Little Commotion

"I repeat, we forbid children from gambling here!"

The woman's voice pierces through Jin's ear.

Jin slowly turns back and to his surprise...





Jin yelled surprised as he saw the


"For your information, I'm Kosdae Chun the daughter of Meoni Chun the sect leader of the Yeoji sect!"

Kosdae speaks in an Authoritative manner.

Jin's eyes widened in shock, realizing he had offended the daughter of a powerful sect leader, as Kosdae continued her yapping.

"And I'll have you know, I'm here on official business, not to indulge in your petty gambling games!"

Kosdae unsheathes her blade and swings.







Jin avoided the attack with no problem. Kosdae swings again.


However, due to her crude movements and poor balance, she fell on the floor.

Jin wastes no time as he sprints away from Kosdae.

"Hey, you! Criminal, don't run away!"

Kosdae quickly got up and tried to chase Jin but to no avail, because she tripped and fell on her face.

Kosdae could only cry as she observed Jin's figure disappear from the distance...

A voice called out to Kosdae...

"Kosdae! What happened here? You just ran off again did you?"

"But I'm catching a criminal...a criminal!.."

Kosdae says while crying

"The sect leader will be angry at me come on Kosdae."

The lady responsible for Kosdae dragged her.

"And you tripped too..." The lady scratches her head..."The sect leader will give us again another lecture.." The lady sighed heavily.

"Come on now Kosdae."

The lady and Kosdae walk into the distance not noticing a figure watching them from a distance....


Jin's body couldn't hold on anymore and he felt like he could pass out any moment now.

"Is she still chasing me?.."

The sheer weight of the rings alone makes it harder to run.

Jin still running thinking he is being chased is sweating profusely...

"I think I lost her..."

Jin sighed his body covered and his clothes drenched in sweat...

"I should return now..."






Jin arrived at their house limping and his posture bent like a bow...barely arriving at the front door he knocked...

"Master! It's me..Jin!"

After some time the door opened and Jin saw Babo with his arms crossed..

"Tsk...Tsk" The old man's voice sounds threatening...

"You've been slacking off the house duties are ya?"

Jin gulped he looked at Babo nervously...he mustered up the courage to mutter...






The silence sounds so loud to Jin...Jin could only hear his heart beating profusely anticipating what Babo would do...

The two stare at each other for a few moments until Babo breaks the silence...

"Lies, you do know I hate liars do you?"

Babo pulls out his scabbard and starts beating Jin with it...

Jin's screams could be heard all across the forest, the birds waking up from Jin's screams..

"Aaaaahhhh! Old mann!!! Forgive me!!!"


"Old man screw you!!!"

"Ackkk!!! Ahhhhh!!!"

"You dare talk to your Master like that? Looks like I've been too soft on you."

Jin quickly gets on his knees and begs.


Babo raises his scabbard in the air...

Jin noticed this and he quickly backed off..


Babo grins and laughs at Jin


Babo throws an ointment at Jin hitting his head.


"Apply that to your bruises, you better be in top condition tomorrow," Babo said while he drank his booze...

"Why?" Jin spoke confused as to what's gonna happen tomorrow.

"You will see, I repeat you better be in top condition tomorrow."

Jin murmurs to himself...

"Then why did you beat me up fuckin old fart! Hmph!'

Jin thoroughly applied the ointment to his bruises, his body quivered every time he touched his bruises...

Jin curses the disease that killed his parents.

"Fuckin disease...if only my father hasn't caught it I would have been living lavishly in the mountains..."

He imagined the life he would have had...

Jin giggled at himself imagining him lying down ordering maids left and right


Babo looked at him weirded out by his behavior...

"Did I accidentally strike him on the head?... Damn"





In the moonlight on the streets of Yeon-in, a man covered in a black cloak.

The night's silence is overtaken by this man's footsteps as he heads into a desolate place.