Are the life truly living, and the dead truly dead?

Is life truly beautiful and death truly that scary?

Will burning the world truly bring me peace? And quelling the chaos gives me resentment? I lived for them and they lived for me. Now I'm not sure who am I living for. Myself or them?

Are living truly living and are dead truly forgotten? Sometimes living are dead then those who died and the dead r more remembered than those who lived.

To some living is misery and death peace.

Will I truly regret the decision I made today? Look back at them and mourn for my loss. Or will I laugh at the joy that I made those decisions? Maybe one day when I look back I will curse all I have known or maybe I shall embrace it with open arms. you never know what life just offer me in the long run.

Either way, I will have to give up my freedom, choice, and life for theirs. because it is my duty and responsibility to them. That's what I owe them. After this, I shall remain no more of what I was once before.

Forget me and this life and live your life, my dear. As I shall erase my very existence for your sake and for what u hold dear.

You have taught me what I knew my whole life so it's only fair of me to return the favor.

Be free from this prison that you have built for yourself. Because my demise means your freedom and escape.


Crunch... crunch. stepping on leaves. I have been roaming this place for hundreds of years and it has become my prison. How much longer do I have to wait till I get out of here? Tell me demon. I can feel that child has been born and I shall once again rule what I had left alone for such a long time.

Whispers are head-telling tales of chanting in this forest. THE TIME IS NEAR WHEN YOU CAN LEAVE MY LEIGE.

My cage, my world, my life, and my hell.

True it is time for me to go again. to burn the world and bring chaos to the lives of those who left me here. and time to end this long nightmare.