Manchester Village part 1

"Are we going to sit here all day? How far are we from the village?"

Edward asked after watching the sunrise for about five minutes. He felt like he'd had enough sunbathing for the day.

"We should start heading out now. Have you heard of the great Delamere Forest? Manchester village is right inside it."

David replied, turning his gaze from the sky to Edward.

"Delamere? I've been there before on an outing. Isn't it about forty miles from here? How are we getting there?"

Edward asked, remembering a camping trip he had taken there with Emily.

"How else? We'll walk all the way, or maybe sprint sometimes. We can make it there by night."

William responded from the side, as though it was the most natural thing in the world, making Edward roll his eyes.

"Why do we need to walk? Can't we just take a ride from here?"

Edward asked, a bit confused. Even though he was a ghost and intangible, he had noticed something important.

He could passively touch inanimate objects, just like how they could walk on the ground or buildings. But if he tried to pick something up or ram his head into a wall, his body would simply pass through it.

"Indeed... But most ghosts avoid human things because our presence leaves some Yin energy on them. It's not that ghosts truly care, but if we actively interact with the living world, it creates a lot of trouble and draws unwanted attention. So, even though there's no strict rule, the kingdom explicitly suggests we avoid it unless necessary."

David explained.

William got surprised, having never heard this before. He cursed inwardly at such an absurd 'suggestion.' He had simply thought that ghosts couldn't travel due to their intangibility. But now, thinking clearly, he came to the same conclusion as Edward.

Both William and Edward looked at David silently, processing this new information and also as a staring contest.

"Alright, fine. We'll catch the next ride that passes through here."

David said, succumbing to the continuous staring from the duo.

William and Edward high-fived each other with victorious smiles on their faces.

David shook his head and looked at a car that had just come to a stop nearby.

"Let's go quickly. Sit on top of the car, not inside. Just hope the contamination won't be too much."

He then rushed toward the car, with William and Edward closely following, having also noticed the car.

As they reached the car, they saw a family of four inside. Two teenagers, a girl and a boy, sat in the backseat, a middle-aged woman was in the co-pilot seat, and a middle-aged man was driving.

From what Edward observed, they were probably heading for a nearby camping trip given the gadgets they were carrying.

"We might need to walk from wherever they change their route or stop on their journey. I'm already worried about how this is going to affect this family."

David said, sitting on the roof of the car with a bit of concern. 

On the other hand, Edward and William weren't as worried. They thought that since they were just sitting on the car and not even touching the family, it shouldn't cause any issues.

Not to mention, Edward and William hadn't faced many troubles yet due to their recent 'birth' unlike the seasoned David. They even thought David was unnecessarily bothered by this.

Edward sat on the bonnet while William perched on the trunk, excitement lighting up their faces. It was their first time riding a car since becoming ghosts.

About five minutes later, the car started moving. The parents cheered a bit for their family time, but the kids were completely occupied with their mobiles.

"Kids these days are truly consumed by their phones."

David commented, shaking his head. Edward and William, both in their late twenties, nodded in agreement.

"Indeed... They don't even know how precious family time is. One day, they'll regret not appreciating it more."

Edward commented, thinking of his younger cousins who were always on their mobiles. 

Despite cherishing his moments during his life, Edward felt the pain of not being able to be with his family after his death.

Edward then knelt on the bonnet, spreading his hands wide and closing his eyes, trying to enjoy the moment as the car sped along.

But he quickly opened them again... Instead of feeling the wind on his face, it passed right through him, making him smile wryly. He had been expecting a moment where he could spread his hands and feel the wind caress him.



Seeing the strange posture Edward was making while kneeling on the bonnet, David and William couldn't stop themselves from laughing.

Edward awkwardly sat back, a bit of frustration on his face.

"Where do we camp, dear?"

The husband asked while driving. It had already been more than half an hour since Edward's group "boarded." They were very close to Delamere Forest, probably just about five minutes away.

Edward looked at David and William weirdly. They had been ready to drop off multiple times whenever the car slowed down, thinking the family's destination had already arrived.

"Looks like they are camping in Delamere Forest."

William commented from the back, as he took a peek inside car where the husband using 'Maps'.

"Good, we don't have to walk at all."

Edward said from the front, thinking it was a 'bonus' for them.

David, however, looked a bit worried and didn't join their conversation.

"What happened, Captain? Didn't you say that normal people wouldn't be able to locate the village?"

Edward asked, noticing David's worried expression.

"Indeed! But... I have a bad premonition about this trip."

David admitted, not entirely sure why he felt that way.

"Oh! Is it dangerous in the village? From what you guys said before, it's only dangerous to newborns, right?"

Edward asked, puzzled by David's unease. William also looked at David, confused, as the village was known to be safe as long as the rules were followed.

"True, we won't face any danger in the village. Never mind, let's drop off as soon as the car slows down. Manchester village is just nearby."

David said as the car entered the forest area, pointing to one side. William and Edward both nodded, feeling excited again.

After about three minutes, the car paused near a big tree. The trio quickly jumped down, and this time, William eagerly led Edward towards the village.

David, on the other hand, walked slowly behind them. Just as they were about to disappear from the family's sight, he turned back and looked at them for a few moments. Then, shaking his head, he started walking away without another thought.