The Silver Warrior

A woman suddenly opened her eyes, panting. Her fingers brushed against the rough tarp above her head, and she realized she was in a moving wagon. The world around her seemed blurry. She raised a trembling hand to her forehead.

A movement caught her attention. Beside her, a child sat up. His eyes widened with joy upon seeing her awake.

"You're awake!" he exclaimed, a broad smile lighting up his face.

The woman looked at him in confusion. "What... what happened?" Her voice was hoarse, as if she hadn't spoken in days.

The child's smile faded slightly, and a shadow of sadness passed over his face. Before he could answer, the wagon came to an abrupt stop. A man entered, rugged in appearance, wearing worn leather armor. He froze when he saw the woman awake.

"?! I never thought I'd see you conscious so soon."