John's eyes swivelled to a noisy crowd that was almost a mile from them. They had surrounded something that he struggled to have a look, as it was difficult to see through the crowd. Someone stroked a matchbox and threw it in the middle of the crowd slightly dispersing the crowd, giving John a good view of the front of the Mercedes Benz that was very familiar to him. He could not finish reading the number plate. It was Njeris'! so she wasn't joking. John didn't wait for the driver to drive there; without uttering a word to his colleagues, he shoved open the car door and made a mad rush towards the crowd, firing in the air with his Glock pistol. The crowd scampered for safety, as the car was now on fire. The moment Njeri saw John, she unlocked the car doors and threw her crying baby, who had been huddled in her bosom, outside. She jumped to the behind seat, pushed the rest of the children out of the car as they hesitated to follow her commands to jump out of the car because of the flames of fire outside. By the time Njeri pushed the last out, John was at the site and the inside of the car was now in flames. John snatched a blanket from a hawker who stood by, wrapped himself with it, plunged into the flames and pulled the unconscious Njeri out of the car. He rolled her in the dust until there was no iota of fire on her. John's colleagues arrived at the scene, threw the children in their car and went over to help him in administering first aid to Njeri before rushing them to the hospital.
At the hospital, John was a familiar face, so the response was quick and efficient. After hours of waiting, the doctor brought the report. The children were okay only sustaining minor injuries and trauma that needed therapy. On the other hand, Njeri was in a stabilizing in the ICU. Her condition was worse due to inhaling too much carbon monoxide, albeit the serious burns at her back and all-over her legs. The doctors advised them to leave as everything would be taken care of. John's colleagues left, but he was adamant he was going nowhere without his family. He would be by their bed till when they would get well. After two days, the hospital released the children, and Njeri left the intensive care unit; her condition had greatly improved. On the third day, she could talk and eat by herself. Doctors released her from the hospital after three weeks. The doctor and the nurses had done an incredible job. She was almost in perfect health. You couldn't tell where the burns were and where not. John was pleased.
John drove her home, reunited her with the children and, after spending some hours together, he rose to leave.
Njeri stood up, went and stood in front of John and, looking straight into his eyes, she said, "Thank you so much for saving me from jaws of fire. You could have chosen to ignore me because of the frothy relationship between us and how I mistreated you, but you chose to respond despite the fact that I banished you from my life. As if saving us wasn't enough, you never left the hospital bed until now. Thank you for operating from here to the hospital, making sure am safe and the children are okay. Thank you so much. I don't know how to repay you. Thank you again. Let me see you off."
Holding hands, they walked outside. For the first time since the murder of Mutiso, Njeri felt loved. The long-lost smile was back on her face.
As they walked out of the door, John said softly in a caring, serious tone. "It's high time you let bygones be bygones. Remember what the doctor said, you are an inch away from depression, heart attack, stroke or high blood pressure. Look at how your health has deteriorated. Eat, drink and enjoy life, the past has already rotten in the compost bin."
Njeri looked at him, a broad grin covering her face. She still had some specks of love for John in her heart, although she really wanted to forget about him forever. But fate was always reconnecting their paths. "That's so considerate of you. I heard the doctor very well, and also, I have heard you. Bye.'
Njeri stood on the veranda watching as John walked towards the car. Innocent strode without looking back, but about a step towards his car, he sharply turned back as someone who had forgotten something.
"One more thing," he said as he walked back towards Njeri, 'On a very serious note. I still love you and I think it is time we got back together. It has been three years and none of us has moved on. I want you to continue with that beautiful smile forever. I noticed how comfortable and joyous we have been for the past one week. I have realized we have a strong bond between us. I can't resist you despite our differences. I really missed you and your absence only made my heart fonder. Please take me back in your heart."
Njeri agreed with everything John said, but there was something he didn't know. Every time she thought about taking John back in, her mind vividly replayed the fateful night. How cruelly and unforgiving John was that night. And after reliving the memories, she saw innocent as a ferocious animal that deserved to be in a national game park under tight security. She didn't want him back. "I am sorry, it just can't work. After you butchered your friend Mutiso. I will never be safe around you."
Innocent said, holding her hands, "I am sorry. I was just overwhelmed by wrath and revenge. I regret it. If I was that bad, I would have left you perish in the hands of that mob. It was love."
"Love!" Njeri echoed back, pushing him away from her. "What love is this? You are not even remorseful. Love that pushes you to murder someone that I loved."
