The replacement of hydrogen atom(s) in hydrocarbon, aliphatic or aromatic, by halogen
atom(s) results in the formation of alkyl halide (haloalkane) and aryl halide (haloarene),
Classification of Halogen Derivatives
On the basis of number of halogen atoms present, halogen derivatives are classified as mono,
di, tri, tetra, etc., halogen derivatives, e.g.,
On the basis of the nature of the carbon to which halogen atom is attached, halogen derivatives
are classified as 1°, 2°, 3°, allylic, benzylic, vinylic and aryl derivatives, e.g.,
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General Methods of Preparation of Haloalkanes
1. From Alcohols
In Groove's method, ZnC12 is used to weaken the C-OH bond. In case of 3° alcohols, ZnC12 is
not required.
The reactivity order of halogen acids is HI > HBr > HCl.
Darzen procedure is the best method for preparing alkyl halides from alcohols since both the by
products (SO2 and HCl) are gaseous and escape easily.
2. Free Radical Halogenation of Alkanes
Addition of Hydrogen Halides on Alkenes
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1. Finkelstein Reaction
2. Swarts Reaction
H3C – Br + AgF → H3C – F + AgBr
Hg2F2, COF2 and SbF3 can also be used as a reagent for Swarts reaction.
3. Hunsdiecker Reaction
Physical Properties of Haloalkanes
1. Boiling point orders
1. R – I > R – Br > R – CI > R – F
2. CH3 – (CH2)2 – CH2Br > (CH3)2 CHCH2Br > (CH3)3CBr
3. CH3CH2CH2 > CH3CH2X > CH3X
2. Bond strength of haloalkanes decreases as the size of the halogen atom increases. Thus, the
order of bond strength is
CH3F > CR3Cl > CR3Br > CH3I
3. Dipole moment decreases as the electronegativity of the halogen decreases.
4. Haloalkanes though polar but are insoluble in water as they do not form hydrogen bonding
with water.
5. Density order is
RI > RBr > RCl > RF (For the same alkyl group)
CH3I > C2H5I > C3H7I
Chemical Reactions of Haloalkanes
1. Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions (SN reactions)
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kCN is predominantly ionic and provides cyanide ions in solution, which is ambident
nucleophile and bind with carbon side to form as the major product, while AgCN is covalent
and form isocyanide as the major product.
Like KCN, KNO2 form R-ONO while AgNO2 produces R-NO2 as product. Vinyl chloride is
less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reactions due to resonance.
Nucleophilic substitution reactions are of two types
(a) SN1 type (Unimolecular nucleophilic reactions proceed in two steps:
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Rate, r = k [RX). It is a first order reaction.
Reactivity order of alkyl halide towards SN1 mechanism
3° > 2° > 1°
Polar solvents, low concentration of nucleophiles and weak nucleophiles favour SN1
In SN1 reactions, partial racemisation occurs due to the possibility of frontal as well as backside
attack on planar carbocation.
(b) SN2 type (Bimolecular nucleophilic substitution) These reactions proceed in one step and is
a second order reaction with r = k[RX] [Nu].
During SN2 reaction, inversion of configuration occurs (Walden inversion) i.e., starting with
dextrorotatory halide a laevo product is obtained and vice-versa, e.g.,
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Reactivity of halides towards SN2 mechanism is
1° > 2° > 3°
Rate of reaction in SN2 mechanism depends on the strength of the attacking nucleophile.
Strength of some common nucleophiles is
> : I-
> : OR-
> : OH-
> CH3COO: > H2O > FNon-polar solvents, strong nucleophiles and high concentration of nucleophiles favour SN2
Relative rates of some alkyl halides in SN1 and SN2 reactions are in the order
Resonating structure of benzyl carbocations are
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Relative reactivity of alkyl halides for same alkyl group is
RI > RBr > RCI > RF
2. Elimination Reactions
Dehydrohalogenation is a β – elimination reaction in which halogen is from α-carbon atom and
the hydrogen from the α-carbon according to Saytzeff rule, e.g.,
Ease of dehydrohalogenation among halides
3° > 2° > 1°
3. Reduction
4. Reaction with Metals
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Grignard reagent is never isolated in the solid state as it explodes in dry state. So it is used as
ethereal solution.
5. lsomerisation
General Methods of Preparation of Aryl Halides
1. By Halogenation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons
It is an electrophilic substitution reaction.
2. By Side Chain Halogenation
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(It involves free radical mechanism.)
3. From Benzene Diazonium Salt
4. From Phenol
Physical Properties of Aryl Halides
1. Aryl halides are colourless liquids or colourless solids with characteristic odour.
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2. Boiling point generally increases with increase in the size of aryl group or halogen atom.
Boiling point order
Ar – I > Ar – Br > Ar – Cl > Ar – F
3. The melting point of p -isomer is more than 0- and m-isomer.
This is because of more symmetrical nature of p-isomer.
4. Due to resonance in chlorobenzene, C-CI bond is shorter and hence, its dipole moment is
less than that ofcyclohexylchloride.
Chemical Properties of Aryl Halides
1. Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction
Aryl halides are less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution reaction. Their low reactivity is
attributed due to the following reasons:
1. Due to resonance, C-X bond has partial double bond character.
2. Stabilisation of the molecule by delocalisation of electrons.
3. (Instability of phenyl carbocation.
However, aryl halides having electron withdrawing groups (like – NO2, -SO3H, etc.) at ortho
and para positions undergo nucleophilic substitution reaction easily.
Presence of electron withdrawing group (-NO2) increases the reactivity.
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2. Electrophilic Substitution Reactions
Halogens are deactivating but O, p-directing. Thus, chlorination, nitration, sulphonation and
Friedel Craft's reaction give a mixture of o- and P- chloro substituted derivatives.
(i) Halogenation
(ii) Nitration
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(iii) Sulphonation
(iv) Friedel-Crafts reaction
3. Reaction with Metals
(i) Wurtz Fittig reaction
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(ii) Fitting reaction
(iii) Ullmann reaction
Dlhalogen Derivatives
Dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) is widely used as a solvent, as a propellant in aerosols. Direct
contact of dichloromethane in humans causes intense burning and milk redness of the skin.
Trihalogen Derivatives
1. Chloroform [Trichloromethane, CHCl3]
Methods of preparation
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1. Oxidation of CHCl3 gives poisonous gas phosgene (carbonyl chloride).
To avoid this oxidation CHCl3 iI .toreci in dark brown bottles and filled to the brim. 1%
ethanol is added to chloroform which converts harmful phosgene gas into diethyl carbonate.
2. CHCl3 is widely used in the production of freon refrigerant R-22.
3. On nitration, it gives tear producing insecticide substance chloropicrin.
2. Iodoform (tri-iodornethane, CHl3)
Iodoform is prepared by iodoform reaction.
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Compounds containing either CH3CO- or CH3CH(OH) group form yellow colour iodoform
with I2 and NaOH.
Iodoform when comes in contact with organic matter, decomposes easily to free iodine, an
antiseptic. Due to its objectionable smell, it has been replaced by other formulations containing
Polyhalogen Derivatives
1. Tetrachloromethane (Carbon Tetrachloride, CCl4 )
CCI4 is a colourless, non-inflammable, poisonous liquid, soluble in alcohol and ether.
Carbon tetrachloride is used
1. as a solvent for oils, fats, resins
2. in dry cleaning
3. as fire extinguisher under the name 'pyrene'.
2. Freons
The chlorofluorocarbon compounds of methane and ethane are collectively known as freons.
These are usually produced for aerosol propellants, refrigeration and air conditioning purposes.
Carbon tetra chloride when reacts with antimony trifluoride in the presence of SbCl5 as catalyst,
dichlorofluromethane (freon) is obtained.
3. DDT (p, p'-Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
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The Royal Selection (王選, Ō-sen) is the event to decide who will become the forty-second monarch of the Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica. The selection will last for three years, ending one month prior to the Dragon Ceremony that is set to renew the Kingdom's covenant with the Divine Dragon. The five candidates selected were Emilia, Felt, Priscilla Barielle, Crusch Karsten, and Anastasia Hoshin, all of whom were chosen by the Dragon Jewels.
Contents1History2Candidates & Platforms2.1Current2.1.1Crusch Karsten2.1.2Anastasia Hoshin2.1.3Emilia2.1.4Felt2.2Former2.2.1Priscilla Barielle3Regulations and RulesHistory
The process of succession for the Lugunica family is entirely unknown, although it is presumed that as a feudal monarchy, the line of succession followed male primogeniture, as all currently known monarchs have been men.
With the demise of the entire Lugunican royal family as a result of an unknown illness burning through and killing all known members of the family, the remaining government and their institutions were left in a shock. Uncertainty about the pact with the Dragon possibly no longer existing as a result of the line of the pact signatory, Farsale Lugunica going extinct caused nationwide fears about the security of the country. Most notable were the fears that the Sacred Vollachia Empire, Lugunica's southern neighbor whom the Kingdom had historically warred against, would invade in a time of instability. Though diplomacy eventually settled the issue, uncertainty still held. In desperate need of guidance, the Council of Wise Men, Lugunica's leading governing body, turned to the prophetic Dragon History Stone, administrated by Leip Barielle.
