Every Girls Dream

The question was unexpected and threw him off balance a little. What was he going to tell her when he asked if they could talk that night? Levi knew he wanted to say a lot that night and tell her how he felt about her but everything that happened, happened and now it wasn't as important because she had feelings for someone else too.

"It's not important anymore, just forget about it," Levi replied.

Jade rolled her eyes, "How ironic. You want me to forget things now when you've been wishing for months that I remembered everything."

"That's not it," He paused and finished the wine in his glass. "It just doesn't matter anymore, telling you what I wanted to say that night won't change anything."

"Let me be the judge of that Levi," Jade replied.

"Let it go, Jade, I was just going to ask you to come back to the house. Nothing else."