Chapter 17.

During mid-day signs advertising the Freya Welfare Lottery were being raised in 12 different stores around Germany. Along with this leaflets of the Lottery were also being spread everywhere. 

Looking at these leaflets and signs people were a bit intrigued but suspicious. The Lottery in this time period didnt have a great reputation as many of them were simply used to get the rich richer and they were also seen as immoral. The lottery was seen as nothing more than a different form of gambling which was widely despised, it was said that gambling degraded the morals of society. Because of this many countries had in the past banned many different lotteries

But looking at the advertisement here the peoples suspicion was slightly eased. Unlike the other lotteries, this lottery was not meant to just gain money for oneself, instead even if you didnt win a certain portion of your money would be going towards charity. So technically you wouldnt be gambling, instead, you would be giving money to a good cause. 

But most of all peoples eyes landed on the big sum of money. With so much poverty, joblessness, homelessness and misery many were desperate to find a way out of their daily struggles and this might have just been it. The winning price was set at a decent 100 thousand Marks. With such a price one would not be free of work but with it, you could buy yourself a nice big house and a car or two. 

All over the 12 largest cities of Germany where this lottery was taking place there was a great amount of talk about this. Many seemed exited especially some people in Hamburg. Right inside the store where they could buy the lottery tickets they also saw the giant miracle man. 

Chad was standing in the store simply getting his measurements for his future outfits. While standing there he couldnt help but smile at the crowd of people forming around him. 

In excitement, many men asked him how it was that he was so big. To this, he always gave them the same three simple rules as answers. 

" First you need to eat a lot, sleep a lot and most importantly you must train a lot. The training is simple It consists of 100 situps, pushups, and squats followed by a 10-kilometre run. " 

Hearing his words of wisdom the men were amazed and many wrote it down on a piece of paper and some even took pictures. Then there were the women with their questions about who he was, where was he from and whether he was married. 

To these questions, he always said a few simple words. 

" Well ladies, my name is Chad Wass, but you can just call me Chad. And no I am not a foreigner, I am a pure German with strong Aryan blood. Also, I am not yet married but soon I will be married to this lovely lady over here who so happens to be this business owner. "

Saying this he always pointed to the bright red-haired woman who was doing his measurements. Freya had to Chads surprise not slept for the whole night instead she had been making serious preparations to see Chads plans come true. Although some of the plans had slightly been changed, largely they were what he had wished them to be. Instead of creating just a womans clothing store, Freya had decided to do a mixed store with clothes for all. 

Also as they had entered the store Alfred had been the first to greet Freya to Chads surprise. Apparently, the two of them were already quite well acquainted with each other. And just like the woman now, Alfred had been quite shocked to learn of Chad and Freyas relationship.

After Freya took his measurements Chad was approached by a small boy. Noticing the boy he then heard him say shyly say.

" Mm, sir could you please bless me? I heard that you could give people blessings. "

Hearing this some of the people in the shop laughed out loud as some simply watched in silence. 

Looking at the boy Chad couldnt see anything seriously wrong with the boy or his mother who stood behind the boy with a soft smile on her face. Even the mother seemed to be healthy with only a few darker spots on her body. 

Nonetheless, Chad simply smiled and said. 

" Well since you asked me so nicely, I see why not. "

A smile came to the boys face as Chad placed his hand on his head and closed his eyes. For a few seconds, he carefully as not to make the boy or the surroundings glow brightly he poured his energy into the boy. 

Then just like that he took his hand off of his head and said. 

" There you go. Now you are blessed. " 

Around the shop, he could see the people looking at him with hesitation. Even Freya seemed to look at him with a questioning expression. Clearly people werent convinced since nothing had happened in their eyes, but to Chad this was fine he didnt desire any attention, he simply wished to help the people of this city. 

People whispered and murmured amongst one another coming up with different theories as to what had just happened or did anything even happen. Then the silence suddenly ended as the boys mother looked at her son with wide eyes and exclaimed.

" Oh my God. Its a miracle! "

Unseen by most the boy had been born with a small birthmark on top of his lips as was the mother, but now suddenly it was gone and the boys skin was clearer than before. 

Seeing this the mother with a larger round birthmark on top of her stepped forward and with hopeful eyes said. 

" Please, could you give me your blessing as well? "

Once more Chad just shrugged his shoulders and said.

" Of course, You both shall now be blessed by the graze of god. "

With that, he did the same to the woman and the people in the room watched in wonder. People gathered in a tight circle around Chad and the woman as they tried to see what was happening. 

Then a woman standing next to Chads right side suddenly gasped and said.

