

"How's that you bas—"

"HEY YOU TWO!" the voice called out to us again.

Jin and Gak Eun looked at the figure that called them.


"L-L-Lady Kosdae?!" Gak Eun blushed while shaking on his knees.

Jin glanced at Gak Eun, "the hell happened to this dude?"


Kosdae pointed at them.

"Y-Y-Yes! Lady Kosdae!" Gak Eun replied with a flustered expression, Gak Eun got on his knees, "please forgive me, Lady Kosae!"

Jin scratches his head, "now what? Guess I'll just run," Jin takes a deep breath and sprints at an explosive speed.


"HEY YOU CRIMINAL DON'T RUN AGAIN!" Kosdae called out to her servant, "take that criminal over there!" Kosdae pointed at Gak Eun.

As Jin continues running he thinks to himself, "I can't even gamble am I gonna pay the old man now?" he keeps running until he stumbled upon a sign.

Hiring a waitress.

Pay: 10 copper coins per hour.

—Chu San Inn

Jin grabs his chin, "hmmm, well my Master says I look like a woman sometimes." Jin immediately buys a dress and makeup with his money and heads to his house. "Now I've got to hide from Master..." Jin entered through his window and locked the door, Jin applied the makeup meticulously across his fac—

"Jin! Jin! Where are you?" Babo shouted his footsteps getting closer to Jin's room. Babo tries to open Jin's door but feels that it has been locked, "huh?" Babo forcefully broke the door by punching the lock, and there he saw—


Babo tried to hold his laughter as he saw Jin's appearance, "fuckin' shit you look like a clown," Babo covered his mouth.


"Stop laughing you dumbass! I'm gonna have a Job!" Jin said angrily as he pouted.

"And what job may that be?"


"H-Hey! I'm doing this to pay for the rings that I broke! At least help me out here!"


"Clean up your face I'll teach you how it's done."





"Stay still," Babo carefully and evenly applied the makeup all over Jin's face, making sure every detail was perfectly in place. "There."

Jin looked at the mirror and saw a woma— himself, "how do you know this stuff? Wait how do you know?" Jin asked while carefully inspecting his face.

"Secret. Wear that dress faster, I'll come with you."

"You mean you would be—"

"No not that, dumbass."





Babo knocks at the Inn and a man comes outside.

"I heard you people are hiring a waitress."

The man looked at Babo, "we are not hiring old geezers. We are hiring waitresses."

"Oh! Not me, this one!" Babo points at me.

The man looked so stunned when he looked at Jin, his face lightened up, and his cold expression disappeared in an instant.

"How old is she?"

"16 of course!"

"That's a fucking lie you fucktard." Jin whispered to himself.

Babo rubbed his hands together, "shall we talk about the pay for my granddaughter?"

"Yes, absolutely."

"But before that, I have some conditions." Babo pointed at the man.


"Yes, She will not work at weekends, and she has one day off per month," Babo replied

"I'm afraid, I ca—"


"Fine..fine.." the man sighed.


"W-what?!" The man hesitated for a moment, "I'll see how she performs first. She'll start tomorrow as a waitress and a performer."







"Jin, listen up. I'm gonna teach you how to dance now, watch me." Babo's graceful dancing is a mesmerizing sight to behold. His hands flow like gentle waves, while his feet move with perfect balance, never missing a step.

"This would've been a sight to behold if he wasn't a man," Jin whispered to himself.

"Your turn."

"What?!" Jin has a surprised look on his face, sweat dripping down his face.

"Your turn," Babo replied.

"With these weights?"


Jin made an effort to imitate Babo's gestures, but he struggled due to his crude movements and lack of balance.

"Just to let you know, you're gonna perform that tomorrow. I'll beat you up if you mess up."


As soon as he heard this Jin replicated Babo's gestures again, his movements were still rough and imbalanced but it's definitely better than his last attempt. Jin continues practicing until it's completely dark outside.







"You're next," The Owner said to Jin.

After the last performer finished it was Jin's turn in performing.

Jin was about to perform when he saw a familiar face entering the door—

"Kosdae Chun!?"

—Jin covered his mouth before a gasp exited his mouth.

"Don't mind her, just dance."

As Jin gracefully dances, his flowing hair cascades down his back, as beautiful and elegant as his dress. His radiant face exudes a beauty that rivals even the renowned Meoni Chun only one thought is in his mind,

"Babo is gonna kill me, Babo is gonna kill me, Babo is gonna kill me, Babo is gonna kill me."

After Jin's beautiful and elegant dance performance came to an end, the entire audience erupted into cheers and applause, filling the room with immense joy and appreciation.

"Who is she?" a man asked the owner.

"Su Yoo-Jin."

Everyone soon tossed silver and gold coins onto the stage.

"Woooo! Su Yoo-Jin!"

"Su Yoo-Jin!"

"You're the best!"

Jin then headed to the back then he saw—


"Uuhhh....I saw your dance...I was could...teach me?" Kosdae said while fidgeting her fingers.

Jin has never seen this side of Kosdae and is subconsciously captivated by her charm, "uhhh, sure!" Jin said without a second thought. "Wait! That's a bad idea wait, wait, wai—"

"Good! I'll be seeing you tomorrow!" Kosdae said, her eyes beaming with joy. She then runs off outside while waving at me.

"What the hell. . . happened?"

as Jin was contemplating what happened someone suddenly grabbed his shoulder.


"Good job, Su Yoo-Jin!" the manager said enthusiastically, "I hope we'll see more of that dance of yours, ok?"

"Of course!"






Jin returned home after the performance and Babo greeted him.

"How's the performance?"

Jin throws him a pouch of coins, "It went great!"

"Then take off that dress and makeup so you can continue your sword training!"