"You don't know how badly hurt I was. Even if it were you, you would have done the same. Being in a marriage for twenty years, trying all my best to provide for you and make my family happy only to realize it wasn't my family but my friends'. For twenty years! Which kind of friend can do that to a friend? It was pure malevolence. I had to return fire with fire. If you were a man, you would comprehend my pain. He deserved more than that. May he rot in hell and may the intensity of the fire in hell double on my bill."
John got emotional as he spoke, and tears glistened in his eyes. The wound was still fresh. On the other hand, Njeri was pissed off. She expected some deep regret from him. She looked straight at his face and said, "So, you are proud of being a murderer? And you want me to be a wife of a murderer? A murderer who will later on turn on me and murder me also?"
"Dear, you know I cannot do something like that to someone I love.'
"Mutiso was your friend for more years than me, and yet you butchered him. What makes me special?"
"A dog can eat its puppies when hungry but cannot eat its spouse. I can't do that to you. The man crossed all red-lines. He would have told me earlier."
'So according to your own words, you can eat my children if they cross your red lines? Just go and I don't want to see you again."
John lost his cool. So, Njeri was seeing nothing wrong with what she had done to him with Mutiso, and yet she wanted him to feel sorry for responding to fire with fire. He was not going to allow that. "So according to you, what you and Mutiso did was right?'
"I am not going to have this conversation with a murderer who is proud of his vice. Just leave and never come back. And if the motive behind you saving us from the mob was to have me back, then it would have been better if you didn't bother. Help would still have come from another place."
"What the hell are you talking about? You that phoned me crying for my help? Or did I do it without your begging? How ungrateful."
Njeri's lips protruded in a sulky pout, walked inside the house and slammed the door behind her. John pensively stood there for minutes, shaking his head. He just couldn't believe the transformation that had occurred. "I blame myself for falling in love with such a lunatic," he shouted in rage as he turned to leave. "I don't know what really attracted me to her. Cursed be the day my eyes landed on her for the first time. I quit. Never again will you see me."
Njeri could not erase her feelings for John. She still wanted him back but needed him to feel sorry for being a murderer. How could she stay with a murderer who does it without an iota of remorse? What if he would one day turn against her and her children? Because: Because she was Mutiso's accomplice in years of deceit, she questioned her own fate after his actions. She was as guilt as Mutiso. She was willing to take him back under conditions but feared for her life and the children. So, she decided to let him go.
It was exactly six months since Njeri and John talked. Njeri spent most of her time in the house reading novels. She rarely stepped out, relying most on her maid to drive her children to school and back and do the shopping. Nothing excited her anymore. She felt lonely and wanted to be loved again after a long period. But every time she stepped out, men rarely showed any interest in her as they had previously. She never knew why until she one day bothered to look at herself in the mirror. Seeing her horrific self, shocked her. She no longer had the curvaceous figure she always boasted about. It was one of her prized possessions that had opened many golden doors for her. But it was gone. Her face, with its sunken cheeks and dull complexion, appeared older than her actual age. The caricature looking back at her in the mirror scared the hell out of her. She had attended a number of therapy sessions, but they had little impact on her. But she made a resolve to forget the past and resurrect her former self. She started eating healthy, exercising and going out more and more, visiting exciting sites. Everyday monitoring her progress. And it worked wonders. Her old self was resurfacing. She was happy again, but she felt lonely despite having the children and maid around. Love: Love was something she needed again. She tried dating sites, but it all fell on the wrong people, mostly young men who were interested in sex for money and asking for nudes. That was not what she wanted. She needed a man enough she could love, respect and look up to him both psychological and physical, not a sex toy. Single hood was not for her. She had tried, but it was not working for her good. At her age, it was difficult to get a serious partner than she had imagined. She had only one option left: John, and she was unsure how to proceed. She had repudiated her advances severally, and it seemed John had given up on her. He no longer sent messages or tried calling like he did before. Had he moved on? Was he married or in a serious dating? She always wondered. Would he take her back? What if he refused? Severally he took out her phone to call or text him but ended up only trolling him on social media. She lacked the guts to ask him back. But one Sunday before she slept, she texted him, hi dear, and put off her phone and slept.
When she woke up, the first thing in her mind was the phone. Had he replied? What was the response? Was he in or not? She was anxious as she toyed with whether to switch on the phone or not. But finally, after 2 hours she gathered the courage to switch on the phone. A number of messages popped up, she swiftly moved to her inbox and scrolled downwards. There was no response from innocent and that was the only text she was interested in, her spirit plummeted as she stared at the text she had sent. The text stared back at her mockingly. John had moved on. He was happily married. The day turned into another harrowing experience to her. She could foresee another slough of despond ahead. She had promised herself never again, but the future looked bleak. John would just be a man enough and replied, even if he was married. It was not his fault. But failing to reply to her text was a height of contempt. How could he do such a thing and yet he claimed to love her? Fake love. That day, Njeri could not relax. She was all over her phone. Every time a message beeped on her phone, she flipped to view, frowned with great displeasure at the promotional messages that were coming in with increased frequency that day.
