Chapter 128: You're a Whore, Not the Daughter of Alpha




In the depths of the northern underground, a slave auction was about to commence in a sordid nightclub. The buyers, all masked, sat at the foot of the stage, auction paddles in hand, eagerly awaiting the proceedings.


Dyson sat closest to the auction block, a wolf mask covering his face, a glass of champagne in his grasp. As a favored patron of the nightclub, he was entitled to special treatment.


As the room's lights dimmed, the master of ceremonies ascended the stage, enthusiastically announcing the auction's official start to the raucous crowd.


Amidst cheers, a portly, red-faced man dragged a naked woman onto the stage, bound by a leather leash. Fear etched her face, her neck encircled by ropes, her hands tied, only her feet free to shuffle.