The Dawn of Justice

As the first light of dawn pierced through the dense canopy of trees, Tang Wei awoke to the sounds of birds chirping outside the hidden dwelling. He stretched, feeling the residual fatigue from the previous day's events. His mind was still processing the revelations about the Iron Fist Clan and the dark schemes they were involved in. Today, he would meet with the other elders and plan their next move.

Shortly after he woke up, the elder entered the room, carrying a set of clean clothes. "Good morning, young master," he said with a smile. "Here are some fresh clothes for you. Tonight, you'll meet the other elders, and we'll discuss our strategy."

Tang Wei nodded, accepting the clothes gratefully. "Thank you, elder."

The elder chuckled. "And don't forget, you still need to take that shower."

Tang Wei laughed, feeling a bit more at ease. After freshening up and changing into his new attire, he stepped outside, feeling the warmth of the sun on his skin. Despite the heavy burden on his shoulders, he allowed himself a moment to appreciate the serene beauty of the village.

With nothing to do until the meeting, Tang Wei decided to explore the village. As he walked through the narrow streets, he observed the daily lives of the villagers. Children played, merchants peddled their wares, and farmers tended to their fields. The simple, peaceful life of the village was a stark contrast to the turmoil he had been experiencing.

His attention was suddenly drawn to a commotion nearby. He heard the sound of pottery shattering and hurried over to investigate. He arrived at a small pottery store to find a group of thugs smashing the old man's wares. The store owner, an elderly man with a weathered face, looked on helplessly.

"Old man," one of the thugs sneered, "you have one day to reconsider. Join our merchant company, or else." With that, the group left, leaving the old man to pick up the pieces of his shattered livelihood.

Tang Wei approached one of the onlookers. "Who are those people?" he asked.

The man sighed. "They belong to a merchant company that opened not long ago. They've been threatening everyone to work with them."

"Why don't you join them?" Tang Wei asked. "A merchant company can help you sell your goods more efficiently."

The man shook his head. "Merchant companies are supposed to make a profit by reselling goods, which benefits both parties. But these guys want to buy our products at dirt-cheap prices and sell them at exorbitant rates. And that's not all. We have to pay them for storing our goods in their warehouses until they sell."

Tang Wei's eyes narrowed. "That's not a merchant company; that's a robbery disguised as business. Where is their base?"

The man pointed to a tall, luxurious building in the distance. "See that high and fancy building? That's their base. But I wouldn't recommend going there."

Tang Wei nodded. "Thank you for the information. Don't worry, I won't go there."

However, curiosity and a sense of justice drove Tang Wei to sneak into the company building a few minutes later. Using his skills, he moved silently, searching for the office of the company owner. After a short search, he found the room and overheard a conversation inside.

The owner was speaking with the leader of the thugs who had been at the pottery store. "The old man from the pottery store didn't agree to work with us," the thug reported.

The owner tossed a small bottle to him. "Deal with him the same way we dealt with the cloth store."

Tang Wei's eyes widened as he realized they were responsible for Mei Ling's father's condition. He felt a surge of rage but quickly composed himself. A system notification appeared before his eyes:

Quest: Destroy the Evil Company.

Reward: Qi +5 years.

Tang Wei accepted the quest without hesitation.

He quietly placed Bai Yan, his Heaven-Killing Viper, on the ground. The snake moved swiftly, biting the thug's neck before he could react. As the owner watched in horror, Tang Wei used his footwork to quickly approach and grabbed the owner by the neck.

"Scream and you'll die. Try anything, and you'll die," Tang Wei whispered coldly.

The owner began to sweat profusely, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "What do you want?" he stammered.

Tang Wei's grip tightened. "What is the goal of this company, and what is your connection to the Iron Fist Clan?"

The owner tried to feign ignorance. "Iron Fist Clan? I don't know what you're talking about."

Tang Wei saw through the lie and decided to use a special poison he had crafted during his time on the Isle of Venom. He pulled out a small vial containing the Truth Poison, a concoction designed to induce a state of semi-consciousness and force honesty. He swiftly administered the poison to the owner, who began to look dazed and disoriented. "Answer me truthfully," Tang Wei commanded.

The owner, now speaking as if in a drunken stupor, confessed, "We are part of the Iron Fist Clan. The clan wants to expand and become more powerful, and for that, they need money. Our goal is to make that money."

Tang Wei's eyes narrowed. "Where is the money now?"

The owner pointed vaguely. "It's all in the basement. The key is hidden in the third brick from the left wall."

Satisfied with the information, Tang Wei swiftly ended the owner's life and retrieved Bai Yan, hiding the viper in his clothes. He made his way to the basement, eliminating anyone who stood in his path. Using the key, he unlocked the safe, revealing a trove of gold. He filled a bag with as much gold as he could carry and set the building on fire to cover his escape.

The system notified him of the quest's completion, and he felt a surge of Qi as his reward. He distributed half of the gold to the victims of the company, placing the money in their homes secretly. As he finished, the sky had already darkened. With the remaining gold, he planned to use it in their strategy against the Iron Fist Clan.

Tang Wei made his way back to the hidden elder, ready for the meeting with the other elders.