That day before she went to bed, she took her phone, texted him never look for me again, tapped phone-book icon, scrolled to John and erased it. And minutes later the phone rang and turning it over to look, it was John calling. The number was the one on top of her memory. She almost jumped up with joy. She hesitated a little to compose herself and hide her eagerness.
"Hello. How are you? What's the meaning of this text?"
"I am good. How can you ignore my text? Do you think I am that desperate?"
The text arrived, and I assumed someone accidentally sent it. With all the vitriol you threw towards me, I honestly didn't expect such a message from you."
"I wasn't that serious; I just wanted to see if you truly loved me. If you really meant it, you should have persisted and insisted. True love is usually persistent."
"How many times did I try calling you? You blocked me all over and gave the gate-man stern instruction never to allow me in, and yet you are here blaming me."
"I was just angry. I called because there's something very important, I want us to discuss. So, tomorrow afternoon let's meet at Junnybox hotel in Karen."
"Tomorrow I will be busy. Can't it wait until the weekend?"
"No, it can't. It is very urgent. Tomorrow or never." Njeri didn't want to sound rude, but just wanted to confirm if John would leave everything to be there for her after their fallout.
John didn't want to urge much. "Okay. I will be there tomorrow exactly at 2.00 pm."
"Okay. See you then. Goodnight."
At exactly 2.00 pm John was seated on the balcony, staring at the gate of the prestigious Junnybox hotel. The rooftop provided a superb panorama of the whole city. A perfect place to understand the different demographics of the city. The rooftop reminded him of too much. It was the exact place he had proposed to Njeri. He was able to relive the moment. The sweet, glorious memories that culminated in regrets and tears. He felt used, wasted and milked dry. He was finished, only left with a breathing skeleton. At a moment he rued the day he proposed to Njeri. That day was a successful devil's plan to destroy him.
By the time Njeri joined him, it was exactly 3.00 pm, an hour later, but he was too engrossed in his regrets to notice it. Njeri could have made it at exactly 2.00 p.m., but a thought that she would look desperate held her back. She couldn't sleep because of the meeting but could not afford to let John know about it. John's thoughts evaporated as he stared at Njeri. Her physique was restored. The six months were therapeutic. She was glowing and looked younger and beautiful. He was reminded of the sweet memories of her. He felt his heart skip a bit. At the moment, he realized he still loved her despite the great betrayal.
John cleared his throat and spoke. "Welcome. How are you doing?"
"I am doing fantastic, as you can see," she replied, grinning provocatively.
"For sure, I can attest to that. Even me am doing great. What about the children?"
"The children are doing fine apart from missing you. They are nudging. Every time asking about you. I have lied to them for long. I think I can't lie anymore. You have to be visiting them. And I am really disappointed in you. Even if I had blocked all your ways as a man, you should have figured out a way. I did it out of anger after all that had transpired. You should have been persistent if you ever loved me as you promised. You should have coaxed me if truly you loved me, as you said."
"You know I tried, but you never wanted anything to do with me."
"But I have to thank you for being there for me, despite the fact that I gravely hurt you. We can start over again. I think am not past menopause; I can give you two before my time expires.'
John had been careful with his words, as he wasn't sure on the agenda of the meeting. There is one thing he wanted to share but had restrained himself. Following the harsh humiliation from Njeri, he resolved to let bygones be bygones and start life anew. It is after that incident that he decided to remarry. It didn't take him long before he got engaged to Ondiso, a humble lady in her early thirties. Ondiso wasn't as beautiful as Njeri but had admirable qualities that Njeri lacked. She was submissive, understanding and an aura of tranquillity surrounded her. Innocent felt relaxed and comfortable in her presence. He wondered where the woman was before he met Njeri. Ondiso was the perfect match for him. Her love was trustworthy and genuine. Ondiso was 3 months pregnant and here was Njeri.
"Let me think about it first"
"There's nothing to think about it. You have always loved me. And it is high time I reciprocate. Do you remember this place? This is the exact place you went on your knee to propose to me. That's why I wanted us to meet here. To rekindle our first love."
John knew the violence in Njeri very well. She was not going to take no as the answer. On the other hand, he wasn't willing to break Ondiso's heart. Of all the people in the world, he wasn't going to hurt a precious lady like Ondiso. No, never ever.
