The Hidden Heir

Chapter 37: The Hidden Heir

While solving the Quantum Riddle, Lyra discovered a shocking truth: she was not the only heir to the prophecy. A long-lost twin, hidden away by the Architect of the Timestream, had been secretly manipulating events from the shadows.

This twin, known as Echo, possessed identical powers and abilities to Lyra, but with a twisted sense of purpose. Echo sought to exploit the prophecy for personal gain, disregarding the fate of the multiverse.

Lyra faced an impossible choice: join forces with her twin, risking the multiverse's future, or confront Echo in a battle that could have catastrophic consequences. The Timeless Ones and the Shadow of the Cyclekeeper sensed the turmoil and offered their support, but at a steep price.

As Lyra grappled with this new plot twist, she realized that her connection to Echo was deeper than she ever imagined. Their bond held the key to unlocking the secrets of the prophecy, and the fate of the multiverse hung in the balance...