As relayed to Lugunica's nobility by Leip Barielle, the Dragon History Stone told of five candidates, referred to as dragon priestesses, who were to be found across the Kingdom. Their candidacy would be confirmed through the use of the Dragon Jewels, gemstones contained within insignias which would gleam red if in the hands of a potential Dragon Maiden. After a year of searching among the 50 million citizens, only four of the five prospective women were found. It would only be by accident that the fifth would be found in the slums of the Royal Capital.
Candidates & PlatformsCurrentCrusch KarstenMain article: Crusch Camp
It was shortly after the deaths of the entire Lugunican Royal Family that the Duchess of the House Karsten was found to be a suitable royal candidate, becoming the first of the candidates.
Unique in her directness, Crusch's goal is the ultimate disbanding of the pact with the Dragon in order to create a nation that does not require the aid of a greater being to survive, instead able to defend itself through its own military power and national standing. Though she understands the many contributions of the Dragon to Lugunica's continued prosperity and peace, Crusch believes in a Lugunica where the citizenry are able to stand up for themselves and rule on their own, as all other options are tantamount to indefinite servitude.
Anastasia HoshinMain article: Anastasia Camp
Hailing from the mercantile Kararagi City-States, Anastasia Hoshin, owner of the Hoshin Company, was surprised to learn of her eligibility in Lugunica's Royal Selection. Pledged knighthood by Julius Juukulius and backed by her wealthy company seeking to expand its markets into the Kingdom, Anastasia took to becoming the third candidate.
Also direct in her goals, Anastasia's only intentions behind running was her greediness, although this may have just been a naïve play made to bluster the unfamiliar Lugunican nobility. In actuality, she believes that she has legitimate qualities to be a prosperous leader, and she points out the success of her company as an example. She promises economic prosperity for the country were she to be selected.
EmiliaMain article: Emilia Camp
Little is known about Emilia's origins. She is arguably the most disliked out of any of the candidates, not due to her policies, but her existence as a half-elf and her similar appearance to the Witch of Envy. She was discovered by Roswaal L. Mathers in the Elior Forest and found to have the qualifications to become the fourth candidate.
Emilia's only real goal is to become queen so that she has access to the Dragon's blood, which would aid her in freeing the frozen elves in Elior Forest. That said, even realizing that she might not be able to save the Elves, she is still willing to work hard to become the king. Her stated goal is to create a society in Lugunica where everybody is treated equally, with respect to identity, which comes from the discrimination she's faced as a half-elf in a world that only sees silver-haired half elves as the epitome of all evils. Emilia isn't a particularly exceptional candidate, but her real magic is in the people who surround her, who have managed to overcome any obstacle without any real casualties. In particular, her knight, Natsuki Subaru, seems to have even greater luck than Priscilla, always possessing incredible foresight and consistently leaving potentially fatal situations relatively untouched.
FeltMain article: Felt Camp
In the aftermath of an incident taking place in the Loot House of the Royal Capital's slums, Felt was discovered to be the fifth and final missing candidate in the Royal Selection. Bearing red eyes, fair skin, and golden hair, Felt, who has no official origin story, uncannily resembles the members of the deceased Lugunica family. Her candidacy was revealed at the very last moment before the start of the opening ceremony to the shock and awe of everybody in the room.
Felt's platform is to destroy the country, or at least the current system that maintains the country. She is fundamentally anti-establishment as a result of her upbringing. Her adoptive grandfather, unknown to everybody, happens to be a former leader in the civil war against the Lugunican government, which may or may not contribute to her attitude. Felt is also the youngest and least accomplished of all the candidates. Of course, she has the least vested interest in governmental affairs. Her entire campaign opening speech was met by fear and abhor by the nobles, and if not for the fact that she was divinely chosen to participate, she'd have been executed for treason. Fortunately, her benefactor happened to be the Sword Saint, Reinhard van Astrea, the most powerful man in the world.
FormerPriscilla BarielleMain article: Priscilla Camp
Though a child of an emperor of Vollachia, and very much eligible and capable of becoming the ruler of Vollachia, Priscilla found herself betrayed and ousted from her position by a sympathetic general fearing for Priscilla's life in the inevitable civil war that occurs as part of Vollachia's succession process. Eventually ending up in Lugunica as a result of her famous beauty, she was first married off to influential and elderly men at the age of 12. Perhaps due to her equally famous luck, all of her many husbands would die off soon after marrying her. Her last husband, Leip Barielle, was a wealthy nobleman with a sizable estate who, after discovering her, introduced her as the second of the candidates. Following his death, she inherited all of his feudal lands, and she managed to carry her estates to prosperity, leading to immense popularity with the common folk.
Priscilla preached only to make the country hers, and to own everything and everyone. As she was naturally lucky, she believed she was chosen by destiny to rule over all of Lugunica. She also pledged to gift her supporters and to listen to her subjects.
During her escapade to end the Great Disaster in Vollachia, she ultimately gave her life in the fight, resulting in her and her camp dropping out of the Royal Selection.
Regulations and RulesAnybody of any race, if chosen by the Dragon Jewels, is able to run, no matter what. No number of prejudice or racist complaints or even illegal use of authority can prevent one from participating if already chosen. In the end though, barring one (half), all of the candidates turned out to be human.Candidates must take care of their insignias, as this qualifies their ability to rule. Should they lose it, their candidacy could be discarded.If in care of a domain, i.e. if the candidate holds feudal lands, they are to remain responsible for their land, and can not simply pass it off to another's ownership. Among many other things, this determines whether a candidacy is to be discarded or not.No candidate is allowed to be married during the period of the Royal Selection so as to prevent marriage ties from exacerbating political conflict.The only way for a candidate to leave t
Natsuki Subaru (ナツキ・スバル) is the main protagonist of Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu. He is a former hikikomori that was transported to Lugunica through unknown means, being given the Authority which he calls "Return by Death" by Satella, and meeting the Royal Selection Candidate Emilia.
He officially became Emilia's knight and subsequently became a knight of the Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica[1] (though with no official duties towards the Kingdom) following the incident at the Sanctuary and is later revealed to be a Sage Candidate: someone with the necessary qualifications to become a Sage.
Contents1Appearance2Personality3History3.1Life on Earth3.2Lugunican Papers4Abilities5Etymology6Trivia7References8NavigationAppearance
Born and raised in Japan, Natsuki Subaru is a young man in his late teens. He stands at a height of 172 cm with an athletic physique which he maintains both prior to and during his summoning to Lugunica.
He inherited a shared mix of physical traits from both of his parents; his medium-length thick black hair bore a striking resemblance to his father as well as his face shape, while his black (brown in the anime) sanpaku eyes which have small irises that made the whites of his eyes stand out, were inherited from his mother although some people find them intimidating, with the exception of some individuals who like them, namely Emilia. Just like his father, Subaru has quite an athletic build, as back in Japan, he was raised as an athlete by his father. Despite his shut-in nature later on, he nevertheless continued to train himself to maintain his physique.
Subaru's main attire throughout the early parts of the series is his cheap, athletic-theme outfit he was summoned in. The ensemble consists of deep-grey tracksuit bottoms with an orange stripe down the side, black sneakers with vibrant orange laces and soles, and a black t-shirt. Additionally, Subaru has with it a zipped-up white tracksuit jacket with a stand up collar, deep-grey sleeves with an orange line running down their sides and orange cuffs, and deep-grey shoulders. On the left breast of the jacket is a black brand symbol that is reminiscent of the letter N.
In the Water Plumage Inn in Arc 5, he wears a yukata. Later on during the Battle for Priestella, Subaru's right arm and leg were affected by Capella's cursed Dragon blood, thus he wrapped a bandage around his leg to hide the wound. Following his battle with the Elgina, the cursed blood that was visible on his arm is no longer there, thus it appears to be back to normal.
During his adventure in the Pleiades Watchtower in Arc 6, Subaru wore an outfit better suited for travelling. The outfit in question consisted of an orange scarf that matched the colour featured on his track suit, black trousers tucked into lighter brown boots with black lacing, a black shirt that matched the shade of his trousers, a light brown buttoned blazer worn atop the shirt that ensured that only the shirt's collar was visible, a brown belt matching the shade of the boots, and an open green jacket. He also occasionally wore a long black hooded cloak alongside the outfit.
In Arc 7, Subaru was forced to cross-dress and adopt the name Natsumi Schwartz. During the Bloodless Siege of Guaral, Subaru wore a transparent primarily white and orange long dancer's dress adorned with ornaments and gems, and a black wig, as well as a fake chest and a large amount of make-up. Following the group's victory and the departure for Chaosflame, Subaru clad himself in a black wig and a primarily red and black military outfit with a red beretta, disguising himself as Vincent's female military advisor in order to not garner too much attention. Coupled with his fake name which he had used once in the month between Arc 2 and Arc 3, Subaru attempted to discretely alert his allies from the Kingdom, of his location in the Empire.
Later in the same arc, Subaru took on the form of a 10-year-old child due to Olbart Dunkelkenn's infantilization technique. He began wearing an oversized green shirt with rolled sleeves and a yellow collar, as well as a yellow band serving as a makeshift belt for his jeans. However, he eventually returned to his original form towards the end of Arc 8.
Subaru dressed in an attire protecting him from the harsh environment of the Auguria Sand Dunes.1/6
In the Sloth What-IF story, where Subaru chose to abandon Emilia to run away with Rem, Subaru's hair was longer. Although he kept his basic messy hairstyle, Subaru now had a clump of hair tied up in a ponytail, apparently influenced by the style of Wilhelm van Astrea. Furthermore, he ditched his signature tracksuit, for a more comfortable and environment-specific dark-blue kimono and a pair of simple wooden zori.