"You sounded urgent on the phone. What is the pressing issue?"
"The children want to see you. I can't lie further to them. So that is why I hired an Uber to this place. You will drop me home and spend some few minutes with the children."
"Okay.'' John wanted to say no, but spending a few minutes with the children wasn't a bad idea. The children were innocent and didn't deserve to be subjected to unnecessary drama.
At home, the children were overjoyed to see him. It was a wonderful reunion. John loved it and by the time he wanted to leave it was a half past 9.00 pm. He rose to leave, but Njeri insisted that she had prepared his favourite meal for supper. She was stubbornly persistent until John had no option. And after supper Njeri was loud and clear she had already prepared John's favourite breakfast. The children hanged around him throughout, giving him no chance to leave. He had to sleep.
John's mind wrestled with the choice between Njeri and Ondiso as he drove away from home that morning. He preferred Ondiso but had an unexplainable bond with Njeri. His love for Njeri was stubborn, refusing to disappear from his heart. On the other hand, he felt peace and appreciation from Ondiso. As he drove to Ondiso at his rented apartment in Kilimani, he made up his mind to marry them both. He had no problem explaining it to Ondiso, but Njeri made it clear to him that she would never tolerate cheating even before he opened his mouth. So, he just kept it a secret to her.
Njeri had changed. She did her best to be the perfect wife for John. John was shocked; this was a new version of Njeri. He was just playing along with her, waiting for her to commit one silly mistake, and he would leave her for good. But he waited and waited for the day. He really wanted to spend all his time with Ondiso. She had already born him a son. And this time round, DNA had proved him potent. He was excited he was now a father. After the first DNA that had proved him childless, John had suffered tremendous stigmatization from relatives and friends. To his pain, almost all of them sided with Njeri. They all agreed to a rumour that Njeri knew of his impotence, so that was why she sired children outside the marriage to hide his nakedness. They hailed her as a prudent wife. This infuriated John, but he lacked substantive evidence to substantiate his potency. It pained him that no one believed him as he struggled to make them understand but believed the rumour without questions. The world turned against him.
John eagerly waited for a chance to end their marriage with Njeri, but it seemed polygamy had already kidnapped him. So Ondiso remained his secret. He didn't want another war in his life. Life was good to innocent now after a long time of bitterness and heartache.
On the first Saturday of July, Njeri, as was her norm, left to visit Mr. Wanjala. She was adamant she wasn't driving herself there, so John was to do it. Innocent was against the idea from the word go, but Njeri insisted. Njeri had sought permission about her remarrying from Mr. Wanjala, and he had agreed to it. Only that she had not mentioned that the new man was Innocent. John knew that was like mockery and a middle finger to Mr. Wanjala. After all he did to him, how would he face him? But Njeri insisted it was time for them to mend fences.
As they sat in the waiting bay, the officer in charge walked in with Mr. Wanjala. Mr. Wanjala's eyes rolled and landed on John. He gazed at him steadily for a moment, evoking nasty emotions. He blinked of tears that glistened in his eyes and then turned sharply towards Njeri.
"So, I have been the fool all along?"
Njeri replied, "No, not at all. I want you people to forgive one another. Remember, I am the one who caused all this. So, it is my responsibility to reconcile you. John has accepted to forgive you, and he is here to ask for your forgiveness."
"Njeri, I all along thought you had brains. I never knew you were this stupid. This blood bastard is pretending to ask for forgiveness simply because he wants you back. And the main reason is so that he can inherit and squander my wealth that is under you. I know how gold diggers behave."
John shouted, "You are very stupid. I am here to help you, and you are spewing nonsense."
Njoki leaned aside and whispered in innocent ears. "Shut up and let me deal with this. Just keep quiet."
Mr. Wanjala looked straight into Innocent face and said, "I would rather die than take any kind of help from a murderer. I don't need your help and I will never need your help."
"Listen, Mr. Wanjala, John says he can help you get out of here. So please don't spoil it."
"Woman, listen to me. I don't want to see both of you in my life again," Mr. Wanjala warned her sternly before turning to John, "And you son of a bitch, don't dare touch even a single penny of my hard-earned wealth. You can continue surviving on people's blood as your fellow vampires."
"Listen, you fool; I am not interested in your money. If you were wise, you wouldn't be here.''
Mr. Wanjala moved swiftly, throwing punches at John's face. John rose up quickly, dodging some punches, with little struggle, got hold of Wanjala right hand and twisted it slowly but aggressively. Within seconds, Wanjala was down on the floor writhing in pain as John was bent over him, still twisting his hand. Njeri tried to hold him back, but he was too strong for her. Two prison warders run into the waiting room, responding to the shriek of pain. After they disentangled them, they escorted John and Njeri outside.
