10) Learning concurrent chanting with sister


Ember Pov

I looked at my sister, Riveria who was looking outside the carriage, I looked behind to see the Royal City getting smaller with time in my eyes. " It would seem it will be your first time visiting that fortress", Riveria suddenly said, and I nodded," Indeed sister, although every year our mother takes us to visit other Elf cities, and with me having visited most of the major Elf Cities, I still haven't visited another fortified fortress other than the ones near our Royal Palace", I replied.

I have visited most of the major Elf cities that are within Alf's Royal Forest, firstly the Alf's Royal Forest itself is quite large spanning around a ten thousand square kilometers in diameter, it is a large forest which constitutes of several large tree species. Almost at the center of the forest is the Royal Capital, spanning a few dozens of square kilometers.

Then come the major cities outer to it, surrounded by a large number of fortresses, on top of each city having its own guards. They are ruled by the members of Elf Nobility, then come several smaller cities and towns, then finally come the border cities, which are full of Elf soldiers, archers, mages, and most importantly Adventurers.

While Royal Family as whole, excluding a few like me, had been hating gods, they do know the importance of the adventurers, so many retired Elf Adventurers are allowed to settle down in the border cities, which are a tad more modern the inner major cities, to work as soldiers, guards or anything, as it pays very well, they can also live in inner cities, or even in the Royal Capital.

On this matter, apparently three level 5's and one level 6 live in Royal Capital, however I have barely seen them, and they only work when there is trouble that Falnaless Elves cannot stop, I mean they are retired for a reason, and I believe many of the adventurer leaving in the border cities are the same. Only acting when there is danger, well I did find it to be upsetting, as I couldn't get a high level as my instructor.

There aren't many adventurers leaving in Royal Capital, just four or five, with all being High-Level Adventurers, I sighed, my sister asked me," Is something bothering you?", I looked at her and replied with a slight shrug," It's nothing much, it's just I found it to be upsetting that I didn't knew we had high level adventurers until a few months ago."

Hearing me complain she chuckled," I get it, even I got to know it a lot later on, when I was about 16, we both know father hates gods and he ignores topic related to adventurers, it was only when I asked about it, mother told about it to me", she said and I nodded, only when Riveria found out about me trying to learn about adventurers a few months back, when I had just started with my close combat, did I learn about it.

" Hey, sister, there is a lot of time till we reach, how about you share your knowledge with me?", I asked, she pouted and said," You are always like, ' I want to know this and that ', chill a bit Ember, you wouldn't like getting overworked", well I guess here it goes my chance to learn something new," Well, on second thought, I can tell you about some fun facts", maybe not?

I looked at her with attention," Well you know Aina right? It's about her, and what I learned when she became my maid", she asked staring at me, I nodded," Of course I know about Aina, it's hard to not forget her when she is your personal maid now", I said, she nodded and said," Well, while Aina and her parents are normal Elves, her grandfather was an High-Elf, he didn't have the most pure bloodline, and he married a normal Elf, resulting their children being Normal Elves."

" I see", I replied, suddenly her face was full of displeasure," It is funny, I didn't knew we were cousins till she became my maid, though now it makes sense why her hair colour and eyes were so similar to mine and father's, apparently her father being a normal Elf made him no longer eligible to live in palace, or become a duke, well he could have been a noble, but decided to discard the opportunity", she said.

I can understand her, I knew that Aina's ancestry from my memories of past life, well it is quite handy that I have nearly an eidetic memory, again a perk of being High-Elf, but that's later for now," How many things our father has been hiding from us?", I suddenly asked," A lot", she replied bluntly, I just nodded, I know he loves us, he encourages us whenever needed, praises me often when I do something spectacular.

But he is also a man with flaws, he hates Gods so much, that it blinds him from the opportunity of seeing the few Good Gods present. He is also extremely dutiful to his kingdom, barely sparing any time for us, in fact none if we speak. Since he was thrown to become a king under the expectations of everyone discarding his dream, he would dislike if he we will know the outside world more than he do or hate if we try to explore it.

