John had organized one of the best birthday party for his first-born son. It was one of a kind. John enjoyed waking up and seeing him smile. It really healed many wounds in his heart. He had promised to do everything to him and the mother. Ondiso had stolen his heart. He longed for the day he would be with Ondiso only. He was willing to part with 10 000 dollars for anyone who could make it possible. Unfortunately, all who tried failed miserably. So, he stuck with Wanjala as the only remaining option. He spent that entire afternoon and evening playing with his daughter.
Laying on the bed before sleeping, Ondiso turned towards John, who seemed lost in thoughts, and said lovingly, "I think it is time now, my lovely husband."
"Time for what?" asked John without much thought.
"It's time we made it official."
Alarm bell rang in his head. "Make what official?"
"Our marriage. I can't continue living like your side chick, and yet I am your wife."
"But I treat you like my wife."
"Yes, but everybody needs to know that I am your wife."
"What is that I will do then, that I am not doing now?"
"Now that your son is about weaning, it's prudent for you to spend more time with him and me."
"But I am always there for you. I bought you an apartment as per your request and expanded your business. What exactly do you want? Even when I am not here, I am usually a phone call away."
"I need more time with you. Now that I have sired you a beautiful baby girl means that I am now your legitimate wife. I am tired of spending some nights alone while you are in someone else house. What are you looking for there, yet you have your own home?"
"I told you I will handle it. Just leave it for me."
"Its now two years since you said that. Nothing is happening. I have been patient enough. After all Njeri did to you, you still don't want to divorce her. Now that I have sired you a handsome gem, and another one is on the way, God willing. What reason is cogent enough for you? She hasn't sired you one for a whopping 20 years."
John sighed deeply. "I have a plan. You just hold your horse; it will be sooner than you think."
"That's what you said two years ago. I am now tired of waiting. If it's hard for you, I can assist."
"It isn't as easy as you think."
"If you fear her, I can handle her; she is a fellow woman."
"First, you have to understand I have a sentimental attachment to her. I have to withdraw from her in a respectable manner. By now, I hope you know I love you, not her."
"I no longer believe you. If it's me you love, why are you still with her? You should have divorced her long ago."
"Listen, Ondiso, let us talk about this another day. This is a special day, please don't spoil the mood."
"I know you don't want to admit that you need help. I going to do it myself."
"Please stay out of this."
Ondiso frowned and dragged the duvet to her side, and slept. John stayed awake almost half the night, thinking. Ondiso was right, he had failed. Yes, he needed assistance, but not from her. He had to expedite the process of getting Wanjala out of prison or else he would lose Ondiso.
For the entire week, John dodged the topic, spending more time with Njeri, until Njeri broached up a similar topic.
They were standing on the balcony enjoying the evening breeze when Njeri turned towards him abruptly and said, "Now that the baby boy has consummated our marriage, as your traditions stipulate, I think it is high time you severed your relationship with Ondiso."
"Yes, I was thinking about the same," John lied. "But I need time to deal with it. You know it can end up in court."
"The better, so that we deal with it for once and all in the public, before everyone. Because the worst that can happen in the court is child upkeep and that's a small thing for us."
"Okay, I will handle it."
"Just start today.''
On 21st February, on a sultry afternoon, the gateman was rudely woken from a siesta by someone banging on the gate. He hastily opened the gate, ready to scold and warn the person. But before he fully opened the gate, the sight of Ondiso with her baby on her back shocked him. Still floundering, she stormed into the compound and approached Njeri, who was seated on the veranda.
"You old woman, listen to me. I came here to warn you. I don't want to see you anywhere, near my husband."
Njeri was appalled. "Who are you, and what are you talking about?"
"I am me. You want to pretend you don't know me?"
"I think you entered the wrong home. Bye."
"Are you not Njeri? Or you think I am mad just because I am not as rich as you."
Njeri was more confused. "If I may ask, who is your husband?"
Ondiso went on a rant as Njeri just stared back. "I am warning you for the last time, stay away from John. John is my husband, and he doesn't love you. After all you did to him, you think he still loves you? He told me he has always wanted to divorce you, but you always resist. Look at my back, this is the legitimate seed of John. Not these illegitimate children of yours. You are a disgrace to women all over the world. Living with a man and siring children with other men. A very disgusting woman."
"Gateman just shut that gate," Njeri shouted as he called the police. A few minutes later, the police arrived and arrested Ondiso. "Arrest this mad woman and don't allow her to call or text anyone until I say so."
"You think I will sleep there? I won't let you intimidate me."
That night, John didn't find Ondiso and his daughter at home. He waited, but as the night grew darker alarm bells started ringing in his head. His calls were not going through. He went to the grocery store, but, according to the neighbor, it had been locked the whole day. Something was amiss. He searched everywhere and made numerous calls, to no avail. Back at the house, he took his laptop and started tracing the steps. There was nothing.
At dawn, John was at Njeri's place and he was visibly mad at her. "What the hell were you thinking?"
"And what the hell are you talking about?"
"You even felt no scruples?"
"I don't know what you are talking about?"
"Stop this nonsense. She is the mother of my child, for heaven's sake. How dare you?"
