with good health."

Teng Chengping walked into the palace and waved his hand to indicate to Ren Yin that she didn't need to be polite.

"You must have heard about Jue'er's achievements on the battlefield. These are all due to your good teaching."

Teng Chengping praised while drinking tea.

"Your Majesty, I don't deserve it. Jue'er can be what he is today because of his hard work in learning military books and riding and shooting and your Majesty's training."

Ren Yin didn't dare to take credit, and said while pouring tea for Teng Chengping.

"Ayu is also pregnant for more than two months. It is really a blessing from the world to me, the great Teng."

Teng Chengping thought of Ji Ruoyu and nodded with satisfaction.

"You are right. That child is indeed blessed. But Ze'er..."

Teng Chengping had a headache when he thought of his second son. Ren Yin didn't dare to say anything bad about others, she just looked at Teng Chengping's expression and said carefully.

"What does your majesty mean?"

Teng Chengping knew that Ren Yin didn't like to talk about others behind their backs, so he could safely hand over the power of managing the harem to her.

"Shun Zhaoyi is a soft-hearted person. Ze'er and the princess have been married for several years and have no children. I plan to let you and Shun Zhaoyi discuss and choose a few good families for Ze'er as concubines. What do you think?"

Ren Yin was a little embarrassed. She felt it was really difficult to give concubines to others. Besides, this person was someone else's child.

"Your majesty, I'm afraid I can't take on this important task. How about..."

Ren Yin was interrupted by Teng Chengping before she finished speaking.

"I know what you are worried about. This is my intention. I think Shun Zhaoyi has no objection, but you are the highest-ranking official, so I have no worries about leaving this matter to you."

Ren Yin saw that Teng Chengping had already made up his mind to push this matter to her, so she could only grit her teeth and agree.

"Your Majesty obeys your order."


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