Two months later, John still struggled on how well to inform Njeri of her co-wife. It was unsettling him. He knew very well that one day Njeri would find out by herself a thing he didn't want. If Njeri found out by herself, it would be Armageddon. John drove into the compound, parked in front of the Veranda, took minutes studying Njeri who was seated inside the veranda preoccupied with her hair. After minutes of convincing himself of the good mood, he stepped outside the car and walked towards her.
"Welcome back, my husband." Njeri said without lifting her head. "How was your day?"
"Thank you. My day was fantastic. How are you feeling now? Has the backache subsided?"
"Ooh yes. I am now alright even without taking any medication. I think it was all about the heavy weights I lifted in the gym yesterday. But now I am okay."
"That's great. I was a bit worried. I got you some surprise."
"What's it?"
"It's a surprise. Close your eyes first."
John blindfolded her, left to the car, took out a fantastic, scented bunch of rose flowers, pizza and a nicely wrapped small box. All were Njeri's favorite, and he intentionally went for them.
"Now open your eyes."
John handed her the pizza, then the flowers, and finally the small box. Njeri was elated. She almost exploded with joy. The pizza and flowers were enough show of love and care. John was just meant for him. She blamed herself for not reciprocating his love. But she had now resolved to love him forever and never again disappoint him. John was just the best of the best, and she would never share him with anyone.
"Thank you so much. You've mastered my taste," she said as she opened wide her hands for him.
"Open the box first," John said, stepping back.
Njeri opened the box with little excitement. "Ruby heart pendant! She exclaimed as she fell into Johns arms. "And it is original. I can't believe my eyes."
"You are worth more than that."
"You just don't know how I searched all over this country for this type of ruby heart pendant. I only got replicas. But I wanted the original one but could not find one. Where did you buy this one?"
"I can cross oceans just to make you happy."
"Thank you very much. You are the best'"
I always welcome you.
"Say it, my lovely husband. Anything for you. My lovely husband, I'll grant you whatever you want; just tell me when you need it.
"It's more of a request."
"What's the request, my king?"
"You know I love you too much and I can never do anything to hurt you. That's why I have to tell you all my secrets. Do you remember the time we had a fierce breakup?"
"I told you, I don't want to remember anything about the past. Let's look at the future."
"This particular past affects our future."
"Ignore it. We will cross that bridge when we get there. If its bad news, just don't spoil the moment."
"It's better we tackle it now."
"Okay then. Speak am listening."
"Promise you won't be angry with me."
Njeri replied lackadaisically, "I promise."
John was now ready to broach the subject when suddenly a visibly irritated Roney walked in and went straight to his mother and asked, "Mama, tell me now, who is my father?"
Njeri was shocked, she never expected such a question from her son, but she quickly composed herself. "What kind of question is that?"
"I asked who my father is?"
"Okay. Here is your father."
"Stop lying to me. I am no longer a child, and I demand to know the truth."
"I am your mother, and I have said this is your father. Period. Get out of here. We are discussing more important issues with your father."
"I have heard it now from two different people that this man here is not my father. And I am beginning to believe them. Because the chemistry between me and this man is off.''
"Were those people who are telling you that there when I conceived you?"
"You even told us that when you broke up with him the other time."
"Get out of here, Roney. I am not in the mood for such nonsense."
John's spirit plummeted. He knew something had already formed in Roney's mind and nothing could uproot it. "Roney, go to your room. What's wrong with you? You can't talk like that to your mother. Now get out of here."
Roney responded without even turning to look at him "Old man, this is none of your business. You can leave and go back to that fat woman of yours."
John stood up in anger, took hold of his left hand, but Roney turned and punched him straight in his face.
John was caught off guard. He never expected that from the lad. He just turned and started punching him as if he was his age mate.
Infuriated, Njeri rose up and stood between them, facing John. "What the hell is wrong with you? Do you think he is your age mate? Or you want to kill him the way you killed Mutiso?"
John shouted back, "Manner-less, like the mother."
"You are very stupid. A bloody vampire calling me manner-less.. Take these cheap flowers with you as you leave. Do you even know the pain of a parent?"
The statement knocked him off. It reminded him of the day he went for the DNA test only to find out that out of all the children, none was his. He turned in fiery anger and left.
The following day, Njeri came to his office and apologized, promising never to repeat it again. And they reconciled.
John inquired. "Why did you do that?"
"I am sorry, darling; I was just carried away by anger. That was a mistake.