"Now, how would I have known that? You have never introduced me to her. That woman came here to fight me. Now tell me if you were the one, what would you have done? When a stranger accosts you inside your own home? I panicked that's why I called the police for her."
"You could have called me."
"What if she wanted to harm me? I should have waited for hours for you to come and pick my corpse. It's all your fault, you never introduced me to her."
"It's okay, but next time, don't try it."
Njeri laughed sarcastically. "Of all the women in the world, you chose to replace me with that lunatic. She isn't beautiful, she is barely literate and worse off, she is a psycho. You have disgraced me. I thought you had class and taste. Should have gone for a better lady."
John clicked and left as he said, "If you were a man, you would understand."
An hour later, John got home and went straight to Ondiso, who was busy in the kitchen. "Are you alrighty?"
"Yes, I am good."
"Did they harm you or the child in any way?"
"No. In fact, they were very friendly to me. They didn't lock me up in a cell like the others.
"But why did you do it?"
"Its like you fear that woman."
"I told you I will handle her. You just stay away from this."
"I am helping you. You no longer love her and yet you can't just proceed with the divorce. Or it's lies that you have been feeding me."
"I told you I have a plan. Just stay away from that woman she isn't that good. She can mess you up."
"I won't. She must know that you no longer love her. Or do you still love her?"
"Let's keep that for another day."
Ondiso raised her voice. "That's what you always say. If you still love her, I will just pack my bags and leave. I can't stand being hidden like cocaine, and yet I am your wife. It's time you choose between me and her. Or I will pack and go, and even clear the crop in the field."
John signed deeply. "My dear, it's you I love. Why would you leave and yet I am always there for you? I provide everything and take good care of you."
"I am sick and tired of the lonely nights and yet I am married. Divided allegiance is worse than betrayal."
"I understand, my dear, but it is finally going to end."
"What's so hard with telling Njeri that you moved on?"
"I wish it was that easy. You know she is the wife of my youth. I have a connection with her and the children, I can't just leave like that."
Ondiso sneered. "Ati the children, Aren't you even ashamed of yourself? You have a special connection with someone else children."
"Enough of it?" Ondiso shouted as he left the kitchen. It's true he no longer harbored any feelings for Njeri, but there were some specks of love in his heart for her. He didn't really understand the feeling. At one point, he didn't even want to set her face on her, but at other times, he missed her company. He, for the first time, regretted deeply for killing Mutiso. If only he knew he would end up meeting a wonderful woman like Ondiso, he would have just walked out. He had to expedite the release of Wanjala.
Later that day, John met Wanjala lawyers and the judge at Junny box restaurant. "I think the fresh evidence is cogent enough."
The judge said, "Mr. Innocent Mandela, what will be admissible in court is tangible evidence."
"I was the one in charge of the investigations. At that time, we were working under a strict deadline, so we ignored a number of things that would have changed the course of the case."
The lawyer said, "No cause for worry. Mr. Innocent has credible evidence that will appeal even to the court of public opinion."
"Just make sure the evidence is cogent enough. I don't want to trend because of this. I hate social media lynching."
"Judge, don't worry," Innocent said authoritatively. "You just accept the retrial and everything will fall into its place."
''It's a deal," the judge assured them.
After two weeks of avoiding Njeri, John finally come back to her. He was deliberately keeping himself away from Njeri so that she could grow out of love with him. A harmonious break up with Njeri is what he longed for, but it wasn't materializing. The more he stayed away from her, the more Njeris' love for him grew.
After taking lunch, Njeri implored, "Darling, we need to talk."
"I am here, talk to me."
"This polygamy thing isn't working for me. I can't do it anymore."
"Me too."
"Good. I was only worried you won't take my take. Now what's the plan? It's now two years since you promised something."
"I hope you will not be mad at me. I just have to do it."
"Why should I? I am your wife and I will always be on your side."
"I think it's time we called it quits. We can revive the divorce case you had initiated. I no longer love you and I just want us to continue being friends."
Njeri stood on her feet, panting heavily. "What did you just say? Divorce! After killing my husband Mutiso and making sure my remaining suitor was locked up in jail, you want to divorce me? Now that I am getting old, you want to dispense me? Are you mad? Are you stupid? Over my dead body, will I divorce you. And I think it's now my turn to remove all obstacles the same way you did when you loved me."
"Don't worry, relax, it's just a prank."
"What kind of nonsensical prank is that?"
"I just wanted to prove if your love for me is genuine."
"Stop that nonsense. And to be on the safe side, this is the week you are separating from that side chick."
"It was a prank."
"Sometimes these things turn out to be true, the power of the tongue. I have to make hay while the sun is still shining."
"I told you I can't throw her away like trash; she is the mother of my child. I am trying my best."
"Throw her away, after all, she is just trash. We can manipulate the case and get custody of the child."
"Don't worry, I am on top of things. It will be fine. Just a matter of time."
"I give you two weeks."
"It's not as easy as you say."
"What's so hard about it, she was just a shoulder to lean on. Nothing else. I will help you do it."
"No, don't. I will handle it."
"Okay, in a week's time."
John sighed deeply as he slumped in his seat. He was now in a fix.