In a way he was basically the hard-working good father as long as you stay away from the topic that gets on his nerves, and he will turn into typical conservative father. Truly a hassle, I shook my head thinking about him. After that I found a random topic to talk with my sister, we discussed various things about the world we know, we have read, our knowledge of magic, and our eagerness to explore the world yet unknown.

Before we knew, we had arrived at the fortress, the conservation with my sister was over, while it started unpleasant and I can already smell her annoyance towards father in her words, did that man did something to irk her? Maybe I need to ask mother once we return. We came out of the carriage and saw a not so surprising scene. 

Dozens of Elf soldiers, archers and mages were standing on both sides as a carpet was laid on the ground to the main entrance, the commander of this place I assume, came running to us, he got on his knees the next moment and said," We greet her Highness Riveria Ljos Alf and His highness Ember Ljos Alf!", the soldiers saluted.

My sister gave a nod, and said," Commander Redin, we are here on a monster hunt to hone our skills, though it would seem evening is near, and it would be best if we started tomorrow, I would like if you show way to our abode", her voice sounded majestic, cold, and commanding, the Elf nodded, and quickly walking forward us. 

We were escorted to our room, and after giving him a think with a small blow, we got into our rooms, at least I tried to before my sister dragged me into hers. " Sister, what's the matter?", I asked, she grinned and said," Ember, you are sleeping with me!", I instantly replied," Nope", and pausing for a second I continued," We are outside the royal city, and palace, sister, it would be weird to others if we sleep in the same room, considering I am an adult by now."

" Ember it is the order of your elder sister! You must obey me!", she said in an authoriative tone, and the next moment I had half of my body outside the room," Wait a minute!", she said grabbing my arm," Won't you let your elder sister spoil you rotten Ember?", she said in a sweet tone, her facial expression also made her seem like cute, yes seem like cute.

She was the cold type of beauty, not the airhead, trying to act like one only made me feel weird and the entire situation awkward. " Nope", I rebutted her, and left the room, getting into my own only for it to be invaded by her. " Sister", I sighed as she entered the room," Ember", she bit her lips, with a deep sigh she said," It is weird right? We are siblings, yet we have barely time to meet each other, I miss those days when me, you and Aina used to play together."

She was being overdramatic, but it had the effect she had intended as my poor weak heart gave up under her assault, with me finding my head buried on her bosom as we laid on the bed. " You are so cute Ember, no matter how old you grow up, for me you will always be my cute little brother", she said, this woman knew how to appease me, I was an Elf, and despite my peculiarities, I liked the praise, especially when it is coming from a hot ara-ara onee-san. Just like that we passed the night.


The next day after having our breakfast we were near an Goblin hideout, it had apparently fifty-nine Goblins, which made me itching for fight," Ember your idea is reckless", my sister remarked, glaring at me," Indeed, but it will be best way for me to get stronger, and learn concurrent chanting", I replied, I had naturally taken many thing into consideration, I was reckless indeed, but not a fool and I won't be alone in this battle.

" Fine, I will join you", she said, making my eyebrows raised, the commander meanwhile quickly said," Your Highness, his highness is an outstanding close combat, but I fear-", he stopped, he didn't accidentally want to insult her abilities, which made it just more difficult for him to persuade her. " No buts, commander Redin, I may be not as good as my brother in close combat or using sword, but I can use a spear just fine, and our enemies are but measly goblins, lowest of the lowest", she said.

Commander Redin didn't say anything further, as it would only entail, we are incapable of handling the weakest of the surface monster dwellers. Me and Riveria had already discussed about it earlier, both of us wanted to learn Concurrent chanting, well my sister had already learned a bit of it, capable of chanting continuously as a monster runs towards her, or chanting as she evades attacks.

