Of Partners and Crystals

Paco approached the group, hiding the identity crystal in his sleeve. The Duke's guards gave him an appraising look, but didn't take action to halt his progress. The vanguard were already resting their hands on their guns, escalation to guns drawn would also increase the risk of their protectee dying. 

"Where do you think you are going, I am not done with you yet girlie," The Duke said, finding his shrill voice again and grabbing Nadia's arm. For a split second the Viscountess had a deer in the headlights moment, but survival instincts kicked in and she took evasive action in a quick step backwards. 

"Duke Walsh, for the moment I am still the hostess, I will return to after addressing a pressing issue." Nadia said after the Duke lost his grip on her. The Duke's internal monologue would have been quite interesting to hear thought Nelly, as his mouth kept opening like a goldfish, while the Viscountess listened to Paco's whispers—with her back turned. 

The Viscountess stood there, hand clamming around the identity crystal. Nadia took in a big breath and held the crystal close. She took a deep breath, steadied herself once more and sprung to action. 

Nadia turned toward the Duke, who had managed to stop bubbling like a goldfish, but instead of saying anything to him, she kneeled in front of the floored attendant. After checking in on him, she ordered one of the other workers to get him away from there. 

"What about me, kneel to me, not to a disgusting servant, I am the one that needs an apology" The Duke said, and Nelly was surprised he wasn't stomping on the ground during this tantrum. If the man hadn't been a Walsh, she might have felt some pity for his mental state—this regressive state didn't happen in a vacuum. 

"Duke Walsh. I have offered you all the kindness you can expect without kindness, or even politeness returned." the Viscountess said, standing up. Nadia wasn't tall, but from an outside perspective she seemed to grow two sizes and started towering over the man. 

"Now listen here gir..." the Duke said trying to get back on top, but shrunk a few sizes when Nadia cut him off. 

"I wanted to handle this like two civil parties, but it was my fault in expecting to have two civil parties in this conversation, and for that I am truly sorry." Nadia said and took a step towards the Duke, whose shoulders retreated close to his head. "This place is under the protection of the Arbore Royal Family, and you are to get out now" She continued, but didn't draw attention to the crystal in her hand. While the Duke's eyes didn't reach the crystal several others in the Salon did. 

"I don't see no Arbores around here to stop me, do you?" The Duke said after stepping back from Nadia, no interest nor ability to try and stand up against her gusto. "I've had it with this broad, guards pack her up and lets leave." The Duke continued, a new creepy smirk quickly appearing on his face. 

The Duke's guards looked at what seemed to be the leader of their unit before taking action. The leader was troubled, but seemed to weigh the situation in the Duke's favor or just in self preservation and nodded.

"You should do as the Viscountess says," The Floor Mayor's Daughter chimed in from a table quite close by. "I'm sure the MASKS station a few blocks away from here would stop you no matter what after you drag a kicking and screaming Viscountess away, but I also have this little thing here which might expedite the process." She continued and placed her panic button on the table. 

"MASKS ain't shit, I will do what I want." the Duke said and motioned for the guards to go on with his orders. This time the unit leader shook his head and the other guards stood still. Duke grew back his redness at the inaction of his guards, which flushed down as quick as the word he used prior, when the unit leader whispered something in his ear. "The guard just told me there is a...family emergency...yes. so you will get off easy this time girlie." 

Just like the tantrum from earlier he rushed out and slammed the door behind him, cutting of two guards from exiting at the same time. One of guards showed a quick rude sign toward the door, which most likely was aimed at the man instead of the inanimate object. The door didn't slam quite as loudly behind the guards and a silence set down on the salon. 

"I apologize for the commotion, this is not what Salon Orchard stands for," Nadia said and lowered her head toward where most of the clientele was located. "As an a token of appreciation for your patience, the Dukes credit card bill shall be extra large while yours shall diminish in equal proportion."

"Please order a lot, I heard the Duke brag his card had limitless credit." the Floor Mayors Daughter said and a round of laughter was generated. The mood returned to a more jovial one, and chatter picked up in all tables. They had a lot of new topics to discuss.

Viscountess spent a few minutes with the Floor Mayor's daughter, Nelly wasn't sure what their relationship had been prior, but if handled well Salon Orchard could surely prosper as the best salon of floor 1500 if not a larger area. 

"May I take a seat here?" Nadia said after approaching Nelly's table. 

"Of course, you must have some questions." Nelly said and motioned for Paco to pull out a chair for Nadia. The Viscountess sat down and looked at the two women. "This is Cinnabar Yellow, and that should be enough to tell who I am." Nelly said mentioning the name of the head maid Cinnabar, the head maids name was used as an identifier for the different color maids in the larger family. 

"Thank you, again." Nadia said and laughed lightly as she continued. "Seems like that is the only thing I say to you. Top quality hostess material." Nelly smiled in return. Nadia tried handing over the identity crystal, but Nelly gently lowered Nadia's hand. 

"Keep it. Your actions spoke well for you." Nelly said and peered in to the steadied eyes of Nadia. Under her long gaze Nadia blushed a little, but didn't waver. "A few things out of the way before we can turn to regular conversation. First I wasn't here, I am locked up at home as punishment right now. Second you are allowed to use our name freely as the backer of your Salon, as you and I will be symbiotic partners." 

"I already made the decision as I received the crystal from your man." Nadia said, and Paco coughed lightly at the last words in her sentence. Nelly turned to look at her bronze skinned guard, lifted her eyebrow to question him, but Paco was back to his patented unreadable expression. Something was up with him and she swore in her mind she would take Yellow aside later and have her spill all the details. 

The Viscount and Heiress Nelly shared their contact details and a few other worldly actionable plans, before enjoying a longer conversation as regular peers. Together they shared a quick lunch bite before the Viscount had to return to her hostess duties.