Who Is Gonna Win?

"You are right! But then, we can't be too sure about that now, can we? Given how many scandals your rotten personality had gotten you into, there's a low chance you would win, don't you think, Michelle? In case you need a reminder, you've lost half of your fanbase, hmm?"

"But I still got nominated, didn't I?" Michelle recalled, wrapping her arms around herself and puffing out her chest with a sense of pride.

"But you haven't won yet. Don't you think you're being a bit too cocky, Michelle? The night is still young, and we'll find out who the winner is soon enough," Selene responded, a smile playing on her lips. Though it appeared harmless, Michelle couldn't shake the feeling that Selene's smile held a trace of mockery.

Her fist clenched by her side, but she couldn't do anything about it. Her eyes fell on Selene's dress and a smirk stretched on her lips.