In the Gluttony IF, Subaru had given himself a scar on his head that damaged his eye and blinded it, and his hair had also turned white.
While Subaru does not tend to read into the situations he encounters, ultimately leading him to make irrational decisions, he is loyal to those he holds dear, willing to help them, even if that means taking the thorny path. He had his resolve confirmed through the many situations and circumstances he faces in the fantasy world, originally having been one to always take the 'easy' route. As a shut-in NEET, he was hopeful of the possibilities that being sucked into a new realm brings, but later realizes the realities of the predicament he is in. Eventually, he resolves himself to be faithful and protective of the ones that he cares most about.
Beneath his eccentric demeanor, however, Subaru is actually a very insecure person suffering from a severe inferiority complex due to growing up in his father's shadow. This also caused him to develop a fundamental misunderstanding of relationships where he believed he would be abandoned if he wasn't the center of attention. Even his otaku-tendencies were really just another method he used to stand out. Ironically, though, these desperate attempts to connect to others only caused him to make a fool of himself and push others away.
After being summoned to a new world, he saw this as a chance to make a fresh start. However, he didn't change as a person. He decided that he would save Emilia, and eventually, he was exposed for what he was: a person forcing their feelings on someone else, and he realized that his white-knighting doesn't work out in the real world. He thought of himself as the hero of his own story, but he was faced with reality when he didn't have the overpowered abilities of a usual protagonist. However, he chose to ignore that he wasn't the hero and that the world would go on with or without, and he tried to force his way into Emilia's affairs, and in the process, made a complete fool of himself.
The world then proceeded to show him how weak he was, and that he couldn't save anyone. After being utterly broken, he wanted to run away, but he was stopped by Rem. This became the turning point for his character; he truly made an effort to change himself rather than expect that as the supposed protagonist, everything would work out. Having hit his breaking point and come to terms with his inner conflicts with some encouraging words from Rem, Subaru began reflect on his actions and take step to amend his broken relationships, ultimately learning to become more considerate of Emilia's feelings rather than just forcing his expectation that she would reward him. Now, he tries to live up to the expectations of a hero that Rem had for him.
In time, Subaru ended up gaining self-harming habits, such as biting his lips or scratching his arms until they bleed, and so that he wouldn't forget or become used to the feeling of pain that goes alongside his Return by Death, he'd even requested the poison he'd use later to be painful, something which others have questioned.
After his infantilization in Arc 7, Subaru regained much of his confidence that he'd lost as he aged, which when paired up with his usual habits alongside his Authority, have made him much more of a force to be reckoned with, as well as significantly bolder, allowing him to pick fights with and persuade people as stubborn as Gustav Morello and Jawsrough into following him. Likewise, he has shown to be even more charismatic, managing to gain the loyalty and friendships of nearly 1000 people during his travels in Vollachia, as well as the assistance of numerous similarly stubborn people such as the Nine Divine Generals and Vollachian Emperor.
HistoryLife on Earth
Back in his original world, Subaru was the only son to two odd, but well-meaning parents, Kenichi and Naoko. From a young childhood age, Subaru idealized his dad in particular, a popular man in his community who was highly talented in whatever he did, a loving father who prioritized his family above everything else, and had a boisterous personality that charmed anyone he met. Kenichi was everything he wanted to be and growing up around him had a huge influence on Subaru's life. Taking pride in being his son, Subaru worked to live up to the expectations that came with that in his mind. For a time, he achieved this, as Subaru found himself smarter, more physically able, and popular than his peers. When he received praise, Subaru would of hear how it was expected of him being Kenichi's son, which made him feel special and entitled to a sense of superiority.
However, as the young boy's small world started to gradually expand upon entering middle school, Subaru would come face to face with limits of his own ability. Suddenly, he found people who were becoming smarter and faster than he was and, in general, being better at the things he used to be. He felt as if he was slowly losing his place and began to harbor a deep sense of shame at letting down his parents and fear of everyone leaving him for failures, doubt and self-loathing began to develop in his heart. But rather than prioritizing getting better at those things to combat his anxieties, Subaru instead placed more importance on doing daring and outrageous things to maintain his fragile dignity and keep himself the center of attention. However, the more reckless Subaru's actions became, the fewer people wanted to be around him. Yet Subaru continued to deceive himself and believe his own lies because as the son of his seemly indomitable father, he couldn't be seen as a failure. Eventually, one day, Subaru noticed he no longer had any friends and in his loneliness, Subaru realized he wasn't anyone special.
From then on, the comparisons between his father and himself turned into a curse that wounded and suffocated him everywhere he went, yet his strong admiration for his dad made it impossible to show that pain to anyone. Eventually, he stopped trying to stand out and when high school came, he found himself in a new environment where no one knew his past. Seizing this opportunity, Subaru tried to build new interpersonal relationships, but he had no idea how to be himself around others and instead only ended up emulating his father, his only frame of reference which instead led to others to treat him as a clown and classmates simply ignored his existence altogether. One day, Subaru skipped a day of school out of lack of enthusiasm, which slowly turned into a constant thing until at one point, he hadn't been to class for three months. When out of public spaces, Subaru felt liberated, but more than that, his own degradation meant people would start distancing him from Kenichi and in a twisted sense of hope, his parents come to acknowledge him as worthless and cast him aside in self-abandonment.
Lugunican Papers
In the year following the Subjugation of the White Whale, Emilia was requested an interview by Shorty Megan and Lululala, and the camp decided to hold the interview at Roswaal Manor. Upon Shorty's arrival, Emilia, Subaru, and other members of her camp set up a an act in order to try and help ease Shorty into not being so afraid of Emilia, which they expected due to her race and appearance. Though the act itself failed, they succeeded to lighten the mood for Shorty, and they quickly arrived at the manor for the interview. There, Shorty discovered that Emilia was not as the rumors and discrimination made her out to be, and he was able to talk easily with her about the Royal Selection, her standing, and her opinions on the other candidates, not to mention Subaru's role as her knight and his connection to Beatrice. In the end, the interview was successful, and they had Lululala draw them all together. However, due to this interview and Subaru's own words regarding his relationship with Beatrice, Subaru started to become known as the Little Girl User.
Return by Death (死に戻り, Shinimodori): Subaru's trump card and the most recognized ability from the series, Return by Death, allows Subaru to return to an unspecified, unpredictable and uncontrollable "save point", that was set some time before his death. It happens instantly after his life was taken, there's no lag between the point of death and the point of resurrection, and there is no known limit to how many times Subaru can "Return by Death", making this ability an effective way of permanently bypassing death as of Arc 7. To Subaru, it looks exactly as if someone switched camera angles inside his head and the sudden influx of new information and sensations often makes him feel dizzy and confused. In Volume 11, it is revealed by the Witch of Greed that Return by Death is actually an Authority[2] given to him by the Witch of Envy[3] in order to prevent him from being shackled by mortality, granting him a means to challenge fate itself and beat impossible odds in which he's destined to die in the most cruelest of ways.[4] Likewise, the Witch seems to have some control over it, as when the connection between her and Subaru was temporarily severed in Arc 7, his checkpoints not only became erratic, but they also seemed to reduce in time with every reset. Having said that, Subaru's application of this Authority – namely to use it to save his friends and loved ones from their untimely demises – is something willingly and consciously done by Subaru alone.[5] This often results in Subaru being given almost absurdly short times between his save points and deaths, and at times, even preventing him from saving some of his friends, such as when Rem's name and memories were eaten by the Sin Archbishop of Gluttony, where Subaru was given a save point hours after Gluttony and Greed's attack on Rem's carriage convoy.
Penalties: Subaru is unable to reveal his ability to others. There are a few primary penalties for attempting to do so:If Subaru tries to tell someone about his ability, the Witch of Envy will stop time and squeeze his heart. This penalty does not work within the Castle of Dreams as it is outside of the world.If Subaru was to tell Emilia about his ability, it would end in her heart being crushed by the Witch's hand. The exact explanation about this penalty is currently unknown, as this penalty is so far only confirmed to affect Emilia and no one else.[6]It will increase the density of Witch Factor at least for a short time, drawing any witchbeasts in the immediate area to him like moths to a flame, which Subaru has used to his advantage.Though there were no penalties within the Castle of Dreams, the Witch of Envy still possessed Emilia in the outside world and devoured everything with her shadows in response to revealing Return by Death to Echidna.In the case of Rui Arneb, who had become aware of his Authority and attached herself to him, the Witch of Envy summoned a mass of shadows to force Subaru to reset until she was removed.In the case someone discovers the exact abilities of his Authority via an alternate method, such as reading his Books of the Dead, Satella will attack them personally and attempt to kill them with her shadows.Future Recollection: The trait that makes Subaru so dangerous is without a doubt his ability to recall the futures he had experienced through Return by Death. The fact that he can recall the events of the previous loops he had died in, means that Subaru inherently knows the rough actions the people around him will take, almost like a form of precognition. As he usually tries to do different things every time he returned to life, Subaru is able to gather more intel on how his allies and opponents behave under specific conditions, allowing him to predict their movements and plan strategies accordingly. Although he is average at best in terms of intellect and strategic planning, Subaru's recollections of failed futures as well as his basic problem solving abilities essentially turned Subaru into someone who expertly manipulates the events around him. Within a year and a half of arriving to the other world, Subaru had helped orchestrating the downfall of the Sin Archbishops of Sloth, Greed and Gluttony, the Bowel Hunter Elsa Granhiert, the Witch Sphinx, and two of the Three Great Witchbeasts—the White Whale and the Great Rabbit. His recollection of the future also allows him to forge better relationships with those he considers allies, allowing him to amass an impressive web of political connections and friends in high places.