"You siding with the young man in front of me was the height of humiliation."
"I am really sorry. I shouldn't have done that."
"Let me ask you a question. How will you feel if I introduce to you another woman as a co-wife?"
"I don't want to imagine because you can't do such things."
"I just want you to imagine."
"Okay. I will be very mad. I can even skin you alive. But I know it will never happen because all these years we have stayed together; you have never disappointed me."
John knew he was in deep trouble. It was just a matter of time. "Okay, that's how I felt."
Two days later, Njeri walked over to John, who was enjoying his lunch in the gazebo. "I think we need to talk."
John felt his heart skip a bit. Had Njeri found out about his clandestine wife? He could feel sweat rolling down in his shirt. This was now the day he never wanted to experience. Here it was. He floundered. "I can explain. You know...that time…."
Njeri cut him short. "What are you explaining? I told you to forget everything in the past. Let's only talk about the future. Our past is ugly, so let's drown it in the ocean forever."
John relaxed. It wasn't what he was thinking. "Okay, what about the future?"
"It's about what my son Roney question last time, Who is my father? I have had sleepless nights because of that question. I don't know how to deal with it. Should I tell him the truth?"
"I honestly don't have an idea on how to go about that?"
"Can you imagine if I tell him the truth that the father is dead and then he asks what killed him? How will I navigate that? Seeing that we are back together, and our love is blossoming. I don't want anything to come in between us. And that will be a big issue."
John was as sure as death that the big issue was in the offing, only that he couldn't tell exactly when. "I think just keep on insisting I'm the father. Just try to be harsh with your response to him, so that he may know that you don't entertain such a question. Let him understand that as a mother, you are the only one who knows the father of your children. The boy is now deep into adolescence stage and can easily mess up things if we tell him the truth."
"That's true. I don't know who is feeding him with this rubbish. The best gift you can ever give me is the head of that person on a platter. The boy is very persistent, but I will stand my ground. He will never hear the truth from us."
"That's good. But I suspect the boy is using bhang."
"Me too. But my prayer is that we are wrong. Because where does he get the bhang from? We drive him to and back from school and at no time has he left this compound alone."
"Schools aren't that safe. The boy is in high school now and research and statistics show that almost a half of high schoolers are indulging in alcohol and bhang."
"Ooh my God, so what can we do about it? We need answers from the teachers.''
"One thing about it is that neither their parents nor teachers know about it. It is a secret among the boys."
"At such a tender age, they will just grow into vagabonds and criminals to finance the drugs lifestyle, which is expensive, and they are not working. No wonder the boy is behaving strange nowadays. I think the research is true. Why don't you people shoot to kill those who sell the drugs to the underage?"
"Isn't as easy as you say. Those people are well organized and connected. The high and might in the land protects them. If you try to shoot or even expose them, you are the one who will end up in the grave. We know them, but there is absolutely nothing we can do about it."
"May God protect our sons. Are we that helpless?"
"The only thing is for everybody to teach their children the right way and warn them of the grave consequences of the wrong way. Take them to places where they are taught positive life like church and let them associate with well-mannered peers. If I started alcohol when I was old enough and married, and it has caused me more harm than good."
"I just remembered something. Our gateman is a smoker and Roney hangs with him most of the time he is free. Can it be what I am thinking?"
"We can't rule out the possibilities of the gateman being the supplier because I am sure Roney has no idea of the peddlers."
"I promise I will sack that man today."
"We are not yet sure. Let me investigate it."
"Okay. But my instincts are on him."
As they talked, Roney was hanging around the gate with the gateman. Roney just loved his stories about what transpires in the East of the city. The burglary, the shootings, mugging, abductions and other escapades. The stories were intriguing and Roney always came back for more, even though he believed some of them to be pure hallucination as they didn't make sense. Yes, he was a smoker, but never knew Roney was a comrade. Roney didn't want anyone to find out that he was a friend of cannabis. He could watch the gateman roll the cannabis in newspaper cuttings but always feigned ignorance. The gateman would be the last person to know it as he rarely kept his mouth shut.
As they talked, Roney asked him, "last time you said that man is not my father. I concur with you. Everything about him is off. For a whole two months I haven't spoken to him."
"What's the issue?"
"I think we just have opposite blood groups. If he says left, I say right, am always of a different opinion and vice versa. You were right, he can't be my father."
Roney had decided to go the whole journey. He wanted the gateman to have no suspicion and fear whatsoever. The gateman had proved cagey when he first said he was not his biological father. He badly needed the information.
