Abduct Her

"Look at these many beautiful dresses. My baby niece is going to love all of them," Tracie cheered, picking the baby-sized dress and bringing it to her face as if imagining the baby in it to confirm she was going to look pretty in the dress. "Yup! She's going to look cute in them," she confirmed, dropping the cloth in the basket. 

"That's the 12th black dress you've gotten for the baby. At least choose other colors," Kael complained.  

"What do you mean? I got other colors too. Look at this one…" She says, picking up the dress she chose a few seconds ago. "It has a pink glitter design on it. So for your information, it's not completely black," she argued. 

"But most of the clothes are black. Even the bow you got her is black, Tracie. Why's that? Are you planning to paint the baby's lips black as soon as she's born?" He argued back, earning a dramatic gasp from Tracie.