Authorities (権能, Ken'nō): Subaru is currently able to use two Authorities: Sloth and Greed. According to Echidna, Return by Death is also an Authority that seems to have been gifted to him by Satella, but no actual conclusions of which Sin it represents have been drawn yet.
Authority of Sloth (怠惰の権能, Taida no Ken'nō): After the death of Petelgeuse Romanée-Conti, Subaru became the current holder of the Witch Factor of Sloth, enabling him to develop an Authority of Sloth.Invisible Providence (インビジブル・プロヴィデンス, Inbijiburu Purovidensu):
Subaru using "Invisible Providence" for the first time.
When Natsuki Subaru killed the Sin Archbishop of Sloth, he absorbed the Witch Factor of Sloth that resided within the madman for the past century. Strangely enough, Subaru's Authority of Sloth manifested itself in almost entirely the same way as Petelgeuse's did, at least appearance-wise. Unlike Petelgeuse, who called the power the Unseen Hands, after Echidna synchronised his body and the Witch Factor of Sloth, Subaru manifested an Authority of Sloth and chose to call his version of the Authority "Invisible Providence". It is a power that allows Subaru to summon a single invisible hand-like appendage from his chest and move and extend it telekinetically. If Subaru focuses enough, he can even make the hand phase through matter as though it wasn't there. Subaru's version of the Authority of Sloth is far less powerful than both Petelgeuse's and Sekhmet's Authorities of Sloth, as although Petelgeuse for instance could summon roughly one hundred hands at his maximum potential with little effort, Subaru can only summon a single hand with minimal range and damage output. At times, however, it seems that this ability can cause significant harm to his target, as he managed to severely damage Todd Fang's face with it during a failed loop. However, as a side effect of calling forth his Authority, Subaru's internal organs begin to flair up, he feels his soul becoming more and more tainted, and he is assaulted by a violent coughing attack accompanied with him throwing up smaller amounts of blood.[7] There are even times when he blacks out because of the severe drawbacks of its use, leaving him unconscious for at least two days.Authority of Greed (強欲の権能, Gōyoku no Ken'nō): After the death of Regulus Corneas, Subaru became the current holder of the Witch Factor of Greed, enabling him to develop an Authority of Greed.Cor Leonis (コル・レオニス, Koru Reonisu): When Reinhard van Astrea killed the Sin Archbishop of Greed in the Crusade against Greed during Witch Cult's assault on the Watergate City of Priestella, Subaru absorbed the Witch Factor of Greed which resided within the white haired calamity for over a century. He manifested Cor Leonis towards the end of Arc 6. Similarly to Regulus' Authority of Greed, Cor Leonis has two phases; its base form and Second Shift.The base shift of Cor Leonis allows Subaru to take on the physical and mental burdens and fatigue of people he himself considers allies, effectively eliminating problems such as injuries or lack of dexterity for his comrades in combat. He is also able to shoulder fatal injuries and save his allies' lives, however, at a cost of receiving the same wounds himself as his body naturally reproduces the sources of pain he suddenly receives; a deadly side effect which can easily kill him, if ignored. When using this phase, Subaru is able to locate his allies' position and status as he sees pale white dots, wherever they're located; though his allies must also consider Subaru their own ally, otherwise Subaru will not be able to sense their location – during the very first chapter of Arc 7, Subaru tried to locate Rem's location but was unable to, as due to her loss of memories she did not recognize him as her ally. It only works on people he recognizes as his friends and allies. Regardless, once he is connected to someone with his Authority, so long as he does not pass out or fall unconscious, the connection will be maintained no matter the distance.Second Shift (セカンドシフト, Sekando Shifuto): Second Shift, also known as Division of Labor (負担の分配, Futan no Bunpai), works very similarly to Regulus' very own Lion's Heart, in a sense where Subaru can divide the burden between the allies of his choosing. He can freely regulate how big of a burden he'll employ on each person, kind of like opening or closing a tap. Naturally, the same side effects will apply to each and every bearer of the shared burden, meaning their lives rest in Subaru's hands for the entire duration. On the other hand, however, he can also use this to divide the burden of an enhancement placed upon himself. During Arc 7 and Arc 8, he was able to induce a forcible manifestation of the Flow Method in this way to strengthen his Pleiades Battalion. The only condition for using the Second Shift is that the person Subaru wants to share his burden with, must be willing to accept his burden and open their heart to Subaru.
Curses (呪い, Noroi): Subaru has been afflicted by two curses: a curse from numerous Wolgarm witchbeasts and a curse from an unnamed Dragon's blood. For unknown reasons, he has also displayed a seeming resistance to curses, as seen from his reactions to the Dragon blood's curse and a killing curse that has since been removed from him.
Wolgarm Curse: In Arc 2, Subaru was bitten by numerous Wolgarms that attempted to drain his mana with their curse. Although they were all slain before the curses were activated, the curses were too numerous to be removed, so he was forced to keep the curses inactive within his body.Curse of the Dragon's Blood: After his fight with the Sin Archbishop of Lust and getting afflicted by the curse within her Dragon's blood, Subaru's entire right leg was miraculously healed, despite having it torn off after his fights with the Sin Archbishop of Greed and Lust. This very same leg was covered in thick and pulsating black veins, turning it completely black, and it attained the ability to regenerate from damage it took, as tested by Priscilla Barielle. It also seemed to have given him a form of enhanced leg strength as he found that he could leap impressive distances while he was being pursued by Regulus through Priestella, even allowing him to run along the surface of walls with ease. Similarly, he took in even more of the curse into his right arm after touching Crusch, who had the very same curse within her, making his arm look as though it was covered in black veins. Roughly three months later, during the events of Arc 7, Subaru lost his right hand while fighting against an Elgina, and immediately after falling unconscious, the curse spilled out of his bloody arm and completely regrew his hand, which was beneath a layer of black, rubbery, peelable skin. As such, the curse that once rested in his arm is gone. Unlike his leg, this hand was not able to heal.
Magic (魔法, Mahō): Subaru is able to use yin magic. Although he was a novice, Subaru had the capability to cast very basic-level yin magic spells. According to the author, Subaru could learn how to use other types of magic if he dedicated his life to it. However, after overusing his gate, it became defective, meaning he could no longer cast any kind of magic or expel mana on his own.
Spirit Affinity: Subaru has a rare innate gift to form contracts with spirits. His affinity for it is also rather high, as when Julius Juukulius attempted to use his spirits to break out of a spell, it resonated with Subaru and left the Spirit Knight baffled. Similarly, despite not being contracted with him, some spirits show willingness to assist him, as in the case of one of Emilia's lesser spirits in Priestella and Ia during the Subjugation of Sloth.
Spirit User (精霊使い, Seirei Tsukai): Subaru is contracted with the artificial spirit Beatrice, though according to her, he isn't a true spirit user. She also has a terrible mana consumption rate and formerly got around this by draining mana from people in the mansion using the library as a medium. Due to her mana consumption rate from Subaru, the two cannot cast spells freely. As Beatrice's contractor, Subaru's condition and whereabouts can be sensed by her via their connection, although he is unable to do so. Furthermore, he is capable of remotely calling Beatrice out if he focuses enough on his link with her. Like Julius, Subaru is also considered to be a Spirit Knight (精霊騎士 Seirei Kishi). As she is an artificial spirit, she also has several conditions Subaru is forced to follow:
Subaru cannot form a contract with other spirits.Beatrice cannot restore mana on her own.Beatrice cannot use the mana in the atmosphere.Beatrice can only drain mana from Subaru.
Spiritual Arts (精霊術): Subaru is capable of using spiritual arts with Beatrice, and is thus able to use Yin Magic with her aid. He has also created a number of original spells with her, unique to the pair. He is able to use:
Shamak (シャマク Shamaku):
Subaru unleashing Shamak on the leader of a pack of witchbeasts.
One of the most basic shadow magic spells, and the only spell Subaru could use until the collapse of his gate, was "Shamak." When cast, a blanket of black smoke would erupt from the user that would cover a significantly large area. Any target engulfed by the smoke would completely lose their spacial awareness. Under the spell's effect, the only thing the target could sense was the ground under their feet and any damage done to their body. Although it was a low-level spell, it proved an effective smokescreen when retreating or for masking attacks. As it was the only spell he was capable of using, Subaru was particularly fond of Shamak. he used it a number of times, and even came to grow attached to it, calling it "Shamak-san." He is still able to use the spell through Beatrice.Minya (ミーニャ): Subaru can create stakes made of crystallized mana covered with light purple flames as an offensive attack via spiritual arts. They are strong enough to penetrate defenses. Any stakes in the air explode and release smaller stakes that fly in all directions which then rips targets apart.El Minya (エル・ミーニャ): The spell works very similar to normal Minya. The only difference is the number of stakes, which increase to around 40.Murak (ムラク): Subaru reduces the effects of gravity. Just by jumping lightly, a person can jump as if they had springs. If Subaru wishes to, it can also be used to fly, although Subaru will get blown around by the wind like a leaf, but he won't flip around in midair. He can also use this on his opponents to throw them off balance and combine it with his whip to send opponents as large as a fully transformed Shaula flying.EMM (E・M・M; エミリアたんマジ女神, Emiria-tan Maji Megami; "Emilia-tan is Seriously a Goddess"): EMM is an "absolute defence magic". Beatrice uses Yin Magic to interfere with the time and space around Subaru, and while he can't move during activation, he experiences no interference from outside the barrier. It is similar to Regulus Corneas's Lion's Heart, but does not have the same risk, renders Subaru and Beatrice unable to move, and can be used until mana runs out.EMT (E・M・T; エミリアたんマジ天使, Emiria-tan Maji Tenshi; "Emilia-tan is Seriously an Angel"): EMT is an "absolute negation magic". It is a spherical field several ten meters long with Subaru and Beatrice at the center is created, which negates effects from mana within it. Julius remarks that it is useful against mages and those who use mana to assist their techniques. However, the magic only negates the use of mana, and so it has no effect against opponents who fight without it.Rental Goa (レンタル・ゴーア):
Subaru using "Rental Goa" against Petelgeuse.