The gateman looked around to be sure there was no other person in the vicinity, then leaning towards him, he whispered, "I told you; he isn't your father."
"That I am sure about. But do you have any idea on who my father is and where he is?"
"His name is Wanjala. He is in Kamiti maximum prison."
"Kamiti maximum prison," Roney echoed back.
"Was he such a vile criminal?"
"He murdered someone, I can't remember the name. The story was all over the media."
Roney was old enough to know that Kamiti maximum prison was for the hardcore criminals. Now he understood why his mother never wanted to talk about it. So, he was a son of a murderer. It irked him but he felt relaxed, now that he had found out the truth of what was eating him up. So if the father was a murderer, there was no need to search for him.
As the sun set, John went to have a talk with the gateman.
"Soldier, are you still using drugs?" John asked him jokingly.
"No sir, I stopped."
"And what is that on that window?"
"That one belongs to my friend."
"This thing isn't good at all. You better stop."
"I will. I am really trying, but you know am addicted, it is difficult."
"I will take you to a rehab."
"No. I'm not yet mad. I can't go to a rehab."
"Okay. I want you to tell me where Roney gets his dose."
"Roney!" the gateman exclaimed, then added, "Paul isn't a registered member. If he was, I would have known. You know I am the chief registrar here."
"Okay that aside. You know madam wants to sack you."
"Now what have I done? I have never failed to carry out any of my duties. I am always punctual and never shown disrespect to anyone here. Why are you doing this to me?"
John was excited, this is exactly what he was looking for. "Don't worry, she won't. But on condition you will be my eyes and ears around this place when I am not around. If you do it well, I will pay you and you will never be sacked."
"Okay Sir. I will do it. I won't disappoint."
"Good. I will see you tomorrow."
A few minutes later, Njeri came to the gate. "How is the work?"
"It's good Madam."
"That's nice. I wanted to sack you, but your job is good."
"I am trying Madam. Just don't sack me. I have so many debts I don't know how to pay them. I have no other job."
"Okay. I will help you offset all your debts."
"Thank you very much. You are the best boss."
"Welcome. But I want you to assist me in a small matter."
"Anything for you."
"Good. Roney told me there is a woman that John drops at the market once in a while. He told me he saw them hug, but I don't believe him. So I want you to go and gather enough information about her."
The gateman was now confused. "Yes, Madam."
"You only have two weeks to do the job, failure to do it you are sacked. Don't even come back here without the information."
The gateman was perplexed. Whatever was transpiring in paradise. And why was he being roped into it? He knew Ondiso very well and didn't need to do any investigation about her. But he suspected a setup. He had to be calculative with his words.
A day before the deadline, Njeri came calling. "I need the report."
"Which report?"
"I gave you an assignment. Don't ask me stupid questions."
"Okay. I was told she has a grocery at the market."
"I am not interested in whatever she does, its none of my business. You know what I am asking for.'
"Okay, I was told they are friends."
"For how long have they been friends?"
"From the reports, it is a budding relationship."
"So you are sure she isn't a relative or something like that?"
"Yes, she isn't."
"Okay. I will send you your pay."
Very early in the morning, Njeri sent for the gateman into the house. "I want you to assist me with a small assignment. Follow me."
"I saw you trying to repair the shower last time. So instead of I outsourcing for one, just do the job I will pay you. I want you to fix this shower. "
The gateman, after testing the shower, was surprised. "But, madam, the shower is working perfectly well."
"Exactly my point. I don't want it to be perfect."
"So, what should I do with it?"
"Remove the thermostatic valve and block the cold-water way."
"But the water will be too hot and can burn someone badly."
"That's exactly what I want. I want the water to be extremely hot, like the one for defeathering chicken."
"Okay, there is a way I do it. I can play with the shower wiring system to make it super-hot."
"Exactly what I want."
"But it is lethal. You better warn them. Or I will just tell them."
"Don't tell anyone. Let it be between me and you. And if you dare, you know me well."
The gateman was perplexed. "Okay Madam." He was troubled. What was she trying to achieve? Was it for a good cause or a nefarious mission? He felt uneasy. Should he report to John? As he sat down thinking and questioning himself, he heard a cry of agony emanating from the house. Rushing to have a look, his eyes landed on a badly seared face of innocent. He didn't say anything, just stood there wondering before being pushed violently to go and open the gate for the ambulance. He was too engrossed in his own calculations to hear the siren at the gate.
"Madam what happened?"
"Just a slight accident in the bathroom."
At the hospital, Njeri waited anxiously and patiently for the preliminary report from the doctor. She felt a little off. Things were not working as per her plan. John face looked horrific and fatal. She wasn't sure if John could make it through. After three hours, the doctor called her in and explained. "I am sorry Madam Njeri. We have tried our best, but there is nothing we can do about it."