" Oh my god, no way. Her birthmark just disappeared. I saw it with my own eyes! " 

Hearing this people gasped in around the room and started to talk loudly amongst one another. Some started to doubt and call this whole thing a fake while others talked of god.

Running to his Mothers side the boy then said to all. 

" Its true! Both our birthmarks are gone and I even feel stronger than before! It is just like Mother has always said. We the German people are blessed by god! Believe it! "

Once Chad was done with the mother he was suddenly met by tens of heads that bowed to him in anticipation of being blessed as well. Standing on the sideline Alfred was sweating nervously as Freya watched this in amazement. Despite having rough sex with Chad and not sleeping even a bit Freya now realized that she was feeling amazingly good. Had she also been blessed by Chad, she wondered. 

As Chad started to bless the people in the store more and more people soon took notice and a line started to form that stretched outside the store. After being blessed the people with smiles on their faces bought their own lottery tickets in thanks to Chad and the store, then as they left the store with stupid smiles on their faces they started to spread the word. 

Little by little as time went by the streets were filled with people wanting to see this miracle man and receive his blessing. Unknowingly Chad had just started a great advertisement campaign for his lottery. Also, the words that he used resonated with people greatly. Soon people were looking for the book Mein Kampf for more answers on this Aryan race concept.

Blessing after blessing Chad gladly gave all the people one, but he hesitated seeing just how many people there were waiting for their own blessings. He surely couldnt help them all in a single day. 

Then as he was done with another one his eyebrows rose seeing the next person in line. Standing there before him now was a black-haired old man with a big black beard. He wore nothing but a black dress with black shoes, a black hat and most interesting of all was his hair. The old mans hair was tied into two pigtails which didnt seem very manly to Chad. 

Looking down at the man Chad could immediately sens hostility coming off of him as the man then said coldly. 

" Well, show me this power of yours. If you have any that is. "

Hearing the mans words Chad frowned but still focused his vision on the man and noticed that his entire body was but a red haze. He couldnt see any specific colors on the man it seemed like something was blocking him off. Or more specifically he could feel the mans immense disdain for him rejecting his light.

Noticing this Chad placed his hand on the mans shoulder but felt nothing except how weak and full of fat the old mans body was. Taking his hand off of the mans shoulder he simply said. 

" If you want my blessing, then you must first open yourself up to me man. Just believe in me and it will all be ok. "

The old mans face turned ugly and from behind him two other younger men dressed the same way came and then the old man said. 

" How dare you tell me to believe in you. You are nothing but another misguided lamb leading these other misguided lambs astray. Judaism is the only true way. You are nothing but a disgrace. "

After saying that the 3 men spit on the shop floor and headed out. The people in the store seemed shocked to see the 3 mens actions. Chad just stood there with his fists clenched as he looked at the spit on the floor. 

Freya and Alfred came to his side as Freya said worriedly. 

" Dont worry about it. Thats just the rabbi from the local Jewish church. They sometimes act like that if you say something against their beliefs. He especially has an ill temper. "

Hearing this Chad turned his gaze to the 3 men and said. 

" I see so those are Jews. "

Then without a second thought, he stormed after the 3 men who were now walking past the line of people. People watched with wide eyes and fear on their faces as Chad walked past them with powerful steps. 

Only 10 meters away, Chad yelled to the men in anger. 

" Hey, Rabbi! You think you can just spit on my floor and walk away? Get back here! "

Hearing his words the whole street went silent and all eyes turned to Chad and watched as he walked In front of the three now-shaking men. The men looked up at him with a mix of fear and anger as Chad gritted his teeth in anger and let out a beastly growl towards the men.

The 3 men looked away in fear as Chad mustered up a bit ball of saliva and prepared to spit it, but then a familiar extremely awful smell hit his nose. Unable to bare it he spit at the ground In front of the mean and held his nose as he noticed the wet puddles forming under the mens feet. 

In disgust, Chad took a few steps back and then said. 

" Oh, thats disgusting, 3 grown men pissing themselves in the middle of the street. Fucking hell, what sort of men are you? You walk around in those dresses, you have your hair tied into girlish pigtails, and you piss yourself at the first sign of trouble. I mean what are you? You gay or something? " 

Feeling all the anger leave him, Chad just shook his head in disappointment and said.

" Damn you guys. Just go already or you'll make the entire road stink of piss. "

The 3 men didnt even look at him as they quickly made their embarrassing escape, leaving a wet trail behind them as they went away. Then some voices in the crowd erupted into laughter, some cheered for Chad, a few seemed mad and most stayed silent not knowing what to make of the situation.