Choose an occupation

Rowan just laughed at Mina, and hugged her. 

"I am sorry, I made you worry." he told her. 

After all, Rowan is a working adult in his own time, despite his now eighteen year old body. 

His little sister has just turned twelve. Rowan at least had some happy memories, but his sister only had the memories of their mother suffering in the bed, and their father dying as he saved them from beasts. 

On top of that, from the moment she opened her eyes, she has seen nothing but the apocalyptic slums around her all the time. 

As such, she is extremely dependent on her older brother. He was the one constant in her life. 

In the early days after his transmigration, Rowan tried his best to encourage her to make friends, but she refused. Rowan stopped after some time, when he realized she took his advice as preparation for abandoning her. 

Yep… that's right. Rowan Pendragon is a transmigrated young man of twenty seven years. He drank himself to death after losing his savings to a real estate scam. Then he met truck kun ~ vola ! he transmigrated here. 

"Come on. I will make your favorite pancakes today." he told her. 

His sister nodded happily, and went to freshen up herself. 

While she is gone, Rowan observes himself in the mirror. 

His skin has become whiter. His eyes turned bottle green, his chestnut curls have become bouncier, wider and silkier. 

The freckles on his face vanished altogether. 

Before, he wasn't chubby, he wasn't thin, yet, his physique was soft and weak. His BMI falling within a healthy range is probably the only plus point he had. 

Now, his muscles are tightened and sculpted like a seasoned warrior. He bet he could punch a hole in the mud wall if he so wished to. 

Mina Pendragon ate her teddy bear pancakes, with a cup of sugar syrup, and gauged her brother's reaction once every five minutes as she ate her scrumptious breakfast. 

"Did something good happen? " she asked him. 

"Well ! I failed the exam, but I decided it's alright. From now on, I will stay in the base, and work a worry free job." Rowan answered. 

Mina looked at him pityingly, patted his arm comfortingly before leaving for the school. She knew very well how much her brother was looking forward to becoming a beast tamer. 

After she left, Rowan locked up the house, left for school himself. 

The tamers would be assigned beasts, while normal students will be given career counseling from today onwards. 

Few days ago, there was an announcement at the base. 

Average citizens have no tax up to six beasts per day, if they hunted the beasts by themselves. 

Every beast tamer must enlist or register in the tamer guild. 

If they did not enlist in the tamer guild, they would have to pay higher taxes than average citizens. 

No matter how he looked at it, it looked like an environment where some bigshot is getting ready to reap benefits at the expense of the crowd. 

Now, Rowan has a better alternative. 

He will build his strength slowly, and there is a need to lie low in the early stages. 

The beasts are lined up in front of the school. 

They looked mighty as they lined up in the school grounds. 

[ Soft Armored Pig ( C ) ] 

[ Evolution potential : F ] 

[ Current mood: listless ] 

He read the description. 

[ This pig has been born with a deformity during the birth, stopping its armor from ever hardening. 

The armored Pig needs a careful diet of 'C' grade or above herbs to reach fighting state. Otherwise, It will take the approach of ' Too lazy to run. Let's just die." 

Best raise as cattle for the meat. ] 

What ?!!! 

Why is there such a useless pig in the beasts to be tamed ? 

Are the beasts provided by school so low in quality ? 

Rowan appraised the next animal. All he needs is to look at the name of the animal for more than a second for it to expand. 

It's a double headed burmese python. 

[ Twin headed Python ( D ) ]

[ Evolution potential : F- ] 

[ Current mood : Hungry ] 

[ The loyalty of the python is always divided. Unless one uses two orbs and has a beast taming ability higher than two levels above the python, don't even think of taming it. Likes to throw its tamer to death to save itself. ] 

What ?! 

Who brought this ingrate creature into campus? It's better for it to be snake meat. 

Then there's a dragon. 

A dragon is never a bad pet. Even worse, it's stats should be better than the other two, correct ? 

[ Rock Dragon ( B ) ] 

[ Evolution potential : F - ] 

[ Current mood: lazy ] 

[ If you can move this beast, you must be a buddha or a bigger dragon. It likes to eat in its own time, shit in its own time, no matter what danger its tamer faces, as long as it ate well, it will be happy. Go ahead and tame it if you have a gold mine at home. This dragon eats rocks and shits metal ingots. ] 

The Orbs are placed right in front of the ferocious looking hellhounds. 

They are supposed to line up in front of the orbs, but none of the students are willing due to the vicious appearance of the hellhounds. 

Rowan walked forward, and stood in the first position at the stands. 

[ Knowledge orbs detected. ] 

[ Copy ? ] ( yes ) ( no ) 

Rowan looked around. 

Pretending like he's frightened when a hellhound banged against its cage too viciously, he touched yes. 

[ Copying information about Albions. ] 


[ Copying information about Dragons. ] 


[ Copying information about Golden Monkey ] 

The copying kept happening, so Rowan stood there steadfastly, no matter how much hellhounds banged against their cage. 