Njeri jumped out of her chair. "What!"
"Yes. The only thing for us to do now is to deal with the aftermath."
Njeri's tears rolled down freely. "Doctor, but when he came here, he didn't show any sign of kicking the bucket."
"No. he isn't dead. He is just unconscious."
"Okay. You should have said that. I almost died in this chair."
"No. the burns were very severe but luckily or miraculously his eyes were not affected. Right now, we would be talking about complete blindness. The man will survive, but his face will be ruined forever. There is nothing we could do about that."
Njeri almost jumped up with jubilation. "Thank you very much. It has happened exactly as planned."
The smiling doctor frowned at the statement. "Exactly as planned?"
Njeri realized her mistake. "Sorry for the slip of the tongue. I meant as I prayed, not planned. That he survives and none of his organs is affected."
"Okay. I can now get you. Right now, he will be admitted to the hospital for at least one week. So, you can go home we will be communicating in case of anything."
"No, I won't leave here until we leave together. I myself will take care of him throughout the period he will be here."
"No need our professionals are up to task. Very competent and trustworthy. They will handle that."
"It's okay but I won't leave him."
"Alright as you wish."
Njeri spent the whole week at his bedside, attending to him.
After a week, John was back home. Things were not adding up for him. As Njeri left for the supermarket, he went to the gate-man house.
"Tell me what happened?"
"What are you talking about?
"You know very well what I am talking about?"
"Honestly, I know nothing."
"Are you an electrician or plumber?"
"So, what were you doing in the shower?"
"Madam asked me to check the shower, if it was working properly?"
"And then?"
"That's all. The shower was working properly. I even washed my face there."
"So what happened to the shower?
"Boss, to tell you the truth, I don't know."
"Are you sure? You know I am not here for games."
"I swear, I don't know anything."
John fished out a pistol. "Now that you don't want to talk, let me send you back to where you came from."
"Boss, I don't know anything. You just want to kill an innocent man."
"Okay. I know you have heard about my job in this city. So let me teach you a lesson."
The gateman saw John's fingers pulling the trigger, and he shouted, "I was told to."
"Now you can talk? Look at my face do you see anything to smile about? You almost killed me and you want me to play games with you. Keep talking."
"It was madam."
"Just explain everything step by step."
John was mad. He knew everything was a miss, but did think it was just an accident. The CCTV footage showing the gateman entering and leaving the bathroom aroused his suspicion. He was just threatening the gateman in order to see if he knew something apart from what he knew. The moment Njeri came back, he accosted her.
"So, you wanted me dead?"
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"The hell that you did."
"Are you sick? Have you been drinking?"
"I wish I was drunk. Then I could have revenged."
"I am confused."
"So, you sent an expert to remove the thermostatic valve and do some irregular wiring just to kill me."
"No, it wasn't like that. It was an accident."
"And you paid the expert 2000 dollars to repair a shower worth 200 dollars? Indeed, it was an accident."
"Am sorry."
"Sorry indeed. So, you wanted me dead?"
"I never intended to kill you."
"So, what was your intention? Now I know you only brought me back to revenge for Mutiso. I just survived by grace. Look, I will leave and never again."
"I did it because I love you."
"Look at my face now. What love is this?"
"Exactly my point. I wanted your face to be ruined like that. How do you think I feel when I see you seducing other women just because my face is no longer as smooth as it used to be? Just because I am old with a few wrinkles, you can now go on seducing younger women just to humiliate me. Just the way you eliminated all obstacles to be with me is the same way I did it. With that face, I know no one will love you apart from me. I did it because I don't want to share you with anyone. "
"So why didn't you talk to me about it? You are overreacting on rumours."
"So Ondiso is rumours?"
John belched and sat down.
On 1st September, a month before his high school graduation, after lunch, Roney went to the library to check out the newspapers, as was his tradition. The days' newspapers had delayed, so they were not on the shelf. So he chose to go down the history lane by going through the archive. As he was perusing through, he saw a picture at the right corner of the newspaper with a heading, Murder most foul. What caught his attention wasn't the heading, but the picture attached to it. It was her mother's picture. So he went to the far end of the library away from everyone and went straight to the said page.
He read and reread the article. Three things came out of the story: children were not of the same father, a love triangle, fight at the bar and John their friend. He had to look for the key witness, John and Wanjala and, if possible Innocent Mandela, to get the truth about the argument at the bar. Something was off with the story. He needed a talk with John. Was her mother a prostitute?