Going back to Manchester

"It's not that we didn't want to explain beforehand. We just thought you might not handle it well if you knew there was such a slim chance of awakening a special talent."

David clarified earnestly. Edward nodded in agreement, feeling grateful for the care and consideration shown by David and William.

"From the name 'Titan Ascent,' I can assume it's a strength-type ability. But I've never heard of this ability. If you feel comfortable, could you reveal your ability to us? If not, forget I ever mentioned it."

David said cautiously, knowing that a ghost's special abilities were typically kept secret.

However, before he could continue, David interrupted him, sharing his own special ability.

"I'm also a special ability ghost with Elemental Insight. It lets me sense energies and gather information using elements around me, primarily for reconnaissance. I can also create elemental attacks but are subpar, main focus is on gathering intel rather than combat."

After explaining his abilities, David turned to look at William.

"Brother Edward, my special ability, 'Dead Shot,' lets me mark and strike any opponents within eyesight with perfect accuracy. Each strike carries the strength of a tier above my own. Sadly, even though It's powerful, but I can't use it yet because I can't hold physical objects, and magical ones are too costly."

William explained enthusiastically.

Edward rolled his eyes at the shameless behavior of David and William. He had been just about to explain his own ability, but he hadn't anticipated that they would reveal theirs first, as if he wouldn't have shared his if they hadn't.

But he know exactly why they did this and felt that these two ghosts are kind of trustable.

"My ability is 'Titan Ascent'..."

Edward began to explain, but he chose not to disclose Stage 3. It wasn't that he didn't trust them, but as he described his ability, he saw their shocked expressions. He realized that even Stage 2 of his ability might be considered overpowered.

Seeing David and William standing there with dumbfounded expressions and shock written all over their faces, Edward decided not to elaborate further for now.

But soon, they snapped out of their stupor with joy evident on their faces.

"Congrats, Edward! Your ability is way more powerful than my 'Dead Shot'. I'm happy that we got you, and I hope you'll look out for me in the future."

William exclaimed excitedly, grasping Edward's hands and rambling with enthusiasm.

"Edward! From now on, make sure not to disclose your ability to anyone, not even to any future team members. You can mention Stage 1, but definitely not Stage 2." 

David, on the other hand, issued a serious warning to Edward, who immediately agreed. Edward felt relieved that he hadn't disclosed Stage 3, as he had initially felt a twinge of guilt about withholding that information.

David then turned to look at William, who also nodded his head seriously in agreement.

"Oh! One more thing I almost forgot to tell you. Make sure not to practice more than once a day in the Ghost Soldier phase, or else you'll experience unbearable pain."

David cautioned, emphasizing the importance of moderation in training.

Edward was indeed eager to begin practicing and strengthen himself as quickly as possible, but he was taken aback by David's warning.

Edward nodded on the outside but he is an enthusiastic one, isn't he? While David and William were engrossed in their conversation, He seized the opportunity, closing his eyes and attempting to gather energy.

However, as soon as he started, a soul-wrenching pain coursed through his ghostly form.


Unable to suppress, he screamed out like a lady that seen ghost.

"Hehe! I knew you'd learn the hard way."

David chuckled, exchanging a knowing glance with William. Their earlier conversation had been a ruse, designed to bait Edward into attempting the forbidden practice. Now they were certain he wouldn't dare try it again.

Edward, as they had predicted, had no intention of repeating that experience. Just the thought of the pain made him shiver uncontrollably; it felt as though he might evaporate on the spot.

He couldn't help but cast a resentful glance at the duo.

"Edward, I formally invite you to join my team. If you agree, I'll register you and you can start taking missions from Sheffield Ghost Town immediately. I can register you right away and you'll even get rewards for the current mission. But I should be frank, there are more powerful teams..."

David began explaining earnestly, but he was abruptly interrupted. 

"Alright, I agree to join your team."

Edward declared, cutting David off before he could finish explaining further.

Edward agreed, feeling that David and William were not only the first ghosts he had met but also the most helpful. Beyond their initial mission, they had continued to support and guide him. Edward valued their friendship and he felt quite suitable with them.

"Hehe! I knew Brother Edward would agree."

William exclaimed enthusiastically from the side, while David chuckled happily. David then retrieved something from his body and performed an action that puzzled Edward.

"Alright, just put your finger on it, and you'll be a registered member of our 'Boo Crew'."

David said, handing over what looked like a roulette coin.

Edward simply placed his finger on the coin, which briefly lit up before turning off. David then returned the coin to his pocket.

"Seriously, 'Boo Crew'? Is it the same 'boo' as I'm thinking?"

Edward asked curiously, as he felt the name of the team is quite weird.

"Hehe! It's the same. But since we're ghosts, I think it's quite appropriate."

David responded with a hint of pride in his naming choice. William on the other hand, understanding Edward's thoughts, smiled wryly, having been in his shoes before.

"Lets go, Lets go to the Ghost village. We can celebrate Edwards joining to the team."

David said eagerly, eager to celebrate Edward's inclusion into the team.

"No, I'm going to visit my family first. I need to be there with them, even though I know they won't be able to see me. I just want to be there for them, regardless."

Edward said sadly, feeling the urgency to be with his family, as he had finally removed the baleful aura that had been holding him back.

"Edward, I understand your pain."

David said softly, his voice laced with empathy.

"But I can't let you go on your own. You don't know how those reapers operate."

"It must have been tough on you, buddy."

He continued, his tone reassuring yet concerned.

"Let's go. We can celebrate another day. I'll accompany you to your place. But you must listen to me and avoid any mistakes, or we'll both be in big trouble."

"Captain, what about me?"

William interjected eagerly from the side.

"I could help in case..."

"No, with your current strength..."

David paused for a moment, before firmly denying.

"You wouldn't be much help if we encounter reapers. I can only focus on one person at most."

Even though William felt unwilling, he didn't say anything else.

"Let's go, Edward. Your speed is good enough now as a Tier 1 ghost."

David said, starting to move forward. Edward followed silently, his thoughts heavy with the decision to visit his family despite the risks.

"Be careful and come back safe, guys! Hope you don't turn into 'nothing'."

William shouted from the back, making both David and Edward feel quite gratified with his first sentence. But as soon as they heard his second, they couldn't help but curse him.