Chapter 12.

Having planted his seed in Freya, Chad felt at a loss. A sudden sense of responsibility started to come to him. Also thoughts of the other woman named Hilde Wegener. Without much thought, he had already sort of promised to take responsibility for both of these women. The thought of what to do now started to bother him greatly, at this moment he was a man with a lot of physical and unnatural power, but no money or a place of his own to call home. Essentially he was no more than a good-for-nothing homeless playboy bum.

Alfred Wegener had from the kindness of his heart offered to teach him of this unfamiliar world, given him a home, and food and even allowed him to inappropriately touch his daughter. Alfred could have just said thanks and left him to his own devices to explore this new world, but he hadnt and for that, he felt indebted to the man and his country.

Luckily there was a solution to all of this. In the Empire, a man of significance could have up to 5 wives and as many concubines as he wished the only requirement was that you needed to be able to sustain such a large family and all their needs. To sustain harmony in such a family it was essential to be equal with all members and not play favorites. He didnt know how things here worked, but he guessed it was something similar. 

So now all he needed to do was give Hilde a child as well as to be fair to both the women. But first, he needed to figure this money thing out and fast. It is as it has always been said in the Empire, With great power and looks, comes great bitches and many kids.

Having carried Freya back to the cum and love juice covered sofa, he still couldnt see any signs of her waking up so now he looked for some other answers to his problems. 

Taking this moment to think, he could remember that before the heated business negotiation with Freya, he had already had a look at some of her books that she kept in the Living room bookshelf. There were many books about finances, business and history. But one book stood out to him greatly and that was something called The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Taking the book from the shelf, he quickly felt that something was off. 

Opening the book he could see a letter of invitation to the Zionist movement by Louis Nathaniel de Redshield. Taking the letter out of the book Chad looked at it and wondered if he should open it, but then he heard Freyas voice coming from the sofa behind him. 

" What are you doing Chad? Come here and hold me tight. I want to feel your embrace again. " 

Book and letter in hand Chad started to walk towards her as he spoke with suspicion. 

" Whos Louis Redshield? "

Hearing the name seemed to make Freyas face immediately turn ugly as she rolled her eyes and frowned saying. 

" Uhhh, I see so you looked at my private things without my permission. " 

Stopping In front of her naked form Chad said. 

" Just answer the question. Your already carrying my child so you can at least enlighten me a little on your background. "

Freya let out a heavy sigh and seemed as if she was about to sit up, but her legs only shook slightly as she let out a groan and then laid back down. Then she let out a small cough and spoke softly. 

" Well its not that interesting of a story, but if you must know then here it is. Like many families living in Vienna before the war life was good. But then like with many sickness struck our small family of 3 and took away my mother when I was still small. For a while, my father struggled with depression until one day he landed a job at the Creditanstalt Bank in Vienna. After that life was good again and I managed to get a good education in finance thanks to my father. But then the war came and my father was drafted into the Austro-Hungarian army as a machine gunner. Now with him having gone off to war, I took over his job in the bank, where I managed to catch the attention of its owner Louis. 

Apparently being attracted by my looks and my rare hair color, Louis tried for a long time to gain my hand in marriage. But every time I refused him, his medium height, average build and arrogant personality werent just my thing also he was 12 years older than me.

Soon after that, my father was apparently demoted into a regular infantryman where he was then sent along with thousands of others straight into a Russian cavalry charge on an open field. Hearing of his death I cried for weeks and couldnt work properly anymore so Louis personally came to comfort me and offered me a new easier job as his personal maid at his house. 

I dont have evidence of it, but I believe that Louis had my father killed and all of this planned out. Because immediately after I left my home and moved into his house and started to work there, Louis took advantage of my grieving state and coerced me into sleeping with him. He said that he loved me and wanted to marry me. We even got married in some small church with hardly anybody attending. But I was happy and life was good for a while. 

Until one day a message from a noble house came to him. In the message, some person of high ranking was offering his daughters hand in marriage to him. Without any hesitation, he accepted the deal as it would expand his influence and power. Apparently, the marriage we had wasnt official and all the traces of it had been discreetly disposed of. 

And just like that me and my daughter were kicked out of the house. My child was marked as not legitimate as in not being Lousis child and I was handed some money as compensation for the inconvenience. Now all I have left is his family name, my daughter and some money. As for the Zionist thing, well apparently Louis wasnt a Christian even though we got married in a Christian church. No, Instead he is a Jew and a supporter of Zionism and now he wishes to get my daughter to join the movement in reclaiming the holy land for them or something. Honestly, I dont even care. "

In Chads heart a small spark of pure rage was lit that little by little grew as he heard her story. Taking a deep breath Chad calmed himself down and opened the letter to Freyas disapproval. She finally managed to push herself up into a sitting position as she then said. 