After some time, Rowan stood there almost spaced out, as he concentrated on reading the information in front of his eyes. 

He did not notice at some point the tamers stood besides him starting from Edy. 

When he noticed, he greeted Edy genially. 

"Stop being a boot licker, Pendragon!" a sarcastic voice sounded from behind Edy. 

"Why, Hello to you too, Jeffery. " he greeted just to spite the guy. 

"Don't call me Jeffery." The boy behind him was about to kick him, but the hell hounds which were calm till then growled all of a sudden. 

He took his leg back in surprise. Rowan usually called him with wrong pronunciation just to tick him off. 

"Why, that's some bravery you have, Jeffery Baratheon." Rowan taunted him. 

Jeffery is a chicken who is frightened of even a chicken. 

"Shut it, Slum Scum! " Jeffery answered back. 

F***ing Rowan Pendragon. Always pretending to be better than him when everyone knows he is a scum from the slum. 

While Jeffery is grumbling about him, Rowan wrote a note, and passed it to Edy. 

Jeffery grabbed it half way through. 

' Choose the dragon. ' 

" Ha ! HaHAHA! HAHA! A dragon for trash like you ? Dream on Chang. The dragon is mine." Jeffery mocked Edy. 

"Hey! Edy is the best tamer in our class. There's nothing wrong with him taming a dragon. " Rowan egged on. 

"Yes, Baratheon. With your chicken guts, you will probably shit halfway before you even touch the dragon." Edy joined in. 

"Ha! The dragon won't even look at you fatty. Someone needs to be as handsome as me to be a dragon knight " Jeffery shouted back. 

His two lackeys piped up. 

"Yes of course." lackey no 1 piped up. 

"You are not even half as good as Jeffery, Chang." The lackey no 2 added. 

" Why do you need to be handsome to tame a dragon? Are you going to have it braid your hair and do your nails? " Rowan said immediately. 

Jeffery sputtered in answer. 

"Good one! " Edy said with a smile, raising his hand for a high-five. 

Rowan stuck a note between his thumb and with the high-five, the note made it to Edy. 


' Choose only the water sprite. Every other beast is useless.' it's written on the note. 

Edy immediately tore the paper into pieces, and put half of it in his pockets, and the other half in his other pocket. 

He frowned at Rowan, Rowan nodded, gesturing he will explain later. 

Edy smiled at him, and looked forward. 

First, the beast tamers are the ones called, or rather, Just Jeffery because his father made a contribution. 

He walked proudly to the stage. 

"Bring me the dragon ! " Jeffery ordered. 

The guards were laughing at him. After all, as the people who transported these animals, they know their quality. Jefferey's father sponsored the school beasts this time. The school puts half the money, and he matches the amount to acquire beasts. 

Even so, Bobby Baratheon used eighty percent of the money to acquire the water sprite, the other beasts are bought from clearance sales. Now that his own son is goaded into choosing a clearance beast, it's an irony. 

So, they brought the dragon into the center of the stage and opened the cage. 

Only, the dragon just sat there. 

Jeffrey held the beast crystal, and walked over to the dragon. 

Just when he was ten meters away, the dragon swung its tail. Breaking the ground. 

Jeffery squeaked and ran back immediately. 

One of the knights soothed the dragon, then, another accompanied him to place his crystal on the dragon to finish the taming process. 

Meanwhile, the entire stadium chanted 'Chicken' ' Chicken ' 

Ofcourse, Rowan started the chant. 

Only, the taming is completed, but the dragon wouldn't listen to him. 

They eventually moved the dragon back into the cage, and the cage key was given to Jeffery Baratheon. 

He is similar to his father in chickening from every fight where they have no chance of winning. 

At least his father had the charisma and generosity to keep his subordinates, this guy.. He will one day get squashed for offending the wrong person, Rowan is sure. 

Once the starting demonstration was over, which finished in booing, they started calling out by the order they stood in. 

Rowan was asked to choose an animal, and place his hand on the orb. Ordinary people choose ordinary animals, which could be used without a beast taming bond too. Using the orb increases the affinity a little more, allowing people to work more easily with these animals. 

Rowan didn't know what to choose, and he was stalling for time, so he asked the guy standing there to choose for him. Now he has a special system. He had no idea whether the system would reveal itself in some special manner if he tried the same thing. 

It seems it's a common request here. 

Usually a set of slimes, ducks, sheep, donkey and cows are chosen. 

Rowan was surprised by the choice, so he asked the examiner why there's no chicken. 

"Because chickens are fighting animals." The guy there answered simply. 

"For a young one, it's surprising you remember chickens as poultry. They had been the main force of fighting from the time the tamers association started." The examiner said, observing Rowan curiously. 

"My father used to talk about them." Rowan fibbed, as he placed his hand on the orb.