But she just like me wanted to learn concurrent chanting being capable of fighting monsters while releasing out magic like it's nothing. We soon took our position, the Elf Archers stealthy got on a branch, Goblins were stupid creature, so it was easy to surround them. Soon, we charged, startling the Goblins, brandishing my sword, I cut through a Goblin and started chanting.

"Asf inem Ghir Deima...", I chanted as I tackled and battled against the horde of the Goblins, my focus on the chant I was reciting, making it difficult for me battle against the Goblins, the act of chanting while battling enemies was tough, it was just like thinking of doing two things at same time, however I continued reciting.

"Shrrrrring", A sharp sound resounded as my sword clashed against a rusted sword held by a Goblin, I stepped backwards and on getting my balance I again charged forward," Emeri-", my chant stopped as a wooden club struck my legs with such force that I could feel my bones cracking, I fell forward as the rusted sword of the Goblin struck towards me.


A boom resounded throughout the place as the Goblins near me were thrown away, while blood dripped from my body. I got on my feet, my vision blurry, I could hear the whizzing of the arrows as they penetrated the vile creatures to their death, cries of many people, including my sister. I tried to take out the potion only to fall in the ground.


3rd Pov

Ignis Fatuus occurs when a person fails to use their magic, letting their mana go awry in the midst of the chant, causing an explosion that not only injures the caster, but also the people nearby if they are close to the caster. The chances of an Ignis Fatuus were extremely higher in congenital magic, than in acquired magic, also using concurrent chanting had a greater risk of Ignis Fatuus.

It was extremely dangerous, especially to the Falnaless, as they have no superhuman endurance or durability of an adventurer, even the weakest Falna user magician have a superhuman durability making the effects of their own Ignis Fatuus not severe to them, but a person with no falna, using a magic capable of killing level 1, if he gets an Ignis Fatuus, it could be life threatening.

That exactly happened, in the midst of the battle, Ember was barely managing to prevent an Ignis Fatuus with his half of the attention on fighting his enemies, Archers were observing Ember and Riveria from far, especially Riveria, as she had less close combat experience than others, Commander Redin had specially instructed them to take care of Riveria, as compared to him Ember was a prodigy.

He had done so many feats that it had become common for everyone who heard his deeds to think that he was capable of doing just everything, add an unhealthy amount of devotion into the mix, Elves would rather admire their prince than think he needs their help. That was the same mistake archers did, with majority of them having their eyes on Riveria, the few that were looking after Ember, were admiring his swordsmanship.

They wanted to see the first concurrent chanting of their prince with their own eyes, as nothing would make them more blessed to see one of the feats achieved by their prodigal prince. Their eyes were so fixated on their prince that they missed the Goblin slowly making his way to the back of Ember, it jumped suddenly striking Ember's legs from back, cracking his bones.

The chant that Ember was reciting stopped and next moment a boom resounded as the magic that Ember was conjuring exploded. The Goblin with the rusty sword was thrown back, for a second there was silence, the Elves who were Archers were frozen on their place, all of their eyes widened to see their prince in a blood condition, his body was charred black, blood leaked from his countless injuries on the body, it was miracle he was alive.

*Whiz* *Whiz*

Without any further await the Archers rained hell on the Goblins, the soldiers surrounding the place charged without any hesitation," Save His Highness!", Commander Redin commanded, as he ran towards barely standing Ember," Ember!", Riveria shouted canceling her magic, ignoring the wound on her hand, that occurred due to her losing her focus in the fight she ran towards her brother.

The moment Ember fell, the hell began, the soldiers seeing their prince falling on the ground went crazy, charging recklessly to kill the Goblins, getting injuries in the process. The Archers jumped from their place and started shooting at the Goblins mercilessly. Redin and Riveria reached near the unconscious Ember, Riveria quickly turned his body upside down, and burst into tears seeing his condition.

Ember's face was half-black with his skin charred, he was bleeding heavily from his forehead, his hands and legs were in same condition with his light-weight armor cracked and broken at places. Redin quickly took out his armor, and Riveria steeling herself, took the potion fallen on the ground and splashed it on his body.

