A Council Divided

The room was still thick with tension when Nerys stood up, her piercing gaze fixed on Isolde. "So far, all you've given us are words, Matron Isolde. We need tangible proof to believe your story."

Isolde sighed softly, then stood up as well. She slowly undid the top of her silver dress, revealing her chest. A murmur of consternation swept through the room. There, on her skin, was a marking like a tattoo.

The design was an interlacing of geometric patterns. At the center was a circle, surrounded by spirals and sharp triangles, each converging at a focal point of disturbing beauty. The lines were delicate, almost translucent, and seemed to pulse with Isolde's heartbeat.

Inside the circle, inscriptions in a forgotten language wound around a lotus-shaped motif. Around the lotus motif, fine arabesques intertwined like vine tendrils. The sharp triangles were arranged to form stars.

At the outer edge of the circle, small beads of light floated, enhancing the sensation of movement and life emanating from the design. The overall effect was both soothing and mesmerizing, a masterpiece of geometry that spoke directly to the souls of those who gazed upon it.

Viconia was the first to react, her eyes wide with surprise and anger. "Matron Valeria is mad! Using a sacred seal to bind a pact... It's pure insanity!"

Zesstra, still frustrated, also spoke up. "And you, Matron Isolde, are even crazier for accepting it. Sacred seals are dangerous and irrevocable. You're playing with forces that could destroy you and yours."

Almera, a mocking smile on her lips, observed Isolde with disdainful curiosity. "Your greed truly knows no bounds, Matron Isolde. Are you sure that talking to us about this pact doesn't violate the conditions of the seal?"

Isolde, remaining calm, covered her chest and replied, "The pact stipulates nothing against revealing its existence. Matron Valeria simply wanted to ensure my discretion and cooperation. But I never promised to remain silent forever. As proof, I am still very much alive."

Neralda, still icy, straightened and fixed Isolde with a piercing look. "Do you really think, Matron Isolde, that revealing this gets you off the hook? You only prove that your personal interests outweigh the safety of the kingdom. Also, you seem to forget who Damaris is. A monster like her at large is not something easily managed."

Isolde didn't flinch under Neralda's gaze. She opened her mouth to respond, but Ysora spoke first. "Matron Isolde, why reveal this truth to us now? If you had remained silent, not only would it have been difficult to accuse you, but your arrangement would have stayed hidden as well."

Xune then intervened, her tone more measured. "On the contrary, Matron Isolde has shown great wisdom. Staying silent might have allowed her to hide, but taking control of House Drakos is not something that can be done in secret."

Isolde slowly nodded in approval. "Exactly, Matron Xune. My silence would have been interpreted as an attempt to hide something much bigger. By revealing this now, I spare House Varyon from accusations of conspiracy."

Zesstra, still angry, spoke in a grumbling voice. "And what about Damaris? Do you really believe she poses no threat? Because of you, you risk harming our kingdom."

Isolde took a deep breath before answering. "Damaris is an uncertain variable, I admit. But it is essential to understand that our kingdom faces threats far greater than the mere release of one person. Valeria sees Damaris as an asset, and though she is fanatical, that doesn't mean she's wrong."

Almera, still mocking, spoke. "It seems Matron Isolde has considered all scenarios. Perhaps we should hear her proposals before judging her."

At this, everyone's gaze turned to Mervyln, who had remained silent, merely observing from her elevated seat.

She straightened up, her eyes scanning the room with calculated coldness. "Well, since Matron Valeria won't grace us with her presence, we can begin." She fixed her gaze on Isolde. "First of all, Matron Isolde, you made a bold decision. To me, regardless of your objectives, you are guilty of treason against the kingdom. Your silence in some way enabled Valeria's plan to succeed and my mother to be freed. What do you have to say in your defense?"

Isolde, unfazed by Mervyln's accusation, responded in a clear, confident voice, "Lady Mervyln, I understand your concerns and your anger. However, I assure you that my decision was well thought out. By accepting Matron Valeria's offer, I strengthened House Varyon's position."

Mervyln narrowed her eyes, her gaze piercing. "And you think that justifies your betrayal?"

Isolde nodded. "I don't see it as a betrayal. It was a strategy. If I had refused, Valeria would have found someone else, someone less reliable, and we would have lost our chance to control the situation. Moreover, having House Drakos under our control gives us a significant strategic advantage."

Neralda intervened, her voice still icy. "And what if Matron Valeria has other resources? It would be foolish of her to rely solely on Damaris and herself."

Isolde replied calmly, "That is a risk I took knowingly."

Zesstra, still angry, spoke in a grumbling voice, "And can we know what exactly your strategy entails?"

Isolde ignored Zesstra and turned to Mervyln. "Lady Mervyln, before we continue, I want to know what you intended to tell us by convening this council."

Neralda, still icy, spoke first. "Your disdain is unbearable, Matron Isolde. You believe yourself above us all, and your arrogance could cost us dearly." She cast a pointed look at the other matrons, seeking their approval.

Viconia nodded, her piercing gaze fixed on Isolde. "Betraying the kingdom to strengthen your house is inexcusable. You must answer for your actions, Matron Isolde."

Zesstra, her face still twisted with anger, added in a grumbling voice, "There is only one solution for a traitor like you: exemplary punishment."

However, Almera spoke, her voice soft but sharp. "We cannot ignore Matron Isolde's intelligence and cunning. Perhaps her actions, though questionable, have a strategic sense that we have not yet grasped."

Selene, more measured, slowly nodded. "It is true that having House Drakos under Varyon's control could be beneficial to us. We should examine all the implications before making a hasty decision."

Ysora, still skeptical, spoke. "Let's not forget that we are talking about the release of Damaris Zahad. Everyone here knows what she is capable of. Matron Isolde, are you ready to face the consequences?"

Isolde, unfazed, replied calmly, "I am ready to face all the consequences of my actions. But I firmly believe that my decision was the best for our kingdom."

Mervyln finally spoke. "It is clear that we have differing viewpoints on this situation. Before deciding on Matron Isolde's sentence, it is indeed important that I reveal the true purpose of this meeting."