Chapter 104 - What Happens When A Goddess Touches You?

Now that Persephone had given the name of the voice in Darius' mind, Darius had a realization.

The shop he had gotten as a reward a few weeks ago…its name was Goddess Ariel's Shop. It made a lot more sense now, all the items inside her shop were most likely powers that she could potentially give to Darius.

"You there?" Persephone asked when she noticed that Darius was immobile, lost in his own thoughts.

However, it was normal for Darius to be reacting in such a way. He was in a completely new environment and he was suddenly learning that there were multiple worlds, gods, magic, all those things truly existed, and that's why Darius was slowly realizing that he was truly a pebble amongst a pile of diamond.

Humans from Earth were simply ignorant of everything surrounding them, and Darius had difficulty believing it. After all, the multi-verse had always been a theory by scientists, but they never managed to prove it.