Not being one of his spells made after forming a formal contract with Beatrice, this was instead a Goa used on the spot during Subaru's provisional contract with Ia, hence why he chose to call it a "rental" spell. It was used against Petelgeuse to set him on fire after being doused in oil.Cocytus (コキュートス, Kokyūtosu): Cocytus is a large scale spell made out of two combined elements, which was used by Subaru and Emilia during their fight against the Great Rabbit. While Subaru used Yin Magic to form some sort of a barricade around the witchbeasts to prevent them from escaping, Emilia used Fire Magic to carefully apply magical energy to the already-casted Minya spell, creating an icy cage and lifting the cage, the witchbeasts, and the ground itself high in the air.
Melee Fighter: Subaru grew up an active athlete in his early years in his school, and although he drifted from partaking in any school activities prior to his transportation to the new world, he nevertheless still maintain a strict fitness regimen, and as a result, he has raw athletic prowess and a high degree of physical strength, reflex, and stamina. Despite all that, Subaru is not as skilled as the vast majority of warriors he's encountered during his time in the New World and can barely hold his own against normal people - according to the author, a fistfight between Otto and Subaru would always end in Otto's win. To somewhat make up for his fighting shortcomings, Subaru has sharp reflexes and demonstrated it when he was able to dodge Felt's confused swings when she confused him for an intruder and Rem's flail attack in the second attempt for his life.
Sword Skills: He did kendo in middle school for a bit, so he has some basics in swordsmanship. After his humiliating defeat at the hands of Julius, Subaru received some rough sword training, under Wilhelm van Astrea at the Karsten mansion, Subaru unlocked a basic grasp on swordsmanship that was helped by the kendo he did when he was younger. However, it should be mentioned that despite the combative skills Subaru picked up from his time in Japan as well as his time in the other world, he was still a low-level combatant overall who would lose to almost every opponent he faced in terms of battle power as he's completely talentless with a blade and is unable to hold his own against anyone who's at least fairly skilled with a sword.Whipmanship: After the events of Arc 4, he was taught by Clind how to use a whip. Though he doesn't usually use it directly for offense, he uses it in tandem with his parkour and survival skills and other various tricks in combat. At times, he also uses the crack of the whip to temporarily catch his enemies off guard, and he even uses it in tandem with his Yin Magic, mostly with Murak.Above Average Physique: Subaru personally mentions that he is able to bench 80 kg (176 lbs). Before being teleported into the new world, he maintained a fitness regimen of one hundred push-ups, sit-ups, and squats a day, allowing him extremely above average physical ability, especially for a hikikomori whose diet consisted of mostly convenience store items.
Parkour and Survival Skills: During the following year after the incident at the Sanctuary, Subaru learned the basics of parkour from Clind and began training himself. The butler also provided Subaru with essential survival skills, which came in handy to Subaru in the start of Arc 7.
Deductive Ability: Arguably Subaru's greatest asset, aside from Return by Death, is his own mind. Though he wasn't blessed with particularly noteworthy intelligence, he has always had great deductive ability, something he prides himself on. This works well with his time-looping, as the information it provides would be useless if he wasn't able to think and act on it to find the optimal course of action. Garfiel, Reinhard, and Vincent have complimented Subaru's strategic ability.
Leadership: Numerous times throughout the story, Subaru has shown to be an excellent leader, as he has often been seen acting like a general in several battles. Of course, while a big part of this comes from knowledge obtained from his Return by Death, even without it, he has shown to be capable of directing everyone around them to places they need to be, with the Battle for Priestella being one of the most prominent examples of his leading skills. Similarly, he has shown to have great charisma, as he managed to obtain many followers during the Imperial Civil War and create the Pleiades Battalion, which he promptly led as its commander.
Apostle of Greed: For partaking in the Trial of the Sanctuary, Subaru was given the mark of the Witch of Greed Echidna that indicated him as an Apostle of Greed. Because of this title, Subaru was capable of commanding the many replicas of Ryuzu Meyer created by Echidna centuries ago. The replicas were compelled to follow any order they were given, regardless of their own thoughts on the matter. This gift from Echidna essentially bequeathed Subaru with a small army for a time, however, the Witch of Greed eventually took away his title, meaning that he became unable to command Ryuzu's replicas.
Cell Phone: When he first came to the world, he had his cell phone on him. Though he could no longer make calls with it, it came in handy alongside his Return by Death, allowing him to obtain an accurate time of when certain beasts may appear or using it in negotiations. He gave his phone to Russell Fellow sometime after Arc 3.Guiltywhip: Subaru uses a whip as his main weapon. Like his parkour, Subaru learned the basics of using it from Clind. In the Light Novel, it was revealed that his preferred whip was made of the witchbeast they fought in Arc 4, the Guiltylowe. He named said whip the Guiltywhip.Meteor Ring: For a short time in Arc 7, he was given a meteor ring that was imbued with the element of fire which required a kiss to activate. He ultimately destroyed it during the battle against the Elgina.Lethal Poison Packet: Throughout the events of Arc 7 and Arc 8, Subaru kept poison, created by Null from the Gladiator Island Ginunhive, packed between his molars that he could easily smash between his teeth if he required it. He used this when he needed to guarantee his death and trigger his Authority. The packet has since been removed by Sphinx.EtymologyNatsuki means "vegetables, greens" (菜) (na) and "moon" (月) (tsuki).Subaru means "Pleiades" (昴).In astronomy, "Subaru" is the Japanese name for the constellation Pleiades. Of which, seven stars in the constellation are named after the Seven Sisters, the daughters of Atlas and Pleione in classical mythology.Due to his name being related to a constellation, Subaru used to have a love and obsession over them, thus having vast knowledge of Earth's stars. It was through this knowledge that he was able to solve of the first trial of Pleiades Watchtower and deduce the stars the Sin Archbishops were named after corresponded with their abilities (Petelgeuse, "Hand of Orion", Sirius, "Shining", Regulus, "Little King", and Capella, "She-Goat", respectively).TriviaAccording to the author, Subaru's birthday is April 1, and his birth flower is a Gypsophila elegans, or annual baby's breath.Subaru has been ranked among the five weakest characters in Re:Zero.[8]Subaru is surprisingly talented at sewing. In the later arcs, his skill improves to the point where he can even make stuffed toys.Subaru had once cross-dressed in his old world under the name "Natsumi Schwartz". He has used this alias and cross-dressed on a few occasions in the new world."Schwartz" means "black" in German.Like his parents, Subaru has a personal bottle of mayo back home.According to the author, after Subaru went missing, a police investigation was launched but ended up empty-handed.The reason why Subaru tapped Crusch's hand instead of shaking it at the start of Arc 4 is because he was shy about shaking a girl's hand.From the very moment Subaru was summoned to another world, he subconsciously knew he would never return to Japan.Subaru's phone ringtone is "Yoake no Michi" from Dog of Flanders.In a Q&A, the author stated the chance of Subaru not dying in an arc is 0.[9]Even before meeting Emilia, Subaru preferred girls with silver hair.Subaru has a personal ranking of his friends and he would use Return By Death if one of them died.According to the author, the reason he made Arc 3 was for Subaru to say two lines. The first one being "I hate myself" and the second one being "I love you" (to Emilia).[10]In Arc 6, Subaru is revealed to regularly partake self-harm, scratching his arms until he bleeds, biting his lips, et cetera.Shamak was in fact more useful to Subaru than Invisible Providence is, according to the author himself.Following the incident involving Rem, Greed and Gluttony, Subaru visited Rem daily, discussing his day with the sleeping girl, without fail.Many of the Sin Archbishops such as Petelgeuse seemed to suspect that Subaru is supposed to hold the seat of Pride in the Witch Cult, with both Petelgeuse and Rui claiming that the vacant seat belonged to Subaru, however, it is currently unknown if this is true or just deluded gibberish from the Sin Archbishops.Subaru is the Sin Archbishop of Pride in the Ayamatsu IF, but the short story is non-canonical to the mainline story.In Arc 6 of both the light novels and web novel, Subaru has his own named chapter.In the web novel, Subaru was in fact able to read Petelgeuse's Gospel. This event, however, was cut from the Light Novel, for reasons yet unknown. Furthermore, the reason why he was able to do that, remains unknown.Subaru considers Wilhelm to be the very ideal of a person and a man,[11] and he is the person Subaru respects the most in the new world.[12]References↑ "This is a misunderstanding. I merely wished to advise him as his senior. Now that he is a knight of the kingdom, his conduct has an effect on the reputation of all knights." Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 16 Chapter 2, Section 5↑ "Though it vexes me, the Authority that allows you to Return by Death is rooted in the Witch's wild delusions." Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 11 Chapter 5; Section 3↑ "The being that made me walk the path of suffering... –The Witch of Envy." Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 11 Chapter 5; Section 3Regulus Corneas (レグルス・コルニアス) is a Sin Archbishop of the Witch Cult, representing Greed. He debuted in the second interlude of Arc 3 alongside Lye Batenkaitos, where he took on Crusch's military convoy, completely decimating it alongside its passengers, which included Rem. Later, he appeared in Emilia's first trial during the events of Arc 4, where he played an antagonistic role under Pandora's in the lead-up to the Permafrost of Elior Forest, and he also appeared as one of the primary antagonists of Arc 5.
