WebNovelTwin Magi30.00%

CH 3, Time Skips

Time skip 1

When we started to crawl Aisha and I were inseparable. Especially because we were magical twins with a twin bond. What does that mean here is the entry in the AR.

AR-'Twin Bond, When magical twins are born there is a chance that they will be born with their souls linked. It isn't a strong link like the kind that keep you in the mortal world after death but still a strong bond. If practiced the twins may speak to each other with their minds, and instinctively know when the other is in trouble. It is one of the strongest bonds that can naturally occur and can only be broken by death, when it does break though it is incredibly painful for the living twin.'

When I learnt this I started attempting to 'speak' to Aisha I succeeded pretty quickly too, and now we are constantly talking to each other.

As for the rest of my family, it turns out that dad's name is Alex Moirai and is a incredibly respected doctor, mom is a writer in her free time and a good one too, her name is Jessica Moirai. All in all our family is a little rich but definitely not big name rich.

We were born just a year before Harry in 1979 but our birthday is in November so we will be in the same year as the child of prophecy. Speaking of which, I looked at what is required to be a Seer and lets just say I got lucky.

AR-'Seer, to become a seer you must have what is called the gift. Seers are magicals who are able to peer into the past or future, they also are the ones who speak prophecies made by Destiny. Please note that you have the gift and are therefore part of the rare few who can practice divination.'

I looked up how to strengthen my gift and I just need to practice it. So I looked up what can be used and how to practice divination, obviously I couldn't practice yet but this allows us to fuck with the plot without loosing the advantage of knowing.

I looked up how to strengthen our magic as well and we need to wait until our first case of accidental magic so that we know that it is safe to exercise our magic. Magic is like a muscle and like a muscle if you practice too early it can cause problems later, when kids show accidental magic that is the earliest you can practice. Of course we will be practicing wandless magic, which is actually the proper way to do magic.

See having a magical focus is like having training wheels on a bike, while yes you can use it at the start, if you keep using it you will never learn to ride. So once we show any signs of accidental magic we would grab our magic and practice religiously.

On another note our metamorphmagus abilities were shown at one point in the last year and it was funny to see our parents reactions.

Flash back

Aisha and I were playing with some toy blocks when our parents came into the living room. They were talking about something, I think they thought that I needed a diaper change, when they picked me up and started walking both me and Aisha started throwing a fit. Now up until now we hadn't thrown a tantrum like this for one reason or another so our hair had stayed the same shade of light blue. Our parents thought it was just a weird mutation or something and brushed it off, but the moment we threw that tantrum our hair had turned a red that showed our anger. The look on their faces when they saw our hair change color was of pure confused bewilderment.

End flash back

Now you may be wondering why are you throwing a tantrum? Well that would be because . . . I don't know.

Honestly ever since our second birth we have been acting like children which we are in body but not mind. I guess I should look it up maybe the 'AR' has the answer . . . OK it does have the answer but I'm busy right now.

What am I busy with right now? Well you see we found were the cookie jar is hidden and are currently trying to get to it. Where is it hidden? 3 feet off the ground on the counter. They hid it in plain sight the fools. After all we are two toddlers on a mission, operation get the cookies. I had pushed one of the chairs over so we had a boost to get them. I then laid down so Aisha could have a easer time getting on the chair. We were close, she grabbed the jar with both her hands and slowly pulled. 1 second, then 2, almost there just that bit more, and-

"What do you two think your doing." Nooo failure we were so close and mom comes and picks up the jar. How dare she foil our master plan, how could she, does she not lov- oh cookies.

Stopping my train of thought to deal with the cookies in front of me, I start nibbling on one of them. Turning to mom to say thank you in the sophisticated baby speech that I am stuck speaking, I notice the look of awed confusion she had when our hair color changes . . . Oh we just performed accidental magic didn't we.

Reviewing the last 5 minutes shows that yes we did. In our anger at the betrayal we missed the cookies floating out of the jar and to us, and yes I mean us both me and my twin had pulled the cookies to us, I'm so proud.

Oh mom is speaking now "Sigh' of course if the two of you can change the color of your hair, you can levitate cookies. So there is only one answer to how. Magic, yup you two are magical. Makes sense you two were a miracle in the first place and now you can do magic." She spoke oddly calm and with a smile on her face.

"I'm going to call your father he simply must know." She walks off probably to the phone to call dad.

'You know Azrael she is oddly calm about this.' I heard Aisha speak to me and just nodded my head dumbly and went back to my cookie.

'You know that means we can start practicing our magic right.' I had finally replied after a minute.

'OH FINALY' after that her scream of joy was heard through out the house. I say house but it is more of a small mansion.

Time skip 2

Well after that day we had, as I said, used our magic religiously. We want a block that was across the room just pull it towards us, we don't like it burn it. I don't know how many spiders were burnt to ashes by ether my sister or me, mom had practically used me as a flame thrower one time, it was kind of funny.

Although we didn't start out like that, we had to meditate until we found our magical core. Aisha was the first to find her core, I don't know why but I had trouble meditating for some reason but we eventually did. After that we has to pull on it softly, like coercing a cat to come to you, the more you succeed the easier it gets, until you can do it without thinking. It was then that we started pulling, pushing, and levitating blocks, toys, and cookies. It was so bad mom had to start actually hiding the cookies, to the point that she had to lock the cupboard it was in.

Of course that didn't stop us and we learnt how to cast 'alohomora', she was pissed when she found out we could unlock any lock, we don't blame her how do you keep a kid in the house when they can unlock the locks lift the latch and push the door open. We of course stayed in the house we were smart kids so we knew better than to leave the house.

