Jin you can do it!

"You're gonna start your training right"—Slap!—now," Babo said while he knocked Jin back to his senses.

Jin nervously asked: "l-like right now?"

Babo smiled and patted Jin's back

he said "Yes right now! Now get started before I start hitting you, if you'll excuse me, I'll be watching you up—


—here." Babo smirked at Jin.

In the blink of an eye, Babo is suddenly on the top of a tree, he looks down at Jin and says,

"do your training there, I'll watch here so I'll know if you ever slack off."

Jin began his workout with push-ups, methodically performing each one with precision and control. As he increased the intensity, he effortlessly achieved 40 reps, demonstrating his strength and stamina to Babo.

"This. . . is too. . . easy!" Jin said to Babo arrogantly.

As the reps keep piling up Jin's fatigue slowly but surely increases, his breathing getting heavier, and his arms shivering as he pushes up, it is clear that Jin's body is about to give out.


As he pushed up he felt his muscles tearing apart...his sweat all over his face, he tried to push more.

89...9—THUMP!—Jin's body drops to the grassy surface...

As he collapses, he hears the powerful water current of the waterfall.

"My arms can't feel anything, damn it," he muttered.

"Hoho~. Don't strain yourself     

     Jin!" Babo said while up in the trees.

Jin groans in pain. "What's

   next?..." Jin asked, his body still collapsed on the ground.

"Since ya can't use yer arms then use your legs next, use yer brain dimwit!"

"You didn't have to call me a dimwit..."

Jin slowly stands up, his arms still numb and aching from the pain.

Like the push-ups, Jin had no problems with the first few reps but unlike the push-ups, Jin finished it with less difficulty.

Jin felt that if he squatted for 5 more reps his leg would've joined his parents in heaven.

       Jin, sweating profusely sat beside a tree to rest. "Can you please let me rest?" Jin asked looking at Babo lying down on the tree branch.

"I'm not gonna break your body, these exercises' primary purpose is to help you handle Qi,

      if we're training our strength then I would've forced you to run up and down this mountain." Babo said to reassure Jin.

"That's...nice...to...hear. . ." Jin said while trying his best to remain conscious.

Babo sees this and jumps off the tree branch landing with—


—no problems.

Babo searches through his pocket and takes out a pill.

The pill glows pinkish, he opens Jin's mouth.

Jin groaned. "What are—Mmffhhh!!" Before Jin could finish his sentence Babo forced the pill into his mouth. "It's for your own good." Babo grabs a hold of Jin's head, pressing his thumb on Jin's forehead, Jin's body contorts, and a pink aura surrounds him, Babo places his palm on Jin's stomach and begins to absorb the overflowing Qi.

Jin felt like his body was being torn to shred, every fiber of his muscle stretched to its limit, and his bones twisted and broke, his vision then turned black.

Jin opened his eyes to an enclosed space and it seemed as if he was underwater, "if that's the case then how can I breathe?"

He looked around and he felt that the water surrounding him was trying to get out of this enclosed space.

Jin recalled back to Babo's teachings and his mind finally clicked.

"This must be my Qi and I'm probably in my dantian," he scratched his head, "if that's the case....then why are there too many Qi? I was just learning how to handle Qi right?"

(W/n: Where Qi is stored, destroying one's dantian can cause extreme pain or make a martial artist lose all his abilities)

His thoughts were suddenly  

halted when he felt that the

pressure was building up and  his dantian could break at any moment but—


—a white flash of light consumed him when he then heard a faint voice calling out to him.

"Jin, wake up! Wake up or I'll beat you up!"

As soon as he heard this he quickly jumped out of Babo's arms.


As he jumped out of Babo's arms Jin realized that his fatigue was gone and he felt stronger.

     Jin was perplexed by this and asked: ", What did you do? What is that pill?" Jin is eager for it to be answered.

"You better thank me for saving you, I helped you survive after eating that pill" Babo replied dodging Jin's questions.

"And you better continue your training, run up and down this mountain 10 times, and then do 100 pulls up next." Babo waves his hand as a way of dismissing Jin.

Jin looked back at Babo, "o-okay then...if you'll excuse me..."

Babo nodded in response as he turned around and headed to their house.

Jin ran up and down the mountains but after he climbed for the 5th time he questioned himself,

  "How am I not tired yet? Did that geezer cause this? What did he do to me then?"

Jin continued his workout, even with the added weight of the rings he felt light so light that he thought he could jump in between mountains.

Jin like a madman climbed a tree and yelled: ", Motherfucker!!! Wooooo!!! I feel like I can crush rocks with these hands Wooohoooo!!!"

Jin returned home with a happy expression on his face...






In the Silent Night, guards slacking off, and two men wearing black cloaks exit the forest.

As the two men entered

the gates  of Yeon-in, a guard

noticed them, "Who are you people?!" The guard yelled while frantically trying to wake up his companion.

"He saw us, shall we kill him?" The man with the two sickles asked.

"Make it quick, and hide the body, I'll go on first."


The man gripped his sickles and quickly climbed the tower the two guards were on.

Before the guard even

notices, the man has already

sliced—Swishh!—off their heads.

The other man walked to the slums of Yeon-in, his footstep loud enough to engulf the silence, the sound of his footstep halted when he reached a shack.

He knocked on the door and a voice came out from the other side.

"Who is it?" The man peeked through the window.

"It's the Shadow Saber Bandits."

(W/n: My friend said that name is so cheesy, I don't care the Shadow Saber Bandits stays strong!)

The door was quickly opened and the man entered.

"Took you long enough, where is Jeo-gun?"

"He was doing some business."

"Let's wait for him then we'll discuss our plans."