As the strongest and one of the oldest Sin Archbishops in the Witch Cult, Regulus had an air of mystery surrounding him and was responsible for many brutal mass-slaughters and annihilations in the century prior to the beginning of the story, including the destruction of the Fortified City of Garkla in Vollachia. During the events of Arc 4, it was revealed he acted as the head of the radical faction inside the Witch Cult 100 years ago.[1] During the events of Arc 5, he was one of the Sin Archbishops who sieged the Watergate City of Priestella, where he was subsequently defeated by a joint force consisting of Reinhard van Astrea, Natsuki Subaru, and Emilia. He drowned underneath the streets of the city.
Regulus's face had no eye-catching features and he had golden eyes that were usually murky and disinterested, but started to sparkle when he passionately engaged in his long monologues. His modestly handsome face wasn't particularly attractive or unattractive, while his hair was neither short nor long and without a distinct style, however, it was naturally white despite his youthful appearance.[2] Regulus' white skin that lacked any semblance of a tan, coupled with his white hair and predominately white clothing, made him seem as though he was the epitome of the colour white. In fact, the complete devoid of colour exhibited by Regulus' physical appearance gave him the impression of a sickly person of which all colour had drained away.
Regulus' primary attire primary piece of clothing was a pure-white greca-style overcoat that reached down to his ankles and had golden-edged cuffs, a set of five golden buttons running down the torso of his centre front that usually ensured that the coat was closed above the hipline, and golden-highlighted edging. The inside of the coat was black and featured vertical golden stripes travelling down the entire coat. The most striking part of his coat was the opulent gold and black high-neck collar it sported that had the symbol for infinity inscribed on it, perhaps reflecting the nature of Regulus' Authority. Under his coat, he wore a long-sleeved deep-blue-coloured dress shirt, white snow-white trousers, and a pair of white shoes, the latter two of which were both the same shade as his hair and overcoat. Usually, only the cuffs of the dress shirt could be seen as Regulus's long overcoat tended to obscure it almost completely. Regulus had a single deep-blue teardrop-shaped earring that was the same colour as his dress shirt and dangled from his right earlobe thanks to a thin gold chain attaching it.
Regulus wearing his normal outfit.1/2
During the wedding that he attempted to have with Emilia in Arc 5, Regulus displayed himself in a far more formal wedding uniform. He chose to wear a white tuxedo with a white color pallet, the same as his normal uniform. The tuxedo had a long cape-like backside that nearly went down to his heels. In addition, Regulus wore a blue and white striped undershirt adorned with a black and gold striped ribbon, white gloves, and white shoes.
Regulus was talkative, and tended to describe himself as unselfish, despite representing greed. He would often go on and on about trivial matters in the most incoherent ways, usually leaving the other party confused and/or unable to follow his thoughts, ideals and values. Due to his extremely prideful personality, however, he often forced his own selfishness on others and tried to justify it. If his opponents had said something that went against his opinions and beliefs, he would find unreasonable faults in them, gradually becoming angry while accusing them of "violating his rights", before attacking and killing them without mercy or second thought. Despite his self-proclaimed pacifistic nature, he would not hesitate to attack, harm or kill someone, as to him, the act of taking away what is his was the most abhorrent and disgusting thing a person could do. He often showed complete ignorance for other individuals' values and exercised extremely selfish behaviors. This is best showcased when Regulus became unreasonably infuriated at Rem when she prepared to defend herself after explicitly telling her that he abhors fighting, which contradicts the fact that he mercilessly slaughtered multiple convoys full of wounded people just minutes prior to Rem's battle with him and Lye Batenkaitos. Regulus is incredibly hypocritical and wouldn't hesitate to renege his own words and promises, giving further evidence of his sociopathic nature.
He was extremely prideful and viewed himself as a "divine being" or "the most satisfying existence in the world", which greatly hindered his assessment of people, no matter if they were his enemies or allies, to the point he would make light of the Sword Saint, mocking him and calling him "a moniker of some guy who knows of nothing but swinging a sword". He often pointed out his dislike for needlessly involving himself with others and vice versa, stating he would be perfectly happy if people never paid attention to him and/or bothered him. Despite that, he has been shown to have conversed with people without initiating a conflict with the opposite party, until he got his "rights violated", which instantly changed his mood for the worse and prompted him to take action against them. His hot-tempered personality often resulted in unneeded fights. However, due to his overwhelmingly powerful Authority of Greed, he always came out victorious and unharmed, even against ridiculously strong opponents such as the Vollachia's strongest–Kurgan. Due to his long life as a Sin Archbishop without ever getting his life seriously threatened, he never matured intellectually or emotionally; he disclosed his secret to Subaru, who in turn was able to connect all the dots and unravel his formidable Authority, allowing Reinhard to deal the finishing blow. In his final moments, Regulus revealed how he hated being looked down upon or laughed at, going even as far as saying he became a Sin Archbishop just so he could protect himself from such people; whoever offended him or his wives would ultimately be slain for the transgression, no matter their acquaintanceship with him. Regulus never realized his "sins", even in the final moments leading to his demise. His view on the world was corrupt and distorted from the very beginning until the bitter end. His final cries were full of hatred, wishing for the whole of humanity to disappear forever.
Having been born with a corrupt and distorted mindset, Regulus seemingly did not perceive kindness, love and affection in the same way as a normal person would have; it was strongly suggested that he lacked empathy and was impulsive, narcissistic and sociopathic. He took everything as a personal assault and critic, never developed a "human side", which in turn made him feel like everyone was against him, pitying and loathing his very existence. With time, Regulus himself seemingly developed a paranoid personality which completely dulled his perception of the world around him. After receiving the Witch Factor of Greed, Regulus gained an extreme form of escapism; he slaughtered everyone who pitied him, destroyed everything that bothered him and protected only the things he deemed important and necessary for his ideal and dream life. With that, Regulus was given an opportunity to be able to escape the dull, depressing and detested world he was brought into, and create a new world with himself at the top and surrounded by his subjects/wives; his cherished kingdom. He spent the following century trying to fulfil his Greed, which he never achieved, trying to justify to himself that he was not greedy, until his bitter and watery end.
More than 100 years ago, Regulus used to live with his family in a village of a small country outside the Four Great Nations. His father was an alcoholic yet tried to be a good father, his mother complained about bad earnings but apologized for it occasionally, and his two brothers who were sometimes mean to him but gave him their share of their meal if he accidentally spilled his. At an unspecified point in his life, Regulus was chosen as a Sin Archbishop and obtained the Witch Factor of Greed. In accordance to his deepest desires, he developed the overpowered Authority of Greed, which he used in the following century of his life. Regulus subsequently killed his entire family, then the villagers who looked down on him, followed by the people from the nearby town who pushed his family into such peril, and finally, his entire home country. He broke the mind of his childhood love, slaughtered her family, and forced her to marry him, thus forcing her to become his first of many wives. Only after having committed such atrocities did Regulus finally see a way to live–free of all worries, not needing anything as he considered himself satisfied as he was.
At some point in the past, Regulus got hold of and small black box,[3] similar to the one Petelgeuse used. It is unknown if it's the exact same box or a different one. Regulus however did know what was inside of it when Petelgeuse showed it to him during the events of the Elior Forest battle, suggesting the box Regulus once held contained either the Witch Factor of Greed or Sloth.
In the following years, Regulus became the Sin Archbishop of Greed, joining the Witch Cult where he became the leader of the radical faction. Familiarizing himself with the doctrine of the Cult and its members, Regulus met Petelgeuse Romanée-Conti, the leader of the now-forgotten moderate faction. It's safe to assume the two didn't harbour a friendly relationship although they occasionally cooperated along with the other Sin Archbishops. Just like other high ranking members of the Witch Cult took care of their own eccentric goals, Regulus spent his free time carefully and meticulously search of beautiful women he'd forcefully marry and spend his days with, before eventually watching them die, be it from natural or unnatural causes, more often than not being the one who delivered their deaths.
