Fan Interaction

"Kace, what was the name of the agency you worked with when you were still an actor?" Selene asked Kace who was watching TV in the living room. 

He had come to Xavier's mansion as soon as she mentioned she was learning self-defense after he returned from his mission.

"What? Why do you ask?" Kace asked, stuffing a handful of popcorn in his mouth. 

"Because I want to join an agency," she replied, slumming on the couch. "I want to join an agency so that things can be easier for me when Michelle releases a fake rumor about me. They can help me in clearing it. Also, I want to take my acting career seriously," she added. 

Since The Sinner was finished, Selene didn't want to sit in the mansion and do nothing. She could have kicked Robert out of the company and taken over, but she wanted to do it in a way that wouldn't lead to conflict between her and the board members. She needed their trust and at the moment, they had already placed it on Robert.