" You shouldnt read that. Whatever it is, it cannot be good for us. "

Pushing the letter into her lap Chad said calmly. 

" Its just an invitation to their society meeting in Basel Switzerland. It seems that your business adventure has gained their attention and now they are offering you help in the form of connections if you wish to join. Seems like an opportunity to me, despite whatever your feelings might be towards that man and those Zionists. "

Letter in hand Freya turned to look at him and said seriously. 

" No, there is nothing good to be gained from these lunatics. The book you hold in your hands is a gift from Louis and a testament to their insanity. The Zionists along with other groups that are working alongside them are nothing more than power-hungry maniacs. Unlike regular Jews or Christians, these people have their very own beliefs. They believe that a select group of pure people are to rule over the dogs as they like to call all other people. In the lands of Judea, they wish to build their paradise from where they will hold the strings of the world as its new puppet masters. But to do this they apparently need to sow seeds of chaos and disorder around the world. Then through the chaos and destruction, they will emerge as this worlds new masters and bring in an everlasting golden age of prosperity. 

The only problem is that these people intend to use the labor of lesser people to build the paradise they desire for themselves. It is not a paradise for all and the means that they are willing to use to obtain it are cruel. I already know that Louis had something to do with the death of Italys king Uberto the First. Uberto had apparently somehow gotten in the way of their plans by forming the triple alliance before The Great War, so he needed to be eliminated and I know that Louis profited greatly from the chaotic aftermath of the war. To Louis Austrias and Germanys defeats was a happy thing as he did gain almost complete control of the two countries railway networks. Like always buying broken things is much cheaper than buying them when they are operational and new. "

Unsure of what to make of all of this, Chad then asked. 

" Hmm, well what about Charlie Chaplin? I heard that his working in Hollywood. Is he also a part of these people? "

Hearing this Freya raised an eyebrow in wonder and then said. 

" Well, that I cannot say. I know that Louis has family in the United States that holds shares in Hollywood. Also, Hollywood was founded by Jews. So I guess its possible that his also a part of this. I guess. Why do you ask? "

With a serious face, Chad turned away from her and said.

" Ooh, its nothing for you to worry about. "

In his own mind, he finally felt like he had found the right answer. Although there were still some questions left unanswered. Was Charlie Chaplin the head of the Zionists working towards world conquest or was he but a pawn being used to bring about

destruction and death? 

Placing the book down on the table next to the sofa, Chad started to prepare to leave. There were many things left unanswered and many things he needed to do. As he put on his loincloth he could hear weak footsteps approaching him as Freya then grabbed his hand and worriedly said. 

" Please Chad, Dont do anything stupid. I know you must be angered by what Louis has done to me, but you must seek revenge. If these people are capable enough to kill a king then they for sure will have no problems doing the same to you. Please just forget what I said about the Zionists, its better that way. "

Turning around, Chad looked into Freyas light blue eyes and then kissed her passionately. Then as they parted he said firmly. 

" Dont worry, nobody can kill the Chad. And nobody messes with the Chads things. "

Freyas eyes sparkled with tears of worry at his words, but before she could speak. Chad turned her around, spanked her ass and said.

" Now be a good woman and see my plans come to life. And worry not for there is nothing to be worried about, I have a plan. " 

With that Chad left the house and returned to his work in the yard right on time before Else arrived back from town. To his surprise, the woman now seemed calm and even spoke to him. She apparently had bought him something to wear and something to eat.

After finishing his basic wooden outdoor gym fitted with three pull-up bars, three dip bars and a pole tree climbing set he felt satisfied. With this a basic calisthenics workout was possible and muscle gains were to be gained for all. 

From there he went inside where Else handed him an oversized Traditional German Man outfit, or whatever it was called. Along with it he even got a nice hat. Finally, with this, he could venture into town. But that would have to wait as it was now getting quite late.

When the girls arrived from their schools with smiles on their faces, they all then proceeded to eat and prepare themselves for bed. Through their table conversation, Chad had learned more about the Hamburgh University and the chemical research that was being done there. 

Lying now in his small bed Chad felt exhaustion start to set in. The day had been awfully long and filled with quite a lot of different events. During this singular day, he had even managed to get a woman possibly pregnant. He did feel a bit bad for leaving her just like that, but maybe it was for the best.

Drifting away into dreamland Chad suddenly felt a familiar presence coming towards him. Then the small presence tugged at his blanket and got under it. Soon he could feel the little ball of softness making his bicep its pillow. 

Opening his eyes lazily he noticed Lotte making herself comfortable next to him. Seeing no problem with this he then closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.