Roughly 100 years before the events of the main story, Regulus participated in the attack of the elven village in Elior Forest along with Pandora, cooperating with her to collect the elf Fortuna as his 79th wife. With the pair revealing their malicious intentions, Petelgeuse, who was helping the elves in the forest, ordered Fortuna to run with her niece Emilia. Regulus then proceeded to have a one-sided battle with Petelgeuse Romanée-Conti who just took in the Witch Factor of Sloth, cutting Petelgeuse's right arm off and severely wounding and ruining his legs by throwing dirt at him, in a relatively short notice. Just before he was about to deal the finishing blow by smashing Petelgeuse's head open, Fortuna interrupted him, which greatly angered him. When Pandora calmly asked him to spare Petelgeuse's life, he lashed back at her, throwing dirt at her, killing her instantly. Soon after, Pandora used her Authority of Vainglory to erase her death from ever happening and proceeded to remove Regulus's presence from the forest and sent him back to his mansion, which reverted the damage he had dealt to Petelgeuse and Elior Forest.
Fifteen years before Subaru's arrival, Regulus single-handedly took down a heavily fortified Vollachian city of Garkla, housing thousands of soldiers[4] and the Vollachian hero Kurgan. Rumour has it that at the time, a meteor supposedly belonging to one of the six Witches was located in the city itself (it is confirmed the Meteor did not belong to the Witch of Envy). It is not known if the Meteor was actually present or if it was only an excuse to drive the Witch Cult to take action.
Authority of Greed (強欲の権能 Gōyoku no Ken'nō): Regulus was able to use the Authority of Greed until his Witch Factors were taken by Natsuki Subaru following his death. The Authority itself is split into two main abilities—Lion's Heart and Little King:
Lion's Heart (獅子の心臓, Shishi no Shinzō):
Regulus using Lion's Heart to nullify fatal damage while still receiving the force of the attack.
The effect of Lion's Heart allowed Regulus to stop the time of his own body,[5] which stopped his heartbeat and prevented all physical phenomena from interacting with him, granting himself freedom from gravity, air resistance, and conservation of momentum.[6] Moreover, he could also stop the time of objects,[7] including anything he was wearing, touching, or even his breath, which in turn stopped the object's or thing's interference from the outside world. However, it was difficult for Regulus to manipulate anything beyond his body if his other ability, Little King, wasn't active.[8] It was an unrivaled power of attack and defense depending on how it was used, even having the ability to make him invincible as a result of having his own time stopped.[9] While this power was active, Regulus was completely cut off from the world's flow of time, literally becoming a distortion in space. He did not have any need for eating, drinking, or even breathing and his body did not age a single second, nor did it perform even the most basic of human body functions such as sweating or excreting bodily wastes. According to Reinhard, he did not possess a heartbeat and had a corpse-like body temperature. Lion's Heart acted as his ultimate defensive ability as it allowed him to simply ignore any and every form of damage dealt to his body, be it sword or magical attacks that could level entire buildings, collisions with dragon carriages that would rip a normal person apart, falling for hundreds of meters launched towards the ground with extreme speeds, and being frozen deep underwater. He was even capable of brushing off Reinhard's sword slashes and Crusch's One Blow, One Hundred Felled attack, as if they were just light gusts of wind, despite both attacks being shown to have been capable of vaporizing people and cutting cleanly through the White Whale's thick hide. However, this ability did have a downside to it, in the form of a five second time limit without Little King being activated.[10] Whenever Regulus used this ability for more than five seconds at a time, he began to experience almost unbearably excruciating pain, which prompted him to quickly deactivate it. If he continued using it, without taking pauses, Regulus would die from heart failure. He believed that using it for up to ten seconds was impossible.[11]Dirt, sand, and pebbles imbued with Lion's Heart: Regulus frequently showed the ability to pick up or kick things like dirt or sand, stopping their time and throwing them towards his enemies. As the time of these small objects was stopped, the objects effectively acted as anomalies in the world, being cut off from the flow of time. They passed through anything they collided with, no matter the sturdiness, leaving behind only small holes–if the structure was still left standing in the first place. If thrown at an individual or an animal, the objects would naturally travel through them, completely shredding and goring them, usually leaving behind nothing more than an unrecognizable pile of flesh or a bloody mist. Regulus used this ability to shred Pandora into a bloody mist during the attack on Elior Forest, roughly one century before the start of the main story. He used the same attack once more during the events of Arc 5, when he shredded Subaru's right leg, as a form of revenge for Subaru spoiling his plans and mood.Water imbued with Lion's Heart: Though not very practical in most fights, Regulus did resort to using water, if he had the chance to do so. The ways of attacking were pretty much the same, as Regulus usually just scooped up a fistful of water and threw it towards his enemies, rendering them to nothingness. However, after being forced to engage in combat with the Sword Saint, Regulus was forced to get a bit more creative. By kicking the water in a water canal, he unleashed a devastating tsunami, hurling towards Subaru and Emilia during their escape. The tidal wave crushed everything in its path and did not stop until Reinhard cut it in half, destroying it in the process. By freezing the water from a nearby water canal in place, Regulus could pick it up with his hands, similarly to having a tatami mat made out of water. He manipulated it in a similar way as he manipulated the aforementioned water from a nearby canal, creating a giant tsunami. If needed, Regulus was also shown to be able to walk on frozen water droplets, as if he was walking on solid ground. Furthermore, by just stepping into the water, Regulus created a pillar of water with its time stopped, using it to propel himself high in the air. There was even a time when he collected the water from an entire nearby water canal, shaped it into a giant blob of water, jumped (according to Subaru, the jump itself was more akin to teleportation) onto the Third Control Tower in the Watergate City of Priestella, reshaped it into thousands of smaller droplets and proceeded to bomb the entire district underneath him, while referring to the ongoing bombardment as "purification rain".Wind imbued with Lion's Heart:
Regulus cutting Petelgeuse's arm off by simply lifting his own right hand.
One of Regulus' most recognizable and commonly used attacks is him stopping the time of air produced by himself. With a simple swipe of his hand, he produced a vortex of wind, traveling in a straight line following his arm. By stopping its time, the wind would not dissipate but instead, turn into an invisible blade of wind, cutting everything in its path. By utilizing this attack, Regulus disarmed both Crusch and Petelgeuse on two separate occasions in the main story. He was also shown to imbue shockwaves created by him with Lion's Heart, creating unstoppable explosions, shattering everything in its path, as seen when he blew up the first dragon carriage in the 2nd Interlude of Arc 3. Perhaps one of his deadliest attacks, however, was his breath with its time stopped. By simply exhaling and stopping the time of his exhaled air, Regulus would effectively create invisible pockets of air,[12] that would shred everything in its path. He utilized this attack when fighting against Reinhard, completely shredding the Sword Saint's left leg and making it almost impossible to approach the Sin Archbishop without randomly falling victim to one of his deadly traps.People imbued with Lion's Heart:
Regulus using Lion's Heart to nullify an incoming attack.
Despite this ability seemingly working only on objects, Regulus actually displayed multiple cases of using it on himself or on other people. By making physical contact with people and imbuing them with Lion's Heart, he would cut them off from the normal flow of time, essentially making them invincible for as long as he wanted to. He was first shown using it in this form with Emilia in Arc 5, when he saved her from Sirius' flames that would surely scorch her to ash. Later on in the same Arc, Regulus used Lion's Heart two times on Reinhard–the first time he used it, Reinhard was sent flying through different houses and three thick ice walls without ever-so-slightly changing his speed, only coming to a stop when he collided with another one of Regulus' attacks imbued with Lion's Heart. The second time he used it on Reinhard, however, the Sword Saint was thrown directly onto the very Moon. Reinhard later noted that even he would've been in trouble if he hadn't landed on the Moon. Having said that, the most common application of this power could be observed with Regulus himself, as he frequently imbued his own body with Lion's Heart, making it so everything he came in contact with would automatically get rejected by his body.[13] When a spear was thrown at him, the shaft that hit him completely vanished and when, during his long duel with Reinhard, he used this ability on himself, Reinhard remarked it suddenly felt impossible to touch him.[14] Perhaps the only downside to using Lion's Heart on himself was the fact that if Regulus didn't freeze the time of an object he was standing on–be it the floor of a building or the very earth he was walking on–Regulus would simply cave through it. In case he refused to stop the time of the earth around him, he would've fallen through the entire planet.Manipulation of objects with the usage of Lion's Heart: As mentioned above, Regulus was easily able to manipulate some objects if he wanted to, though he rarely used this ability, nor was it ever accurately described in the novelization. He was capable of freezing water droplets in place, creating some sort of a path for him to walk over. On one occasion, he also propelled himself in the air by creating a pillar of water with its time stopped, simply by making contact with a nearby body of water. Perhaps the most bizarre application of this ability, however, was when Regulus managed to manipulate entire floors of a building by simply touching it with his palm and pushing a meter-high segment out of it,[15] causing the entire building to collapse. He was also capable of roughly changing the layout of the building by distorting its walls and foundations.Little King (小さな王, Chīsana Ō): The effect of Little King allowed Regulus to share a small "Lion's Heart" to his wives, or in other words, anyone he believed to be a "subject" of his "little kingdom".[16] In order to circumvent the handicap given to him in form of the five second rule of Lion's Heart, Regulus shared a small heart to any woman in his little kingdom who he considered to be his wife,[17][18] while the time of his original heart was frozen with his body. By doing so, he effectively got rid of the time limit on Lion's Heart and the necessity to manually turn it on and off, as by merging his heart with his wives' hearts via Little King, their heartbeat would make his small heart beat, keep his invincibility activated, and it would last until a wife's heart was stopped. In order to circumvent that potential drawback, Regulus accumulated over two hundred wives in his over-a-century long life. Accordingly, the risk of all his wives dying and being exposed to the strains of Lion's Heart were practically zilch, as no one would ever connect his wives with his Authority. Naturally, as the wives' heart was only a pseudo-heart, they didn't bore any consequences, let alone were they even aware of harbouring it inside of them. The range of Little King is unknown, though according to the author, Regulus' wives had to be close enough for him to feel their love nearby.[19]Lion's Heart and Little King paired together: Regulus was able to maintain a state of invincibility and immortality by combining his usage of Lion's Heart with Little King.[20][21] By inserting a heart into his wives with Little King and keeping them out of harm's reach, Regulus was virtually granted the opportunity to use Lion's Heart for an indefinite amount of time, allowing him to use his Authority to the fullest and more easily stop the time of whatever he desired.
