Chapter 102 - The Void

Darius sat on his bed with a determined look on his face. He couldn't wait to see what the reward would be.

He was sure that this reward would be a major change to his life. He didn't know how just yet. But he knew that it was only a matter of when.

Seconds passed by as he sat on his bed, looking at the screen that had appeared right before him a few seconds ago.

It was a loading screen of some sort. Darius had tried to ask what its purpose was, but the voice in his mind hadn't answered.


"Can't you tell me what this thing is?" Darius asked as it continued to load something. "Just a little hint."

[Just wait, impatient human. Everything will soon make sense.]

Darius frowned and decided to listen to the voice in his mind as she had been mostly right most of the time. Also, as much as Darius wanted to remember an instance where she lied, he couldn't.