WebNovelTwin Magi10.00%


'Well ok' was not the first thought that crossed my mind when I found myself in the In-between. After all your first instinct is to grieve when the last thing you feel, see, and hear, was you and your sister getting crushed buy the semi-truck that hit you right on. It was my fault after all if I hadn't taken that rout home we would not have ran into the drunk driver. Logically, I know it was not my fault, Ruby said so, the 'ROB' said so, and I know so. So why do I feel responsible? Why do I feel like I failed Ruby? And why does everything hurt? Actually I know the answer to that last one, I'm passing out. 

I woke up later, we are in a empty void of white so I don't know how long it has been, in Ruby's lap. It looks like she is letting me rest on her lap. She was scratching my head, her nails on my scalp feel nice and comforting helping to keep me calm.

"Welcome back to the waking world." I look at the voice to see a giant eye surrounded by gold rings with even more eyes and serval massive pure white wings. The color of the eyes were what could only be described as a kaleidoscope of colors even ones humans could not see. The being was giving off a bright light that could only be described as a halo.

Sitting up from my sister's lap I apologized to the angel, "Sorry about that. as I'm sure you know what happened was not something I would call pleasant."

"Do you know who this is Chi?" Ruby asks me with a raise of her eyebrow no doubt already getting the rundown.

"Yes and no. I don't know them as a being, but I do know what is happening. spending most of my time reading fanfiction and other stories would definitely clue me in." And I was right, this situation was so familiar to any and all Fanfic readers that I now know that my life was probably being read right now.

"So just to speed things up how many wishes do we get, are there limits, and where are we going?"

"Hey, don't be rude." Ruby chastised me smacking my arm.

"It is quite alright young Ruby, and the answer to your questions Chi is this. You get 3 wishes each and you both will be going to the world that Gives birth to Harry Potter. Of course there will be differences to the Origin world that you will have to learn about." The Angel replied.

"Harry Potter hm. Alright Ruby do you know what you want?"

"No I don't, if you do then you can go first while I think."

"Alright just remember you have three wishes. As for me I know a good few of them. First I want access to the Akashic Records. Second I want divine insight I want to look at something and know everything about it, or how to do it. And lastly I want to be incapable of overloading my sister's and my mind." I tell the Angel.

"I can grant you access to the Akashic Records, and make you incapable of overloading your mind. I can not grant you Divine Insight, what I can do is give very strong insight. You will understand things much faster than most but not instantly."

"That is fine I just ask you to make it as powerful as you can. Have you figured out what you want Ruby?" 

"I have a few questions first. Are we going to continue being siblings, and if not can you make it so we are?" Ruby had asked with a bit of worry in her voice.

"Yes you will continue to be siblings, the family I'm sending you to are infertile, so I will be gifting them with you two, who will be twins not just siblings." The angel spoke assuaging whatever worry was bugging her.

"Alright thank you. For my first wish I ask that you give me and my brother perfect bodies, ones that are strong in both strength and magic. Second I would like for the two of us to be metamorphmagus." At that I raise my eyebrow. "And finally I wish to be able to turn my magic into items whether that be magical wood, animal pieces, or finished pieces of jewelry."

"Very well I can grant you all of those. However, for the creation magic you will have to know how to make it and the magical signature of that magical beast, or wood to use them in magic, understand?" The Angel told Ruby.

"Yes thank you." Ruby thanked the Angel.

"By the way, do you have a name?" I asked realizing that yes I have been rude.

"I don't have a name, however , you may call me Angel. And I wish you luck in your next life." Angel finished sending us off.

"Goodbye Angel" Ruby waves to the Angel and I bow to them.

Closing our eyes we waited until it was time for us to wake up.