Gospel (福音): As a member of the Witch Cult, Regulus was the owner of a copy of a Gospel. Each Gospel was a replica of the Book of Wisdom, a book that had been in the possession of the Witch of Greed Echidna. The Book of Wisdom would provide exact details of future events concerning the Witch of Greed, essentially bestowing Echidna with a form of precognition. Unlike the original Book of Wisdom, the Gospels of the Witch Cult were imperfect replicas, meaning that, although they detailed the future of its owner, the events conveyed were subject to change and the information provided was often up for interpretation. The Gospels took the form of small black books that could only be read by their owners.Conversation Mirror: A Meteor that allows the user to get in contact with people who hold other such mirrors.TriviaRegulus, like every other Sin Archbishop (with the exception of Stride Vollachia), received his namesake from a celestial body. "Regulus" is the name of the brightest star in the Leo constellation which is also one of the brightest stars in the night sky. The traditional name for the star in Latin was Rēgulus, which translates to "prince" or "little king." in India it was known as Maghā ("the Mighty"), in Sogdiana it was known as Magh ("the Great"), and in Persia it was known as Miyan ("the Centre").As of a hundred years ago, Regulus had 78 wives, and as of Arc 5 he is mentioned to have had 291 wives in total. However, according to Sylphy, 238 of those wives were killed, leaving only 53 alive.[22]Regulus originally intended to make Fortuna his 79th wife, but due to the unfortunate events that took place, he was unable to do so. 100 years later, he encountered Emilia, setting his mind on marrying her in order to make her serve as Fortuna's substitution.[23]Regulus is one of the longest serving Sin Archbishops among the members of the Witch Cult, having governed over Greed for at least a century.[24]In the web novel version of Arc 4, Regulus is seen wearing black and grey clothes.To this day, he is the only person that managed to kill Reinhard.[25]Regulus is the strongest Sin Archbishop of the Witch Cult.[26]If every Witch of Sin (excluding Satella) and Sin Archbishop were to fight against each other, Regulus would be the sole survivor.[27]In the author's character strength ranking in June 2014, Regulus was ranked as the 3rd strongest character in the series.[28]The author had stated that due to his overwhelmingly powerful Authority which renders any attack against him useless, if Subaru wasn't present during the Crusade Against Greed in Arc 5, Reinhard would not have been able to deal a decisive blow, likely being forced to back off and admit defeat.[29]Coupled with the Witch of Envy, he's one of the few characters who'd give the Sword Saint the most trouble as they're nigh impossible to kill.Regulus owns a mansion, but its location is unknown. In Ayamatsu IF, Natsuki Subaru and Elsa Granhiert burn his mansion to the ground in order to get rid of his Authority and kill him.Despite him being the strongest Sin Archbishop of the Witch Cult, and killing Reinhard, he never managed to kill Subaru.According to the author, Regulus' Authority of Greed is the strongest combat ability in Re:Zero.[30]Regulus is stated to be the least fitting candidate for being a king.[31]His first wife was the only wife he ever made a grave for.[32]According to Petelgeuse, Regulus received his Witch Factor of Greed from a similar black box.Regulus's name meaning "Little King" ties into his Authority, as it utilizes his wives as members of a little kingdom that supports Regulus, the Little King.In the mobile game Re:Zero Lost in Memories, Regulus is one of the two units that intentionally don't possess a death animation when defeated, with the other unit being Reinhard van Astrea. Upon defeat, Regulus will simply make an annoyed expression, turn around and slowly walk off the playing field, looking very annoyed.Regulus has his own named chapter in Arc 5, in both the web novel and light novels.References↑ "We have confirmed the presence of one of the Archbishops of the Seven Deadly Sins: Greed, the head of the radical faction." Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 14 Chapter 3: Section 3↑ "His face was modestly handsome but it was average, with no eye-catching features." Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 14 Chapter 1: Section 8.↑ "Surely you feel it? After all, this is something you, too, once held in your hands." Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 14 Chapter 3; Section 1↑ "It was known as the most solidly defended city in that nation's border regions. It had a standard garrison of thousands of troops, while the settlement itself was enveloped by a complex set of defensive walls." Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 8 Chapter 1: Section 3.↑ "Or how about calling it Lion's Heart, the ability to stop time for your physical body?" Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 19, Chapter 3, Section 1.↑ By freezing time for his body, he could prevent all physical phenomena from interacting with him. That was the crux of his power. That meant freedom from every possible concept that might hold him back. By freeing himself from gravity, air resistance, and conservation of momentum, Regulus gained an extraordinary source of power. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 19, Chapter 3, Section 5.↑ There was only one possibility left of all the patterns he had imagined that could explain—his power didn't make him invincible at all. It was a time stop ability. More precisely, Regulus could stop time for all sorts of objects. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 19, Chapter 3, Section 2.↑ Ordinarily, Regulus would stop the time of the things that he touched, controlling his power naturally so as not to destroy them with his own body. But now that he didn't have Little King active and had to consciously control Lion's Heart's effects, it was extraordinarily difficult to manipulate things beyond his own body. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 19, Chapter 6, Section 2.↑ It was the ultimate attack and the ultimate defense depending on how it was used. The invincibility was just a side effect of time stopping. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 19, Chapter 3, Section 2.↑ Without Little King active, he could maintain Lion's Heart for only five seconds at most. If he stopped time for his body any longer than that, there was a possibility that his heart would never beat again. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 19, Chapter 6, Section 2.↑ He had never stopped his time for more than five seconds while his heart was inside him before. What was the longest he could go? Ten would be impossible. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 19, Chapter 6, Section 2.↑ "With your inhuman eyesight and reactions, you can escape the bits of gravel and water. But you're too naïve, aren't you? If you truly want to confront me, prevent me from breathing. You can't, can you? Just now. I exhaled." Arc 5, Chapter 50, Section 3.↑ "Regulus's body literally rejected anything that collided with it." Arc 5, Chapter 50 Section 3.↑ "Somehow, it no longer seems possible to touch him again." Arc 5, Chapter 52, Section 2.↑ Regulus did not chase after Subaru. Instead, he put the palm of his hand against the building Subaru had scrambled up. A moment later, there was a heavy crumbling sound like a millstone grinding grain. Then Regulus pushed a whole meter-high segment of the building like it was a woodblock tower. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 19, Chapter 3, Section 1.↑ It had to be that he couldn't shift his heart to anyone who was not a member of his kingdom. If it didn't even have that limitation, then the entire battle would have been a waste of time from the start. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 19, Chapter 5, Section 2.↑ "It's much simpler than that—I have entrusted my most precious heart with my wives. Neither I nor my wives know who among them carries it." Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 19, Chapter 3, Section 5.↑ For all that Regulus had derided Emilia, he still considered her one of his wives, making her a citizen in his little kingdom and an escape valve for his heart, just in case something happened. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 19, Chapter 5, Section 2.↑ "Close enough that he can feel love close by, I'd say." May 10, 2015 AskFM Q&A↑ He had said that Regulus's invincibility was because of a power called Lion's Heart. And that power was linked with another power, Little King, which used the wives here in the chapel somehow. He explained that it was the two powers working together that made him invincible. Chapter 3, Section 3.↑ Regulus's Lion's Heart—in order to keep that power active, he also needed his Little King power. Subaru's analysis had been correct on that point. However, the form of the connection between the two was far more malicious than he could have imagined. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 19, Chapter 3, Section 5.↑ "Of those, 238 have already passed away, so the remaining number 53 in all." Arc 5: Chapter 48. Section 2.↑ "a simple matter. Serving as a substitute for her mother, it would only be natural that the daughter takes up this position" Arc 5: Chapter 59. Section 2.↑ I've been doing this for years, decades, a century and some decades, and unlike those other fools, I've carried out everything right as a Sin Archbishop. Re:Zero Light Novel Volume 19, Chapter 6, Section 1.↑ "So your observation that I looked like I was dead was correct. I was just a little bit dead." Arc 5: Chapter 50. Section 1.↑ "The strengths cannot be simply disputed due to too many entwining techniques, however, if it was an unconditional fight, then Greed." June 1, 2014 AskFM Q&A↑ "...but Regulus wins alone." November 12, 2014 AskFM Q&A↑ "Reinhard, Ram, Regulus, Sekhmet, and serious Puck." June 2, 2014 AskFM Q&A↑ "The idea of retreating to Regulus has never occurred to me, so I wonder if Reinhard will back down." Reinhard Birthday Q&A↑ "If you think purely in terms of combat, it's Regulus." January 20, 2015 AskFM Q&A↑ June 15, 2014 AskFM Q&A↑ "She was the only wife he ever made a grave for." Q&ANavigationExpandv • d • eWitch CultCategoriesLanguagesCommunity content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherw