
This isn't an actual review and I didn't want self adulation of my work so I decided to put it down as an auxiliary chapter.

This will be a listing of the pros and cons of the book so I urge you to take a peek at this before you decide on whether this story is for you or not.

As for the most part.

1: I haven't decided on the romantic path of this novel yet; whether it should be a single romantic partner or a harem.

Though what a harem is can be very subjective when looking at it from different perspectives so I urge you to be more specific when making your choices.

2: This story wasn't fully planned out before it began so you are free to join the discord for earlier updates, or any other social media site. Just tell me which one suits you best and I promise all news will be right on your doorstep as soon as it reaches everybody else.

3: There will be a monthly contest for character, skills, talents, artifacts, and weapon additions. You can state your ideas and after a nomination, the winners will have their ideas implemented into the story.

Don't worry though, there will be rules implemented to avoid a diversion from the story's actual plot.

4: Please leave every question you have under this chapter, my review, or the latest chapter's comment section. Please don't leave as a review and please write meaningful reviews. I discovered that readers these days are too lazy to write reviews.

If you think am lying, try comparing the reviews of books that began three years ago to the ones that started a year ago till now.

Also, please be mindful of your reviews. Any review that bad-mouths another book on this platform will immediately be censored by the author and also any argument involving the use of curses in the comment section.

So let's work together to make this community a less violent one for the sake of everyone else.

5: I don't mean to say this for anyone to have pity on me, but I'm only barely fifteen, well I'll be fifteen in the next thirty-nine days so know that I'm not the best in terms of experience. I'll do the best I can but you be a part of this great legacy if you wish to join hands with me.

Now for the cons

1: Though the synopsis may be a bit misleading, this is by no means a story where the MC becomes outright powerful from the start. He'll start slowly, even after obtaining his golden finger.

2: There will be cliched plots, such as arranged marriage partners.

3: There will be many side characters and some of them will be left behind as the story progresses and a ton of character deaths as well. (I wasn't joking when I said the inspiration came from JJK)

For the pros

1: The characters are real and aren't simps, many girls will fall for the MC but only because of valid qualities. ( Not oh My gosh, he's so hot tropes)

This is an apocalypse Victorian era setting so everyone is looking for a means of survival, not potential romantic partners.

2: There will be a mash-up of cultures and settings and I have a very good explanation for it all although I'm not sure most readers will find it acceptable.

I assure you that it wasn't my intention to violate or insult your culture in any way but I couldn't leave holes in the plot of my story.

3: There will be the usual corny and spiteful royals and rich people walking around and the MC isn't the type to go around flexing, so you probably know where it's going.

( The usual Chinese slapping face moments)

4: There will be intense gore and sadism of some characters explicitly shown in this story so I assure you that it's best you don't read up to fifty chapters of this story if you're not a fan of that.

5: There are info dumps and many descriptions in the chapters though they are mashed up well to aid the progression of the story.

I didn't intend to leave it all that way but there are many terms and statements in the story which would leave you confused without a proper description.



For whichever one you prefer, all information will be distributed equally.