That didn't stop us from messing with our parents, the one time we disapparated we landed on mom's desk when she was writing a book. She got even more stressed that day because we were in a different room in a play pin.

They never told their friends that they had magical miracle baby's that could disappear and reappear at will, could teleport, and levitate anything less than 3Lb. When we can talk we will let them know that the teleportation was a one time thing that will be a weight off their back. After all we don't have enough magic to do that at will yet.

It is a lot of fun messing with them but I think we took it too far we will have to lay off on the pranks.

To think this all happened 3 years after the first cookie incident we are only 4 and next year we will be starting elementary school. It is going to be boring maybe we can mess with the teachers, depends on how nice they are.

Time skip 1 year

I take it back it was not boring. For starters somehow, someway, we are in the same class as one Hermione Granger. The moment I realized that I knew we had to mess with her after all she may be one of my favorite characters, but she had a stick up her ass at the start.

So what do we do? While at school we keep our hair blond because, let's be honest here any color other that or black would be suspicious, but when we are alone with Granger or no one can see us but her we flash our hair color like it is a LED light showing how many colors it can do. The first time we did it she looked at us like we had grown second heads, the second time we did it she asked a teacher how we did it, the answer she got?

"They aren't changing their hair color. That is impossible it is probably a trick of the lights." She looked so mad at that and kept insisting that we were doing the impossible. Of course no one believed her, and when she finally confronted us we told her with the straightest face possible "Magic." She looked like she was going to blow a gasket when we said that.

Then we realized that yes, yes she was going to blow a gasket, and that gasket was whatever was in front of her. So to only Granger's surprise and no one else's in that empty hallway one of the pieces of paper with a drawing on it on the wall caught on fire. We stood there watching as the paper burnt to a crisp, until finally Aisha spoke.

"Aw I quite liked that one." With a straight face, and I just nodded my head in agreement.

"Are we going to ignore the fact that a drawing caught on fire just now?" Granger asked incredulously.

"What are you talking about? What paper? And what fire? Did you see anything my lovely sister?" I asked putting the years of acting to good use, and I could see Granger almost believe me.

"No I don't think so." She spoke putting on a thinking face that did in-fact convince Granger. How? Hell if I know she is supposed to be one of the smartest in the class even now if it wasn't for us twins she would be on top. Although I guess us being only 5 years old does not help, of course there will always be that doubt in the back of her mind that says magic is real, and even though it is she doesn't need to know that yet.

After that we all went back to class. Paper forgotten until a certain letter comes for a certain muggle born witch.

Time skip 5 years

After that day we laid off on Granger with the pranks and focused on other students or teachers. Obviously everyone knew it was the 'Moirai Twins' but no one could prove it. We were always either in sight talking with some one or on the other side of the school. And we aren't talking about water bucket on the door or the like, things that for all intents and purposes needs someone to be present, like tying someone's shoe or pulling their pants down, that one was reserved for bullies. We were using magic to do all of that so literally no one could prove it.

Except our parents knew about our magic from the beginning, and had let us use the back yard for practice and with the AR we knew how to learn the spells. We went from simple telekinesis to most second year spells, after all our magical cores needed to catch up. We have made sure to drain all of our magic before bed by mana infusion which has made our mother's garden had flourished like none of the other gardens on the street. Mom thinks it is because of her own work and we let her think that, no need to tell her that she had been taking care of magical flowers and herbs because of the mana rich soil we made.

Another thing we learned was our affinities and what it means, first Aisha's affinities are 'Life, fire, and air.' They are placed strongest to weakest and when I saw what her affinities were my first thought was 'sounds like a phoenix' so I looked it up and turns out that yes a phoenix's affinities are in-fact 'Life, fire, air.'

And so like the responsible brother I am I figured out how to turn my sister into a phoenix. Turns out it would be hard, we would need to do a modified Animagus ritual, yay.

Specifically, we needed a ritual that would prioritize our affinities instead of our inner animal. Do you want to know how to do that we would need to do most of the ritual as normal.

AR-'Leave a mandrake leaf in the mouth from full moon to full moon. Then put it in a crystal vile with our own hair. Add a silver tea spoon of dew from somewhere where no human feet and sunlight have touched for 7 days. Then add a death head hawk moth chrysalis. leave it completely alone in a dark place until the next electrical storm. DO NOT EVEN LOOK AT IT. Now this is the dangerous part, see normally every sunrise and sunset, you would place your wand on your heart and repeat 'Amato Anima Animato Animagus'.

Great right? Yes when you are doing the normal ritual. To turn into your magical animal you need to do the same thing over your magical core. When you fuck up the normal ritual you get stuck in between your animal and your human forms but if you fuck up the magical one you cripple your magic as well. you do this until the next electrical storm then drink the potion and repeat the incantation' Pleasant right? No pressure right, the consequences aren't that bad right?

'Sigh' I admit we were planning on doing something incredibly stupid. But I couldn't say no to my sister wanting to become a phoenix, the little shit was giving me puppy dog eyes.

So off I went into the nearby forest to find two chrysalis of a Death-head-hawk-moth while Aisha looks for mandrake leaves.

Why am I participating in this when my affinities are 'soul, Death, and shadow' simple, Aisha asked me to.

. . .

I know this is either going to turn me into something undead or just kill me out right, but her puppy dog eyes make even the gods fold, I asked them.

Speaking of which I'm in contact with Gods on a near weekly basis and they aren't stopping me so I'm just going to continue with this suicidal idea. If we live there is a chance we will be crippled, or I just die yay.