Temporary shelter

"I think luck is not on our side today. How about we walk backwards to the next destination?"

Two tall, muscular young men emerged solemnly from a dimly lit building, their expressions etched with unmistakable disappointment.

The younger one, visibly irritated, couldn't resist suggesting, with clear annoyance written on his face.

"Huh? Why is there another ambulance coming? These idiots don't even realize that poor woman is already gone to hell."

The younger one remarked as they stepped onto Oxford Road.

"Idiot! That ambulance is coming way too fast, that means this one is... for a different accident."

As the older one concluded, the ambulance thundered past them, almost knocking them over.

But the two of them ignored it and looked at each other with almost unconcealed joy in their eyes.

"Come on, brother David! There's still hope for us."

The younger-looking William dragged David along. Despite being dragged, David didn't appear unhappy; instead, he matched his steps with William and hurried to catch up with the ambulance.

As they hurried through two or three streets from Manchester Academy to the Manchester Museum area, they came upon the ambulance amidst a commotion of people on the road.

"Oh no! It seems we're late once more."

William cried out in distress as he looked at the body already placed inside the ambulance.

On the other hand, the seasoned David appeared more energized. He disregarded William's outcry and proceeded with determination towards the ambulance.

Confused for a moment, William followed David instinctively. As they approached within ten feet of the ambulance, William's face registered shock and surprise, his excitement palpable.

"Brother David??? Am I hallucinating?"

William couldn't help but cling to David's sleeve and ask in a coquettish voice.

"Can you stop being so clingy? And could you please keep quiet for a moment? Otherwise, you'll be to blame if we fail."

David paused momentarily, his face displaying clear disgust. Soon, his tone became entirely serious, causing William to also adopt a somber expression.

Ignoring William, David approached the side of the ambulance.

"Sigh... What a tragic sight! It looks like he's in his late twenties, doesn't he?"

David said, observing Edward inside the ambulance.

Edward, visibly concerned, briefly glanced at the two figures next to him before returning his focus to his own body.

In the past few minutes, Edward has already heard many people say similar things. Right now, his mind was consumed with thoughts of what would happen to him and how his loved ones would cope with his untimely death.

"Ahem? Young man! I am talking to you only. Don't be sad, and actually, we don't have enough time to be sad about this right now."

David coughed discreetly, masking his embarrassment as Edward persisted in ignoring him.

Hearing the voices of the people beside him, as if they were addressing him directly, Edward turned to look at the two again. Instead of focusing on his body inside the ambulance, he found them gazing directly into his eyes, which startled him momentarily.

"A-Are you able to see me?"

Edward stammered, taking two steps back in fright. Since his death, no one had been able to see him; people passed through him as though he were air.

Seeing two people address a 'dead ghost' like him made Edward quite frightened.

"Hey, we can see you clearly, buddy, and we know what's going on. But we're short on time to chat about it now. We've got to get out of here fast."

David urged urgently, a sense of dread creeping in.

"No, I can't come with you. I need to be with my family, or..."

Edward trailed off, his voice matter-of-fact. But then it hit him, as a ghost, he couldn't touch or be seen by the living.

He stood there, stunned, unsure how he could possibly help them in this situation.

"I think we can hang on a bit longer, right?"

William chimed in cheerfully. He is obviously in a good mood due to the fact that they are able to find a dead ghost like 'Edward'.

"No, we must hurry. I sense a looming danger approaching from that direction."

David interrupted, pointing to the side. William and Edward turned to look, but saw nothing except the busy traffic rushing by.

"William, take hold of him and let's quickly make our way to the shelter!"

David suddenly shouted, lunging towards the bewildered Edward.

Edward stood frozen for a moment, realizing these people could not only see him but also touch him.

Edward stood there, stunned into silence. David shot a glare at William, who hurried to the other side of Edward. With both shoulders firmly gripped, Edward finally snapped out of his daze and reacted.

"Now!! Run as fast as you can!"

David shouted at William, his urgency palpable as he began dragging Edward. William gritted his teeth and matched David's pace, pushing forward with determination.

"No, no, no!! Please stop. I can't go with you!"

Edward screamed, thrashing and struggling with all his might to break free from their grips.

But no matter how hard he fought, their hold on him felt unyielding, like iron pincers he couldn't shake off.

After an hour of their frantic journey, they arrived at an old, abandoned mansion in the nearby suburb of Didsbury, about five miles from the city.

Without hesitation, David and William dragged Edward into the mansion. Edward had ceased struggling, realizing it was futile halfway through their rush.

Instead, he surveyed the building that they had just entered. The two-story structure appeared to have been ravaged by fire long ago.

Moss and vines covered its exterior, obscuring the burned patches, giving it a haunting appearance.

They dragged him through the mansion to the first floor and into one of the innermost rooms, tightly closing the door behind them.

The mansion was expansive, boasting five to six rooms with intricate layouts on the first floor alone, not to mention the vast hallway.

Upstairs, roughly seventy percent of the floor space was occupied by bedrooms, study rooms, and assorted chambers. 

"Now, can you please tell me where we are exactly and who you guys are? Why did you bring me here, and what is the danger you talked about?"

Edward asked, taking a deep 'non-existent' breath as both David and William released their grip, facing his 'kidnappers' head-on.

Without looking at William, he intuitively recognized David's authority in the situation.

"Good, you've calmed down quickly. Let me introduce myself first, I'm David, and this is William. As for who we are,? We're just like you, ghosts."

David explained, satisfied with Edward's behavior. He understood how much of a ruckus a newly born ghost could make. Unintentionally, he glanced at William, who flushed with embarrassment.

Edward, upon hearing David's words, couldn't help but feel as though he might float away, despite no wind. He had assumed David and William were some 'special' human beings, but never ghosts.

"And as for where we are? We're currently in an abandoned house in the Didsbury suburb, about five to six miles from the city. This mansion has been our temporary shelter for many years, and now it will be your temporary shelter too."

David calmly explained, preempting any further questions from Edward.

He understood that if he gave Edward enough time to speak, more questions would come pouring out.