She took another from her and splashed again, then took out another and splashed another. In a few seconds his body started healing however, his breathing was extremely weak," He must had internal injuries, we must make him drink the potion for it to be mor-", Redin stopped seeing Riveria taking a mouthful of High-potion in her mouth, and kissing Ember the next moment.

She quickly started passing the potion in his mouth through hers, finding resistance she used her tongue to resolve it. Then breaking from the kiss, she looked anticipatingly at Ember, a moment latter his healing hastened, seeing it was working, she took another High-potion in her mouth, and kissed Ember to make him drink the potion.

Soldiers and Archers had long slayed all the Goblins, the limbs, heads, and blood of the foul creatures was all over the place, they had surrounded their highness, looking with extreme worry, as Riveria fed him a potion, many even had tears in their eyes seeing his condition, a few Elf Archers fell on the ground grabbing their head, they were none other who were charged overseeing his fight.

Once Ember's 90% of the injuries had healed did everyone got relief, Riveria hugged him in her embrace, crying with relief, as she felt his heartbeat against her chest, Redin stood up, and quickly glared at the Elf Archers, three female and one male, on the ground," You piece of shits!", he cursed as he grabbed the sole male one by collar and punched him on the face, breaking his nose.

" What the hell you were doing?!!!", he shouted holding a bloody Elf Archer and glaring at other three who shrunk down," Commander Redin enough!!!", Riveria said, stopping him, she looked at him and said," We must escort Ember to the fortress first, and prepare an Elixir for him, after that we can decide their punishment!", Redin said nothing, seeing the extremely cold look she was giving to them.

" Everyone, quickly gather!", he said, and then started giving his orders, soon they had escorted him to the fortress. The moment they reached the fortress it caused an uproar among the soldiers, on seeing the condition of Ember, realizing something must have happened. He was quickly escorted to his bedroom, and two Elixirs, the only present in the fortress were taken out.

" Damnit! I am a fucking idiot! Why didn't we take an Elixir with ourselves?!", Redin berated himself, Riveria remained quiet looking at Ember, a female Elf quickly entered the room, she was none other than one of the few healers in the fortress," Seria, quickly check upon his highness!", he commanded her, the female Elf nodded and quickly checked on Ember.

" He is out of danger, however, he might still have internal injuries, so making him drink an Elixir, while splashing another on his remaining wounds would be preferable", she gave her diagnosis, as an Falnaless Healer, her healing magic was barely on the level of a normal healing potion despite her being one of the Elite healers.

However, due to it, Elf Healers were taught Elf anatomy, and various medical practices, diagnosis methods, etc. They were doctors of danmachi world in a sense, thus her words held more worth than one might thought. Riveria on hearing her words, quickly grabbed an Elixir, and drinking it, quickly kissed Ember next moment, using her tongue and mouth to pass down the Elixir.

The Female Elf froze, and Redin sighed, once Riveria had finished with kissing Redin said," Your Highness, you should have let Seria handle it", Riveria blushed upon hearing it, Seria said," It doesn't matter, what her Highness did was an effective method- not to mention I can understand how worried she is", Riveria gave her grateful look, and Redin nodded.

" Your Highness should we imprison those Elves", he suddenly asked," Yes", Riveria replied not looking at him, but clearly angry on inside, Seria shook her head realizing well that most probably those Elves will get beheaded for their mistake," Sir Redin, I will request though, do not give any punishment till Ember wakes up, it should be him to give them a punishment", suddenly Riveria said.

" It shouldn't be any other way, Your Highness", Redin said with a bow, soon he nudged Seria to leave, and they left the room. Riveria gritted her teeth and clenched her fists,' Why? Why did it happen? ', she thought to herself looking at Ember, she knew the answer, yet she couldn't find the right reason. She could only wait for her brother to recover.

To be continued...

(A/N: Life cannot always go the way you want, sometimes out of nowhere it goes downhill.

Anyway, give me the powerstones! As many you can! Give it to me!)