Side mission

"Hello, Miss Melony. Are there any missions my team can take on?"

David asked as he guided the duo into a small, thatched building, much smaller than the bar.

Inside, there was only one counter with a big board behind it, adorned with a few sticky notes.

An elderly female ghost, who appeared to be in her eighties when she passed, sat behind the counter. A maid-like ghost stood beside her, while two more ghosts stood at each end of the board, keeping watch.

Apart from the ones behind the counter, several ghosts stood in front, examining the board with serious expressions.

"Oh, it's David..."

The old woman glanced up briefly before returning to her thoughts.

David appeared accustomed to this as he stood patiently, while some ghosts looked at him with surprise. It was unusual for the ghost, Melony, to acknowledge anyone.

Edward and William also approached the counter to see the board. Edward, however, could only make out a few titles like "rescue," "save," and "fight." The rest of the content seemed obscured by some kind of mysterious power.

At this moment, Edward didn't need to ask any questions; he understood that the mission details were intentionally kept hidden.

"Mila, could you please bring down mission number three?" The old woman finally looked at David again and spoke slowly.

The young maid beside her moved calmly to the board and removed a note marked "Assist." She handed it to Melony, who then placed it in David's hand but didn't release her grip completely.

"Mission time, details, location, and remuneration are all listed there. Please complete it within the designated time. If you need to abort the mission, the penalty is also mentioned."

Melony said, finally letting go of the note.

David nodded firmly and then turned to lead Edward and William out.

"David! This mission is a bit riskier than usual, so be extra cautious,"

Melony's voice sounded from the back side, to which David simply nodded his head before exiting the place.

The trio then walked around the village for about ten minutes, before finding themselves at the exit gate of the village.

"Let's head out first."

David said, leading Edward and William through the same gate they had entered.

They walked for a while until they reached the edge of the forest.

To their side was Blakemere Lake, and ahead of them was the Delamere Forest camping and caravan area, bustling with people engaged in various activities.

Just beyond the camp, they could see Delamere Village, alive with activity and vibrancy.

"What a sharp contrast... One is full of death while the other is full of life, standing side by side."

Edward remarked, his voice filled with emotion as he observed the lively scene.

David and William shared a serene look, taking in the view.

"Why did you bring us here, Captain? Don't tell me our mission is to just watch the living?"

William asked, breaking the silence with a joking tone as he turned his gaze away from the bustling scene.

David, having seen the mission details, finally turned his attention from the village and handed the mission note to Edward and William.

Both stood side by side as Edward began to read the note. As soon as he touched it, more information about the mission became visible, revealing details beyond the initial glimpse.

"Where is this Blakemere Villa? And are the Ghost Hunters mentioned here the same as I'm thinking?"

Edward asked, having finished reading. This was the first time he had heard of another supernatural race, the Ghost Hunters.

Edward, despite having a general idea about Ghost Hunters from movies and series, was curious to see if they matched his expectations.

The mission note detailed that they needed to defend Blakemere Villa from Ghost Hunters exactly three days from today. The reward was listed as 100 Lunar Essence, and the difficulty level was marked as high.

In case of failure to complete the mission, they will penalised for 50 Lunar essence.

Edward understood that Lunar Essence was likely the reward William mentioned, which piqued his interest. However, he also felt some trepidation, knowing this would be his first active mission.

"Blakemere Villa is a well-known haunted house around here, located on the other side of the lake. It's home to an old ghost, the Blakemere Lord, who issued this mission. We'll learn more about it from him."

David said, starting to lead the duo without providing further details. Edward rolled his eyes at David's lack of explanation and asked two questions.

"About the Ghost Hunters… They are special beings born with the ability to see and interact with ghosts. Most have basic abilities, but some possess special powers that can be quite threatening to us."

William explained slowly, glancing at the irritated Edward.

"Oh, and one more thing..."

William added as they walked around the lake.

"They also have levels, as they follow their own system to become stronger. But don't worry too much. Even though they're our second most dangerous enemies after Reapers, their strength won't differ much from that of normal ghosts at the same level."

Edward nodded in understanding, but he still felt uneasy. As a Tier 1 ghost, he knew his own strength was limited, and the threat of facing powerful Ghost Hunters made him anxious.

He couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to become stronger quickly or he might not survive long enough to fulfill his promise.

"Can't we just go into the water? It's not like we're going to drown or anything, right?"

Edward asked, trying to distract himself from his worries.

"Remember this..."

David responded from the front, without turning back and with a slightly serious tone.

"Where there's no sunlight, there's a high chance of dark energy, which can give rise to dangerous dark creatures like us. Always be cautious, as dark beings are often very territorial."

Edward nodded in understanding and was now accustomed to David's habit of stepping in with important explanations.