Getting To Know Each Other

Suddenly, Anastasia felt a tight arm around her shoulder. 

"She's a very close friend of mine and I was the one that brought her here," Julian suddenly said. 

Xander looked at Anastasia with more ease now, his suspicious gaze flying out of the window after Julian's acknowledgment. Now he knows she isn't some threat or some spy. 

"So, what do you have to offer?" He asked, his hand crossed around his chest, ready to be amazed. 

"Well, I've heard so much about you from Julian," Anastasia started. Xander gave Julian a look because he wasn't supposed to be talking about his business to just anyone. However, he didn't say anything. "And I feel like you could expand your business more with the right resources of course."

Samantha and Xander now shared a look, waiting for her to continue.