Chapter 64 Diverging Paths

As night fell, we set up a campfire in the midst of this digital wonderland. The flames flickered with a peculiar blue hue, casting an eerie light on our faces. We sat in a circle, the silence between us heavy with unspoken thoughts. The beauty of the virtual world around us contrasted sharply with the turmoil within our group.

"Lily, why do you trust the prophecy so much?" I asked, breaking the silence. "What do you see that I might be missing?"

Lily looked at me, her eyes reflecting the firelight. "It's not just about trust, Alex. It's about faith. The prophecy has been a guiding force throughout history, and it has led us to this point. I believe it has a purpose, one that we are meant to fulfill."

Eve sighed, rubbing her temples. "I understand the need for faith, but we can't let it blind us. We've seen how manipulative this virtual realm can be. What if the prophecy is just another tool used to control us?"